I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1351: It’s time for humanity.

The king squid looked at the man on the stage and was willing to go down the wind.

It will not only be forced, but also lyrical, it really can't compare.

The commendation meeting of the campus came to an end in a very warm atmosphere.

Anlin returned to the small attic and continued to strengthen the realm of Xiandan.

He is not bad at the moment, and after he has used his various elixir medicines to make up his body, he can directly change from the new to the virtual to the true return of the original.

In the following period, Xu Xiaolan was responsible for making food and making money.

Anlin is responsible for stabilizing the realm.

Each animal pet is responsible for shouting 666.

Time flies, and the stars turn.

The blink of an eye is more than a month passed.

Anlin re-entered the Moon Hill and looked at the galaxy and the two rounds of the moon above the sky.

The two-month battle between Yan and the mysterious powerhouse has not yet produced a result, and no one can speculate that anyone will win.

However, after Anlin’s promotion and return to imaginary, he was able to slightly mobilize the power of the heavenly authority, but it was able to perceive the general situation of the fighting between the two sides.

"Red Moon is going to be unable to support it." An Lin’s mouth twitched slightly. "Is it true that it is not good to be honest? If you want to come to a big one, you dare to fight for it." I don’t know the moon. How long has it been prepared to compete with her? This is not a lively thing..."

A purple meteor crossed the night sky.

It does not fall into the other end of the night sky, but it is getting bigger and bigger in the vision of Anlin!

Yes, the direction in which it falls is the Moon Hill!

The light is fleeting.

When Anlin fixed his eyes again, a purple robe, a man with a cold and full of grace, appeared in front of Anlin.

"Ziwei the Great." Anlin lined the way.

"Anlin God of War." Ziwei Emperor also returned a ceremony.

Today, Anlin’s status is equal to the five emperors of heaven.

“Is things brought to you?” asked Ziwei the Great.

In the hands of An Lin, the ring of the ring flashed, and countless treasures flew out.

The energy fluctuations released by them even make the heavens and the earth discolored, and the sky trembles.

The eyes of Ziwei Emperor are bright: "The fairy material Xuan Xue Tian Hangen, the demon skeleton. The god-level material is the origin of the real dragon, the god-level material to kill the gods. The middle-class fairy fire and blood soul cross……"

"good very good!"

"These treasures can be combined with the forging of a piece of the type of artifact, but the order should not be as high as the artifacts that were forged by the treasure you sent last time."

An Lin smiled heartily: "It's okay, as long as it is an artifact, it will return to the virtual world. The treasures used should be upgraded into artifacts, or you will be sorry for your own realm."

The Ziwei Emperor’s mouth twitches, and this is what he said, so that those who have arrived at the border and have no artifacts, how to live?

"Okay, if there is nothing else, I will leave! I will become your full-time refiner in this time!" Ziwei Emperor really did not want to see Anlin again, and thought about leaving.

At the commendation conference of Xiuxian United University, all teachers and students were rewarded, and Anlin did not receive any rewards because Anlin’s treasures were too many and I really didn’t know what to reward.

Then, An Lin said, let Ziwei help me to refine an artifact, the material I am out.

In this way, Ziwei is unfortunately married to Anlin's special refiner.

An artifact is enough for him to be tired, and now there are two pieces!

Ziwei Emperor thinks tired and thinks tired!

"It's okay, thank you Ziwei's predecessors, Ziwei's predecessors are slow."

Anlin waved his hand and happily bid farewell to the Ziwei Emperor.

Say goodbye to Ziwei, Anlin did not leave directly, still quietly meditating on the Moon Hill.

Late at night.

The surroundings are very quiet, the cool breeze is swaying, with a few worms floating in the distance.

After an hour.

The moon cloud above the sky was broken, and a flowing figure began to appear.

He was a gorgeous red and white alchemy suit, and his body was round and round like a ball, as if he wanted to blow up the fragile alchemy suit, and his eyes smiled into a seam.

"Dan Dao, my preparation time is a long time, I have kept you waiting!!" The fat man greeted with excitement, and landed on the ground, and the whole moon looked like a trembling.

An Lin’s face is black: “Tell me Dan Dazu’s master again!”

The fat man in front of him is the chief alchemist of the Palace, Yin Xi.

"Well, don't call it, Anlin, you are suffocating..." Yin Xi hippie smiled. "Now are you ready? Prepare in various senses."

Anlin nodded. "I have already said goodbye to my family and friends. Now everything is ready, let's go."

Yin Xi's hands were turned into gold, inserted into the void, and opened a space door.

An Lin followed Yin Xi into the space door.

The violent space changes. After Anlin sees the scene again, he has come to a foot of the sky, and there is a dark space on his head.

A white-haired old man, dressed in a white robe, stands tall and stands tall, standing on the top of the Milky Way, overlooking the world.

He noticed the arrival of An Lin and Yin Xi, and immediately turned around, with a kind smile on his face, and his voice was as quiet as a spring breeze: "An Lin Xiaoyou, welcome to the beginning of the early Milky Way."

An Lin respects the ceremony: "Ancestral Anlin, see the moral esteem."

Yes, in front of him is the moral celestial being called the ancestor of Wan Xian, the teacher of the All Saints!

When Xu Xiaolan was a mortal, he promised Anlin’s request and re-casted the roots for Xu Xiaolan. Anlin also owed him a favor.

Moral Tianzun said at the time that the time was right, and asked Anlin to help him.

Now is the time~www.readwn.com~ because Anlin is back.

Now, it is time when Anlin comes back to that person.

"To be honest, the speed at which you are promoted to return to imaginary is really making me feel like a man of heaven. It is a lot faster than I expected." Moral Tianzun smiled gently, and his clear eyes looked at Anlin. With a touch of approval.

"Predecessors have won prizes. I don't really know how to cultivate immortals." An Lin squinted his head modestly.

Moral Heaven: "..."

"Cough... I will talk to you first, then I will ask you for help." Moral Tianzun waved with one hand, and the vast and innocent mainland turned into a map that appeared at the feet of the three.

He single-handedly, the inland sea at the center of the map, lit up.

"Do you know that in the early mainland, there is a place that is rarely known, there is a hole in the sky, it is a rare fairy land, it is within the Bai Qionghai."

Looking at the direction of Bai Qionghai, Anlin asked: "Predecessors want me to go there to do things?"

"Yes, there is a big world inside Bai Qionghai, named Shenyuan Continent. Because of the restrictions of the two boundaries, it can't bear the existence of the above-mentioned borders, so I am looking for your help."

"When you first turned the gods, you can rival the virtual world, but after all, it is still too weak. Nowadays, there is an opportunity to complete my task."

Anlin stroked his chin and frowned slightly.

I will be able to save most of the returning emptiness, and moral esteem will still wait for me to return to the virtual to let me perform this task. It seems that this task is not difficult...

“What do I need to go to Shenyuan to do?” asked Anlin.

Moral Heavenly Respect must smile: "There is only one thing, to capture the fragments of Heaven!"

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