I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1359: Infinite Green Hat

"We first act according to Liu Peng's established route, so it is not easy to be discovered, but also to inquire about the news, rest assured, I will protect you." An Lin whispered.

"Well, I listen to you." Yang Lingqian nodded.

Anlin came to the Imperial Palace to find the whereabouts of the fragments of Heaven. It would be better if you could sneak away from the fragments of the heavens without conflict.

After all, the super power of the road, which is not enchanting, there are many cards, which one is good to deal with? Shenyuan mainland, it is said that there are thousands of powers to return to the virtual world, and this is only a joint road. It is conceivable how scarce and horrible this is.

He has never really played with the super powers of the United States. Even if he is confident, he will not be able to win the package and win the game. It is just a slap.

Therefore, stealing the debris of the Heavenly Way was listed as the best option by Anlin.

Yang Lingqian’s mood has become a lot easier. I thought that Anlin’s fairy is not a dead madman. She knows how to advance and retreat. The previous words are scaring her.

Some of the emperor's angels who returned from the Griffin returned with their beautiful women, and Anlin followed them and found the way to the harem.

Yang Lingqian is the most beautiful of those beautiful women, so it attracted a lot of attention.

"Hey! Liu Pengdao friends, you brought the fairy king Xiaoyan, it looks very good." A eagle-headed tiger body, the Yuan beast walking upright, opened his face enviously.

An Lin looked at the side of the beast and smiled. "You don't have a taste of the fox girl you brought..."

The fox woman swayed the white tail and saw Anlin’s gaze not forgetting to throw a wink and show off the graceful figure.

It can be seen that this should be the embarrassing role of taking the initiative to go to the Queen's Palace.

"Ha ha ha ... I am generally like it, Xian Wang has been tired of wild game recently, and wants the human race to smash. I thought that the beauty of the Fox family was the favorite of the fairy king..." The Yuan beast One, and looked at Enlin with envy.

Ann Lin was a little surprised.

At this time, Yang Lingqian said: "The celestial kingdom is not only violent, but also ridiculous. In the entire mainland, he is interested in all kinds of ethnic beauty who resemble the human race. The harem is three thousand, More than half are not people, what foxes, mermaids, snake spirits, wild banshees, life tree spirits... he likes..."

An Lin took a sip of cold air, feeling this goods is not only a tyrant, but also a day Teddy fine?

It’s terrible. Is it masochistic?

Anlin went all the way and came to a huge triangular building with a height of several kilometers.

A woman with a very beautiful appearance is systematically recording the woman she brought.

When she saw Yang Lingqian brought by Anlin, she blinked: "What is your name?"

Yang Lingqian slightly bowed to the ceremony: "Little girl Yang Lingqian, the daughter of the mother of Yongyang City."

“Is it a virgin?” the woman asked again.

Yang Lingqian has a pretty face, but still nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, very good." The woman rejoiced and turned her eyes to Anlin. "Liu Peng, this time you did a good job, recruiting you, I will give you a full star."

Anlin pretended to be very happy, and said: "Thank you for your attention!"

Just then, there was a sudden sound in my mind.


The system interface lit up for a long time, and Anlin excitedly opened the system interface.

The host is detected close to Chunhua Palace, and the following special tasks are released:

The true God of War should be responsible for saving the people. It is now found that more than 2,000 women who were forced to imprison in the deep palace rescued at least 2,000 women and obtained the goodwill of two thousand beautiful women. The task was completed.

Mission success: gain the second most important skill of the gods, the magic of the gods.

Mission failure: I want this iron stick to be used? Yangshuo for one hundred years.

Note: The task time limit, one month, this task cannot be rejected.

An Lin: "..."

When Anlin saw this system, his heart seemed to be boring.

Why is the system old and his little brother can't go?

His little brother did not provoke the system! !

There are also more than two thousand beautiful women in the harem, and they also need to get the good feelings of two thousand beautiful women. The meaning of this task is to say...

Want to give the fairy king the wind to wear two thousand green hats?

Do you want to be so exciting? !

Anlin suddenly had some distressed winds...

"Come on, bring Yang Lingqian into Chunhua Palace." The gorgeous woman said.

Yang Lingqian turned his help to Anlin.

An Lin secretly said: "Reassured, I will secretly protect you."

Yang Lingqian nodded and followed the maid to the other direction.

Anlin left the white triangle building and walked to a place where no one was, and the body turned into a cloud and disappeared in the same place.

A cloud of mist, and caught up with Yang Lingqian, who was moving forward, picked up her blue silk, but she did not know, still looking around.

The highest level here is the glamorous woman who is responsible for the collection of shackles outside the door. It is in the midst of the return to the virtual, and it is impossible to find the whereabouts of Anlin.

How long did it take, a door appeared in front of you.

There is a big golden word on the door, Chunhua Palace!

Yang Lingqian entered the Chunhua Palace, and Anlin kept the cloud state, quietly followed by Yang Lingqian, and also mixed into the Chunhua Palace.

To put it simply, Anlin is mixed into the infinity of the wind.

Anlin curiously looked around, to say the scenery, it must be good, flowers bloom, colorful, the scenery is very beautiful, ten steps and one scene, wherever you go, there are extremely delicate scenery.

Women love flowers, and this arrangement is not a problem.

In addition to the scenery, it is a triangle-shaped palace during the period of the patchwork, and the integration of nature, but also shows a bit of peace and harmony.

From time to time, there is a voice of a woman who swallows Yan Yan, pleasant and pleasant.

Anlin even saw an octopus scorpion. Although she was a woman, she had a big sucker on the smooth skin. This scene really shocked him, and he felt the endless appetite in his heart~www.readwn.com~ It was really delicious.

"You will live here later, you can usually walk with other sisters." A white maid said with a smile.

Another white servant also said: "I will pass on your portrait. If the king is interested in you, come and be lucky, then you will have an infinite wealth."

"Thank you, my sister." Yang Lingqian is a good deed.

The white maid smiled and nodded: "Your appearance is also outstanding among the crowds. I believe that this day will not come very late!"

Say goodbye to two white maids.

Yang Lingqian lay down on the bed, regardless of the manner of posing a big character sleeping position, the pretty face has a grievance, muttering: "I don't know when Anlin Shangxian will save me, if he is late, The wind is nowhere to come before him, what should I do..."


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