I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1284: Alfalfa distribution problem

The sudden appearance of the red bucket scared two members of the Tang Dynasty.

However, they quickly returned to the red bucket with a faster speed.

"Tang thirteen swords, Lushan!" A man out of the sword, the sword is like a rainbow, dazzling, with the mountains breaking off the sea, extremely overbearing to fall on the raised wall.

Bang! The high wall was so smashed by the man.

The red bucket fell from the high wall, and had not had time to do something. Another man had already rushed to the front of it and took a shot!

The red bucket rushed back in the air.

The force violently collided.

The red bucket screamed and was shot by a man.

"Hey, ask you to disagree? What are you counting?" The man in the palm of his hand was disdainful, snorted and continued to flee.

But he still didn't take two steps. Suddenly there was a terrible impact behind him. The powerful energy almost tore his body, as if to smash his spine together!

"Hey!" The man didn't even have time to react. A blood spit out. The body flew forward like a cannonball. It flew farther than the red bucket. When it fell to the ground, the body golden light was already hit.

"Do you want to fly a flesh, is it worth it?"

An extremely indifferent voice came.

It was Anlin who came, and he delayed the time with the red bucket, and easily caught up with the two who fled.

After the shot, he kept on foot and continued to chase the man with the sword.

The air that Anlin touched was slightly distorted. For example, when Peng Peng swayed straight, the air around him was not only resistance, but the help of his actions, which accelerated his speed.

Peng Peng, the **** of the beggars!

A few seconds later, An Lin rushed behind the man holding the sword.

The man knows that he can't run away, and turns to fight for death. The long sword in his hand sways white ripples in the void, and stabs to Anlin with the thunder.


The long sword stabbed a very hard thing, and the birth hindered the castration.

The man's pupil slammed, and the part of his stab was actually the hand of Anlin.

Anlin directly blocked his sword with his palm!

This person, even if it is the body of the Tao, is the body defense so horrible?

This is simply a desperate strength gap!

"This time, you can't escape." An Lin grinned, holding the palm of his hand and holding the tip of the sword tightly, while the Lushan fist went to the man's face.


The golden light roared.

The man rolled to the ground and the golden light shone.

The last member of the Tang Dynasty royal family, out.

The members of the Tianzhu Hall, the members of the Tang Dynasty, were saddened.

"Mu Rongtian and Murongsha, these two fools, can you learn about the Yanhe royal family? Is Anlin also provoked?"

“It’s not the same kind of road.”

"Hey, eight people, there are only two people left now, and there is no hope for the peach tree..."

The members of the Tang Dynasty royal family are full of sadness, and the April 9th ​​Emperor Xianzong is joyous.

"Ouye! The Anlin Sect is really the best!"

"So I got a peach tree so soon, we have a peach to eat."

"The master is really good, and the words must be done, and they are invincible!"

"Nine trees of peach trees, Anlin students won a tree, the windrunner of the creation hall won a tree, and there are still seven. We still have the opportunity to get more peach trees!"

Everyone was very excited to look at the picture of Anlin, looking forward to his next performance.

In the space of enlightenment and glory.

Anlin pulled up the red bucket that fell to the ground and said, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Red Doo shook his head and turned his eyes to the ring in the hands of An Lin. "The thing about the peach..."

"I know that the red bucket friend you are on the peach, but also provided information, out of force, naturally will not treat you badly. Well ... how about this allocation, we are eight or two?" An Lin gently Said.

The red bucket smashed a bit, and then some of them were scorned: "Anlin Road friends, this is not good, I think you can get more."

"What do you mean, are we nine points? You are so excessively demanded... I agree!" Anlin waved his hand and cheered.

"Ah?" The red bucket slammed a bit, then returned to God, and burst into anger, "You...Anlin! You want to divide 90%?!"

It also thought that the eighty-two points that Anlin said before, it is divided into eight, Anlin is divided into two, after Nima is reversed?

"I also provide the location of the peach tree, and contribute, how can you get so little? You are robbery, it is robbery!" Red bucket almost growled and sorrowful.

Anlin was depressed: "So I only said eighty-two points. You have to think that I can do a little more. What can I do? You are not satisfied now, then forget it, let's continue with August 26."

The red bucket had big eyes and the chest exploded.

It is mad!

"No, the value I create is far more than this. It can't be like this!" Red Doo is angry and grievously looking at An Lin.

It beats Anlin, and can only hope to use words to let Anlin change his attention, although this possibility is very small.

"It's a fickle red bucket." An Lin whispered slightly. "Let's do it, read your hard work in the Red Brothers and the past love, seven or three points."

The red bucket heard a glimpse, apparently did not expect that the strong Anlin really changed his mind.

I don't know why, some little touched in my heart.

Anlin took out the peach tree, and the tree-filled peaches gave off a rosy lustre, which was tempting and fascinating.

He counted it, and a tree had exactly one hundred peaches.

Anlin gave thirty peach red buckets, which will reclaim the peach trees.

"Thank you." Red bucket took some touches of peaches.

Soon, they set foot on the road again.

In this world, the squad is not only in need of strength, but also in the limited time to discover the smell of the peach tree.

Anlin and Hongdou are running on the continuous hills~www.readwn.com~The highland is undulating, green and looks very eye-catching.


The ground suddenly trembled.

In the distance, there is a small mushroom cloud rising.

Anlin saw the explosive energy, his eyes jerked.

"This power, not wrong, is the power of Cheng Ge!"

Anlin was excited to find the position of his teammates for the first time and rushed in that direction.

"Anlin Road friend, wait for me!" Red Dou saw Anlin, who suddenly sprinted and rushed, chasing after him, but desperately found that it was running much slower than Anlin.

A space filled with fire and smoke.

Xuanyuan Cheng’s sword was violently breathing, and there was blood in his body. In front of him, two handsome men with white wings were lying on the ground, and the golden light of the body kept flashing.

But not far away, there are still two strong white feathers, flying in the sky, full of hostile look at Xuanyuan.

"Xuan Yucheng, give up the struggle, you have no way to retreat, tell me, where the other two disappeared in the snowy mountain?" Xue Lier pointed Xuanyuan sincere and opened.

"With me, you don't want to find them!"

Xuanyuan sincerely pulled up the sword and showed the decisive color.

"If that's the case, you will give me a break." A six-winged white-feathered man, with no expression, changed his body, and began to appear thousands of extremely sharp white swords behind him, sharp and shocking, extremely terrifying.

He is the holy angel of Michael in the Garden of Eden, the super power of the way!

"With me, you don't want to hurt me honestly!"

In the distance, a man ran fast and heard the sound of the whole world.


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