I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1346: Swallow authority!

The sea is tumbling, and the golden thunder is broken.

When An Lin’s face changed, suddenly there was a nausea.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Cheng Jin's Jin Xulei or Lei Tianshen, seeing the appearance of An Lin, suddenly nervous.

"You...you come over and see what's in my mouth..." Ann Lin reveals the painful color and greets Raytheon.

Lei Tianshen hurriedly approached Anlin, curiously widened his eyes, and wrapped his golden charm in his hand, as if he wanted to dialysis the body of Anlin.

"Strange, I seem to feel that the power you have been sealed by me is recovering..." Thunder God looked curious and approached Anlin's mouth.

Anlin is also nodding: "Yeah, so weird... vomit!!"

A group of golden light suddenly spit out from the mouth of An Lin, very fast, relying on the thunder near the mouth of the gods, there is no time to escape, was the group of gold light paste.

The golden light is a golden light man in red short-sleeved shorts. It opened a big mouth, and the mouth was bigger than the body, so it swallowed the thunder **** in front of it!

"Hey... let me go!!"

A thunderous anger screamed like a roar of the sky.

Jinguang villain's belly kept bulging and showing the painful color.

"An Qilin!" Anlin immediately mobilized all the strength of the body, blessing on the golden light villain. Even the Suzaku in the sea, exhaling the sacred fire to penetrate the sea of ​​air, directly acts on the body of An Qilin, helping Lei Tianshen in the body of An Qilin!

An Lin was shocked by the performance of An Qilin. An Anlin, who was in the air before, has been conveying to Anlin the idea of ​​wanting to eat into a pure gold. Even the power of the town where Anlin was sealed was broken by the strong appetite of An Qilin.

The power of An Qilin and even the thunder gods can be broken. Because of this, Anlin decided to fight and seduce Lei Tianshen and let An Qilin eat it!

Today, An Qilin really swallowed Thunder God! !

This made Anlin feel nervous when he was excited. He silently shouted for An Qilin in his heart: Come on, An Qilin, don't lose to Lei Tianshen!

"My mine brother, what's wrong with you? An Qilin quickly let go of my mine brother." An Lin angered and angered at the same time, while looking at An Qilin, full of encouragement.

Even if he really wants Raytheon to die, he still has to think about the retreat after the failure.

In the unlikely event that An Qilin can't, he can continue to be a brother with Lei Tianshen.

"Hey! Let me go, who are you, why can you suppress my strength?" Lei Tianshen roared and struggled wildly inside An Qilin.

An Qilin was unmoved and sat on the ground. Under the body, the golden scorpion was like a lotus flower, and it was full of dazzling yang, trying to digest the inner thunder god.

Not only did Raytheon not understand An Qilin, but even Anlin could not understand his own Aquila.

What is An Qilin in the end, why can it suppress the power of Thunder God?

You must know that Lei Tian Shen represents the authority of heaven, but that is the supreme power of the thunder, why can An Qilin be able to restrain it?

In this world, is there something higher than the sky?

Anlin is wondering, the golden light of An Qilin seems to be breaking through and breaking through the space.

Anlin was shocked. He felt a power from the body of An Qilin, which is like the power of the sky. It seems that it is the only thing in the heavens and the earth. Everything in the world has to surrender to it!

Lei Tianshen in An Qilin’s body struggled weaker and weaker, and could not be called out, as if the **** who stepped down the abyss step by step would eventually disappear into the boundless darkness.

An Lin can see that the golden body of An Qilin, now completely solidified, reveals the supreme divinity, and there is also a ring of thunder flashing on his head.

That is the **** ring that represents authority! !

An Qilin opened the majestic eyes, his face was full of solemn and sacred colors, and the mouth contained the Tianxian slowly opening: "Oh, yeah, yeah, oh yeah yeah..."

When Anlin heard these words, he trembled as if the words of the sky were whispering in his ear.

Although I don’t understand it, I feel very special!

After a quarter of an hour.

An Qilin's inner body, there is no sign of struggle.

"Oh, heaven and earth are not benevolent, everything is a dog. Raytheon, perhaps for you, 10,000 people are similar to the weeds on the ground."

"But for me, killing my people, even if you are heaven, I will kill you! Your result is to pay for what you did before!!"

Anlin looked at the place where Raytheon disappeared, and his face was firmly open.

At this time, the system in his body suddenly heard a "beep" sound.

It is detected that the host has swallowed the thunder of the heavenly authority, and now the fourth source of the Daoyuan source is the fourth. The source of the Daoyuan is the fifth heavy, the source of the Daoyuan is the sixth heavy, and the source of the Dafa is the seventh. Heavy, the ninth heavy method of the source of the law

When Anlin saw this column of information, the whole person was forced.

Hold the grass! What happened to me? !

Is this system going to be blown up? How many exercises have been completed at once?

He hasn't slowed down, and the endless thunder and magic, like a tsunami, poured into his mind, as if to blast his head.

"Ah! It’s dying to die, dying..."

An Lin shouted with pain in his head. It was not the system that was going to be fried, but himself! !

An Qilin still sat on the golden lei Leilian, looking at the painful Anlin, some stunned his head and looked innocent.

It is 6 at the beginning.

Tianting Xiuxian United University.

The robbery clouds in the sky can't see the margins, cover the sky, and the dark thunder.

On the Panlong Mountain where the robbery was over, there was already no one, but the clouds above the sky still did not disperse, and the clouds were like a dark vortex, like the end of the world.

The teachers, students and immortals on the crowd are worried.

"An Lin’s seniors have been in for so long, will not be a problem?"

"I didn't listen to Xu Xiaolan's school sister? If the robbery cloud has not disappeared, it will still be in the robbery. He must have been in a place we can't see!"

"The gods are invincible in the world, and they will be safe and sound!"

Compared with the optimism of the students [31 novel network update], the heavenly courts are pessimistic.

"The robbery clouds above the sky seem to be getting weaker."

"There is less and less gold and thunder in the Huanghuang Tianwei~www.readwn.com~ Is it true that the robbery is going away? The robbery is over, Anlin has not come out yet, it is hard to become Anlin. He has already... ..."

"Oh... the more enchanting people, the more likely they are to be shackled by the sky, and thus fall..."

The fairy people looked at the robbery cloud slowly disappearing on the sky, sighing, regret, and grief. If Anlin really died, it would be a tremendous loss for Tianting.

Xu Xiaolan was a young man with a green dress, standing on another hill, licking his lips, and staring blankly at the center of the robbery center: "No, no matter what the difficulty, Anlin can overcome, he even the sky Not afraid, how could it be lost to the district?"


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