I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1339: Anlindu robbed back

The several robberies of An Lin and his beasts were at the Xiuxian United University.

The attitude of the school on this matter has also changed from laissez-faire to vigorously encouraging observation. It has to be said that the attitude of the school has changed a lot.

Their trust in Anlin is actually higher than ever.

The teachers, already in the heat, arranged for the students to observe the robbery.

"Come and come, everyone is standing in order to the defensive array arranged by the teacher, to avoid being affected by the aftermath of the robbery."

"Every classmates, everyone has to take a good look at how Anlin’s classmates have been robbed."

"Look more, learn more, feel the mood, learn the spirit of fighting and fighting with the sky, so that you can get good growth and improvement."

"An ancient life has a sword and a fairy tales, and Anlin has been robbed. In the first place, you will enter and return to the virtual. You have the same opportunity today, and you can get huge benefits by watching the Anlin robbing!"

The teachers either encourage or teach the students on the ground.

The courses to watch the robbery are not all year round. It is a rare event to watch the courses of the Anlin Ferry. Both the teachers and the students are very excited and look forward to it.

Some of the fans and sisters have even pulled up the banner and shouted the name of An Lin, cheering for his robbery.

An Lin is dressed in white, elegant and elegant, standing at the peak of Panlong Mountain.

"It’s awkward, it’s crazy...”

In the distance, firecrackers were released.


In the sky, a splendid fireworks are dotted with a white sky.

An Lin looked at the scene in front of him without a word, looking at the lovely classmates cheering for him in the distance, and his mouth could not help but be convulsed.

What Lao Tzu is doing is a solemn and sacred event.

What do you specialize in the general effect of the festival? What is going on?

The robbery is very nervous and serious! Not for class! !

Although my heart kept spitting, I saw that so many people came here to cheer him up for him. The heart he raised was gradually settled down.

Not far from him, Beast Chong, Xu Xiaolan, Xuan Yucheng, Su Shaoyun and others, are also cheering for him, seeing those familiar faces, and a little more happiness in his heart.

How is it that the horror of heaven is terrible? With these partners around, I am not afraid!

at the same time.

In the void in the distance, there is a cloud of white clouds.

Above the white clouds are the celestial beings of the heavenly courts. They are also quietly waiting for the robbing of Anlin. As long as there is no task to perform, they usually ran over.

Even the predecessor, the **** of war, who was not retreating for a long time, Erlang, Yang Lan, also led his mighty black dog to stand in the queue of the crowd.

No way, the popularity of Anlin is too much in the heavens.

Don't say Erlang God, Anlin may be able to rival the prestige of the Five Emperors of Heaven, such a star figure who robbed, who wouldn't want to come and join in the fun?

The heavenly courts arrived, and the five emperors were not absent. It’s just that they are chatting on the clouds that everyone can’t see, waiting for the scene of Anlin’s robbery.

"An Lin Xiaoyou last time robbery and sorrow, he recruited a golden robbery, and it was still a golden robbery after the mutating, but it was generally not treated by the imaginary power. Now he is robbing and returning to the virtual, I really don't know Come out and make some moths come out." The Emperor is now happy and worried.

Fortunately, Anlin can finally get to the next level.

Worryingly, whether Anlin’s robbery can survive this past.

It was so abnormal last time, this time I think it’s scary!

"Do not worry, the kid has a lot of means, there will be nothing wrong with it." Ziwei Emperor is confident in Anlin's honey juice, and opens his mouth.

At this moment, the teachers and students outside Panlongshan suddenly heard a burst of exclamation.

"Oh my God, is there such a beautiful fairy in the world?"

"Who is she, I look at it, I feel like I am in love!"

"Oops, the heart is not stable!"

Tens of thousands of teachers and students looked at the horizon with stunned eyes.

There, there was a woman wearing a white moon skirt falling down, and the light of the elves fluttering like a fairy, like a color plaque on her body. The face of the world, such as the goddess of the fallen,

"Hey! She is awkward! She still has a rabbit in her arms."

"Yes, she is really embarrassed. I didn't expect real people to be so beautiful than portraits."

"When the wind gods fought, it was far from clear, and now I can see clearly, I feel like I have to suffocate!"

"It is reported that the fairy tales are not smeared, and I did not expect to come to watch the murder of An Lin."

"Can Anlin’s superb robbery be a common thing? That’s the first big thing in the world!”

I was dissatisfied with the brain powder and immediately retorted.

I have to say that the arrival of the cockroach is still on the scene.

He fell from the sky and opened his arms.

Anlin’s heart was moving, and there was a feeling of being flattered. This was too warm, and the sudden welfare, he instinctively opened his arms.

Then, he and Su Shiyun were together.

An Lin: "..."

"Yeah, my sister, a lot of people look at you..." Su Xiaoyun, next to Anlin, looked red and soft and opened his mouth.

"Oh, get used to it, how come, dislike my hug?" There was a smile on his face, and of course, the eyes of the people were so fascinating.

"No...no..." Su Xiaoyun shook his head again and again.

Anlin put down his hands a little, cleared his throat, and said: "Well, that, you should retreat first, I officially started to rob!"

Had a good robbery, what happened to the two of you who showed me love?

"An Lin, come on!!"

Xu Xiaolan took Anlin forward and encouraged him softly.

Anlin felt the warm embrace of Xiaolan, because the discomfort of feeding dog food was alleviated.

"Do not worry, Xiaolan, I am invincible today!!" Anlin was very excited.

"Master, I am looking forward to the day when you are breaking the sky!" Snowy Day is also excited.

"Ange ~ www.readwn.com ~ waiting for you to come back to eat pan hot pot." Dabai encouraged, but also spit out his tongue, seems to have been dreaming of a happy hot pot dinner at night.

He took Su Xiaoyun’s little hand and fluttered and then withdrew. He smiled and said: “Come on, I’m the first time to cheer for others, you have to behave well.”

Under the blessing of the people, Anlin held the artifact to win the evil sword and took out the **** of the sky.

At this moment, he became the most dazzling presence between heaven and earth.

"Now I am a golden wood, fire, earth, thunder, yin and yang, the nine major exercises have been great, the evil spirits swordsmen with me, and there are gods to help..."

"And see how I prove to return to the virtual! Step on the sky!"


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