I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1326: Last hope

The battle between the Wind Devils and the teachers and students is believed to be coming soon.

However, teachers and students are hard to come by because they know that the battlefield that really determines the fate of the heavens is not theirs here, but the battlefield of the five emperors and the wind gods in the distance.

Mingyuan Jianxian can be said to be the teacher who knows the most about Anlin. His eyes look at the place where Anlin is, and the strange light is shining, like a cloud like a fog, and soon he sees the moon and becomes Clear and translucent.

"Your fate is the most amazing. I usually can't participate in your life, but this time, no matter how I perform, your result is death..."

The fate of the sword and the face of the sorrowful face, after a moment of slowing down, shook his head again: "But it is not necessarily, this is just the future of my deduction. No one can do all the possibilities in the world. I still feel hopeful. ""

At the moment, in the battlefield of the Five Emperors.

In the invincible position, Fengtian Shen once again beat the five emperors who were desperately fighting.

"It is a tenacious enemy, developed to the ultimate Shinto, it is difficult to remove." Feng Tian Shen step by step to the blood of the heavens.

There are already a few shocking blood holes in the body of the Emperor, and the Jinyuan war is raging in the blood hole, still destroying his body.

He squatted on the ground and gasped fiercely. Even if he was trembling, his spirit was extremely overdrafted and his breath was so devastating that he did not fall completely.

The Emperor of Heaven can't fall down. Once he falls, the heavens are really finished! !

He looked up and looked at the gods who came towards him. He pulled his lips and smiled and said: "Oh... there is still a gap between you and Heaven. If the heavens are going to destroy me, why bother? So you are here, still very Was it greatly unconsciously suppressed by the heavens?"

"How is it, killing you is as easy as it is." Wind gods are indifferent, the wind in the hands condenses into a golden wind knife, and it is necessary to end the life of the Emperor.

Outside the enchantment.

All the hearts of immortals have mentioned the eyes of the blind.

The Seven Fairies are fighting for the enchantment and shouting the name of the Emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven represents not only the highest fighting power of the heavens, but also the spiritual pillar and true leader of the existence of the heavenly court. If the heavenly emperor is degraded, is the heavenly court still the former heavenly court?

Yang Lan holds the trigeminal god, three eyes round, biting his teeth, but there is absolutely nothing to do: "Does my heavenly court really want to be destroyed?"

He sighed and sighed, looking intently to somewhere in the enchantment, the beauty moved slightly.

"Dead." Feng Tian Shen fell.

The body of the Emperor of Heaven is unable to escape the fast-moving knife.

The wind rushed, and a black shadow fell from the sky, squatting on the edge of the golden long knife.


The sound of the collision of gold and iron exploded.

During the splattering of the gods, the trajectory of the golden knives deflected and fell to the side of the Emperor.

The land that has been reinforced by the large-scale nursing school, and the land that has been smashed by the mountains of the mountains, is still tearing out a dozen miles of gullies!

Anlin fell on the ground and picked up the Emperor and then withdrew the kilometer.

The sudden change made the wind **** a slight glimpse.

The immortals outside the enchantment changed their faces and looked at the scene in front of them.

"This... isn't that Anlin?"

"It's Anlin, it's really Anlin! Anlin is running with the Emperor!"

"He is the little **** of heaven?"

Some immortals looked at the white figure, and inexplicably ignited a glimmer of hope.

But more, it is pessimistic.

The terrible of the **** of the wind, let alone the **** of war, even if the real **** of war, Yang Lan, is certainly not an opponent, it is not a level.

"Why is this time, you have to stand up, do you want to be so stupid?" Lin licked his lips, a pair of misty eyes staring at the man who kept going backwards, and his heart could not tell. What kind of feeling.

"Seven sisters, shouldn't we cheer for Anlin at this time?" The Tianshou fairy, who was dressed in red, suddenly began to speak.

"That is, Anlin is so delicious to cook, and the fight is definitely very powerful. Don't be discouraged, we must cheer for him!!" Tianxian Fairy echoed.

Lin Biao only came back to this time.

Now they can't do anything. All they can do is cheer up.

"When is Anlin's cheerleader?" At the thought of this, Lin Biao, who was full of despair, couldn't help but laugh.

In the dark future, suddenly there is a little light that makes her so happy.

In this way, outside the enchantment, there were seven voices of the fairy who cheered loudly, and the voice was incompatible with the situation of the heavenly court today.

Anlin looked up and looked at the seven fairies outside the enchantment and smiled.

"How did you stand up, are you crazy?"

The Emperor of Heaven next to Anlin forced himself to take a breath and blamed it.

He Lin knows the strength of Anlin. Although it is very strong, it is much worse than the Five Emperors. It is not a level with Fengshen. What is the difference between standing up and looking for death?

"I don't stand up, you are dead now." An Lindao.

Emperor: "..."

"Do not worry, the next thing will be handed over to me." An Lin placed the Emperor on the rock, simply lost a bodyguard, and turned to face the wind god.

The state of Fengtian is very strange at the moment. Instead of rushing to attack, he looked at the golden wind knife in his hand and rubbed his head. His face seemed to be inexplicable.

The tense atmosphere suddenly became strange~www.readwn.com~ What is Wind God doing? ”

"It seems... seems to have concerns about Anlin?"

The fairy gods suddenly had a bold guess.

"Impossible, Anlin is only a realm of the gods. On the other hand, the strength of the battle is the peak of the return to the illusion. How can the wind gods have concerns for him..."

Just when the fairy is confused.

Anlin finally moved.

Yes, Anlin chose to shoot first!

At this level of competition, when the enemy is not ready, it is the most important thing to win the first opportunity and become an advanced attack.

Black source!

Wind wing!

Wind sword!

The speed of Anlin skyrocketed to the peak, and the whole person rushed to the front of the **** of the wind, and the victory of the evil sword smashed a dark and ruthless track.

Feng Tian Shen saw An Lin, who was swaying his sword, very fast, but for it, it was very slow.

It promptly lifts the knife to block the trajectory of the attack of the evil sword.

The victory sword suddenly changed the trajectory in midair, and smashed the arm of the knife! !

"Interesting, licking my arm, anyway, there is a barrier to the wind, to isolate all the damage, how can you do it once..."

The wind gods are stunned, not to resist the swords of Anlin, the golden wind knife in the hand turns, and goes to Anlin’s head.

Many immortals have seen this scene and have been unable to bear to see it again.

Lin Biao and others are even more nervous to bite their lips, but they don't know.

Hey! !

Under the eyes of countless immortals.

An arm holding a gold knife slammed into the sky.

The flesh and blood are separated, the white blood splashes, and the sky is sprinkled.

This picture seems to have been fixed.

In the picture, the white man still retains the posture of the sword, and the arm of the wind **** has been extremely crisp and fallen! !

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