I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1321: On the occasion of the survival of heaven

The aliens who rushed out were smashed at the time. How many thousands of wind and evil strongmen were completely destroyed in an instant? Do you want to be so exaggerated! !

"Do you have to make up enough people first, or do you rush straight up?"

Anlin stood with the sword and whispered.

The dozens of aliens who rushed out looked at each other and did not speak, but they turned very tacitly and rushed toward the door of the outside world. It was the original way back...


The teachers and students involuntarily took a breath.

They are also preparing for a **** battle and seeing this scene dumbfounded.

"This...they ran like this?"

"Spiriting a sword, retreating from the aliens, arrogant!!"

"Too great, how can Anlin students be so handsome?"

"The Qinghua Emperor of the Five Emperors has been hit hard, and the situation is not good."

"This is the center of the battle, the students who are low-educated, in order to avoid the impact of the battle, escape this place!"

The teachers are not very optimistic about the current situation. They are still evacuating the students. They are geniuses who have not yet grown up and must never die here.

Beyond the blue prismatic enchantment, dozens of powers returning to the virtual world have been gathered.

They are the top strength of heaven.

The sudden disaster has already affected the survival of the heavens. No big power will choose to stay out of the way. Even the heavenly warrior Yang Lan, who is in a secret retreat, and the monks who are engaged in the battle for the road, are gathered here!

One by one, the earth-shattering technique, do not want to rush to the blue prismatic enchantment.

However, the enchantment under the wind gods is impregnable, not to mention breaking open, even a crack of a trace, this scene makes the immortals feel desperate.

"Well, Qinghua Emperor has been hit hard!"

"Only a single blow will erase the joint attack of the Lai Wei Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor. What kind of horror is this?"

"It is said that it is the authority of heaven and represents the will of heaven."

"The will of the sky? Is it true that the catastrophe of the Purple Star is now going to break out?"

"There is no doubt that this time it is against the battle of our entire Terran!"

The immortals are all heavy, but they still insist on bombarding the enchantment. I hope that with unremitting efforts, even a gap will be good.

"The group of students is also very dangerous, we have to save them!"

"Oh... Anlin is so powerful, it’s really a **** of war. If the wind **** does not shoot the students, I think the students have Anlin cover, there is no danger." A fairy sees Anlin’s sword. Suddenly exclaimed.

嫦娥 嫦娥 裳 , , , , , , , , 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳 裳

She looked at the white figure in the enchantment, and the corner of her mouth could not help but hang a shallow smile, nodded slightly.

With Anlin, the safety of Susu can be guaranteed.

It is imperative to fight with Fengtian...

Yang Wei holds the first-order artifact Sancha Shenque, the feet wear the fairy phoenix gold boots, wearing the fairy-level Lingyu flying jersey, just standing in the void, inadvertently releasing the invisible warfare, can make all the timid people directly faint .

He opened his mouth and said that he could smash all things, dialysis all the eyes, and stare at the blue diamond enchantment, trying to find out the defects of the enchantment.

"Jiro Lang, how is it?" Yu Ding Tianxian asked urgently.

Yang Biao's brows are slightly wrinkled: "There is a rule of law in the enchantment, and it is not a simple rule, but a law that carries the will of heaven!"

The will of the day?

Even though many immortals were psychologically prepared, they still couldn’t help but exclaim.

They thought about facing all kinds of strong enemies, but they never thought that one day they would have to be right against this piece of heaven! This is really going against the sky! !

"How about the will of the sky, as long as the strength is strong enough, even if it is the sky, we can also fall it down!" Just when the immortals feel extremely difficult and heavy, a pleasing but encouraging word is in the ear. It sounded and the fairy people trembled.

The immortals looked at the place where the sound came from, and saw a small white fluffy ball, waving its delicate wings and flying in the air, puffing a small mouth, and the cute little face was full of awe, as if To be awkward.

"Come on, things are man-made, people will win the day! Let us break this **** sky!" White Meng pets shouted loudly and his voice was full of excitement.

All immortals: "..."

It’s Snowy Day, and Dabai and others.

Many immortals know the urinary nature of the snowy days, so it is natural to ignore this item and continue to look at the battle in the enchantment.

Inside the enchantment.

After the wind gods blocked the attack of the two emperors, they took a shot, and the transparent palms broke the dozens of defensive techniques of the Ziwei Emperor, and the Ziwei Emperor smashed into the mainland, with hundreds of mainlanders. The peaks are flattened together.


The Ziwei Emperor spit out a blood mixed with visceral debris.

The wind **** is only a move, and he will be seriously injured by a great emperor!

The immortals outside the enchantment saw that it was a frightening battle. It is necessary to know that the emperors in front of them are among the super powers in the world. As a result, in the face of Fengtian, even if he could not do it, he would fall to such an end.

The opponent is not powerful enough to explain.

This is completely an unreasonable opponent!

Feng Tianshen raised his hand ~www.readwn.com~ is about to shoot the Emperor of the Emperor together. When the Emperor of the Emperor saw it, he immediately used the Thunder Instant Artifact, and the body flashed the thunder, and it flashed in the void.

In a second of time, the spatial orientation has changed tens of thousands of times!

The hands of the wind gods paused and did not seem to know where to start.

The immortals finally saw hope.

"Is the authority of that heaven seem to be unable to keep up with the speed of the Emperor?"

"It is not invincible!"

"Yeah, it also has weaknesses. In terms of speed, the Emperor of the Emperor is going to surpass it. This is the advantage of the Great!"

At this moment, Feng Tian Shen suddenly grinned.

It spread his hands and pressed it to the ground!


That moment, as if the sky collapsed!

The power of terror falls from the sky and covers hundreds of miles.

The inexhaustible force carries the Huanghuang Tianwei down, and the earth is sag.

The Emperor, who is flickering and avoiding the opportunity to attack, can't escape such a large amount of crushing pressure, and the body is suddenly pressed to fall on the ground.

"Wind, everywhere, heaven, everything."

"How can you avoid my attack?"

Feng Tian Shen raised his head, and Jin Jin is full of indifference.

Suddenly, Fengtian Shen felt the power that shrouded the whole world.

A large array of dark colors appeared on the ground and instantly engulfed the sun.

The big array is huge and complicated, and the road is far from the end. This is the most advanced stage of the joint level. It reveals the deepest power of silence, as if to destroy and devour everything.

A man came to the void: "Thank you for fighting for the world for me, swallowing the sky has been completely motivated, how is the sky, my longevity, today will swallow it!!"

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