I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1258: Protected little tits

All of this was born too fast, and An Lin and Jiu Cai Shenque were completely out of reach.

When An Qilin moved, he ignited five thunderous thunderballs.

Thunderball is also tempered. After seeing An Qilin rushing over, he took the initiative to hit the past.

"Be careful!" Although she didn't know what Anlin's golden light doll was, she instinctively shouted.

An Qilin opened his mouth with a smile, and the blue thunder ball in front of him was a bite!


It swallowed the thunder ball into the belly, and the golden little belly swelled instantly and bulged in different parts over time.

It seems to be the internal thunderball, still struggling and colliding.

The nine-color gods saw this scene, and the whole bird was stunned: "Is this a joke? Can even swallow such a terrible thunderball? Can you really kill yourself?"

Although Anlin was surprised, he was still calm and guessed: "Maybe because An Qilin itself is a mine, so not afraid?"

"An Qilin? His surname is An... is your son?!" Jiu Cai Shenque exclaimed.

"Son a fart! He is a pet I have raised in the sea." Anlin hurriedly explained.

The nine-color **** bird is even more shocked: "Can the sea have pets?"

An Lin stunned his eyebrows: "The explanation in three words is unclear."

At this time, the other four Thunderballs saw that the brothers were swallowed, and they were even more angry. They roared and slammed into the Aquille, seemingly trying to kill An Qilin.

If you return to the virtual environment, you can hit a ball and hit it directly.

But An Qilin is not only afraid, but more excited to pounce on the Thunderballs!





An Qilin is facing four thunderballs, which is a four-link!

All the thunderballs were swallowed by him!

The nine-color **** bird was stunned, and Anlin was shocked. He was a bit worried that this guy was eating. You must know that these five Thunderballs are not simple, that is, even the nine-color gods are jealous, and there are Thunderballs with the power of the source!

An Qilin's body kept bulging, and five small **** were madly colliding in its body.

"An Lin... Really... really no problem? Should we avoid hiding?" The nine-color gods are worried that An Qilin will suddenly explode. At that time, the power released will definitely be more harmonious. The power of her can not be eaten.

An Lin had not spoken yet, and An Qilin opened his mouth.


A fullness falls and its body becomes subdued.

The bulging body also returned to normal, as if nothing had been born before.

Anlin is trying to go over and look at the situation. An Qilin’s waist suddenly bursts!

Five small red **** of different colors suddenly appeared in the waist, connected by gold and thunder, such as the belt attached to the waist, no, they become the thunder ball belt!

Blue Thunder Ball, Red Thunder Ball, Golden Thunder Ball, Green Thunder Ball, Purple Thunder Ball, five kinds of Thunder Balls released bursts of horror, but like a younger brother wandering around An Qilin.

"My mother, I have no eyes. What is the situation? Is it turning the horrible thunder ball into a belt?!" The nine-color gods were shocked and screamed. She felt that her three views were refreshed again. Once.

Anlin walked a little curiously to An Qilin.

An Qilin crossed the waist of Anlin and raised his small head, and he was old-fashioned.

An Lin poked the belt of An Qilin's waist, and a very vast expanse of heaven and thunder was introduced into the body from the fingers, causing him to tremble.

At that moment, some kind of resonance was born.

Then there are countless Lefa's true intentions, and it will blow up in my mind! !

"An Lin, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that An Lin suddenly trembled like an electric shock, the nine-colored **** bird flew to the side and asked.

"Nothing." An Lin returned to God from the mighty power of the thunder.

The An Qilin, who had enough to eat and drink, turned into a golden light and returned to the sea of ​​Anlin.

An Lin's double brightening, faintly a few full of Rayman flashing in the corner of his eye.

He held out a finger.


Rayman flashes, a blue, red, gold, green, purple, five-color lightning jumps on the tip of the finger, releasing a very beautiful color.

The horrific Lei Wei, the formation of substantial fluctuations spread toward the void, so that the nine-color **** can not help but a heart.

"This is... just a few thunderballs?"

"Can you not only use it, but also integrate them together?!"

The nine-color goddess looked at the beautiful and dazzling thunder on the fingertips of Anlin, and shouted in shock.

"How, isn't it right? This is my golden sorrow, and the fusion of the five Lei Lei's origins," Anlin smiled smugly.

"It’s not bad, it’s too abnormal, it’s incredible?!” The colorful eyes of the goddess were so beautiful that they looked at the thunder of Anlin’s hand.

"Give it a name, why not call Rainbow Ray? How?" Ann Lin said again.

The nine-colored **** finch pulled the corner of his mouth: "You are happy."

Anlin took the wings of the colorful bird and smiled and said: "Now I have solved the danger for you. You can leave here."

Jiu Cai Shenque shook his head and said: "Although the dilemma of the thunderball has been solved, there is still a very powerful trap here..."

Anlin pointed to the void.


The trapped battle collapsed.

An Lindao: "What about now?"

Nine color gods: "..."

One person and one bird jumped into the sky and returned to the thunder pool.

"My sun **** feathers were slightly broken by the thunder ball, the energy is not enough, we hurry to the end of the thunder pool!" Jiu Cai Shenque screamed.

At this moment, the horrible Thunder covered with the void, as if consciously, let them go, leaving an empty space for An Lin and Jiu Cai Shen.

Anlin smiled and said: "Now don't worry, they don't dare to marry us."

Nine color gods: "..."

Even the colorful thunder outside can be manipulated! ?

This is simply hanging!

She suddenly felt that she couldn't understand Anlin more and more~www.readwn.com~ Right, little girl, you will change back to the original appearance! "An Lin suddenly said.

“Hey? Why?” The nine-color gods freaked up and felt.

Anlin’s request, it’s not like the way I like humans... like it...

"Why? Isn't this nonsense? Your bird is too big. I have to increase the number of Lebys I control before, or the size is small, I save effort!" Anlin didn't have a good air.

Nine color gods: "..."

Suddenly I felt heartbroken and wanted to beat people.

A dazzling brilliance flashed.

Wearing a colorful dress, the petite girl appeared beside Ann Lin.

Nine different colors of color enamel danced beside her, and the light of her face made her look like a fairy, and her face was exquisite. The big eyes of the gods glanced at Anlin with some resentment, which was quite annoying. : "Is this satisfied?"

"Oh, perfect! Such a little girl is the cutest." Ann Lin gave a thumbs up.

"Hey, let's go." The little bird girl took a look at An Lin, stepping on the red high heels and taking the lead in the front.

But at this time, her delicate and soft hand was pulled by An Lin.

"You... what are you doing?"

"Don't open the distance without permission, take me away, don't increase my mine control workload!"


The face of the little girl was white and red, and she happened to be down. Her body was close to Anlin, and she walked slowly toward the front. The thunder roared around and covered her panic heartbeat.

No matter how terrible the thunder, when Anlin approaches, he will see the king of the thunder, and they will all go down.

Inexplicable, the little bird thinks that Anlin is quite safe.


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