I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1366: 2000 people strategy

Yang Lingqian looked shocked and stared blankly at the man in front of him.

She suspected that she had got it wrong and asked again: "What?"

"I have a task now. I need to rescue two thousand scorpions from Chunhua Palace and let them have a good impression on me. I need your help in this matter." Anlin spoke very seriously.

Yang Lingqian: "..."

It turned out that it was not a mistake, and Anlin’s fairy was really such a person! !

Also, which man is not fluent?

Yang Lingqian is very embarrassed to think, the strongest strength of the immortal, which is not a million people admire, it is normal to have many nephews to serve.

Just now, I didn’t expect that the celestial celestial beings could not be excused...

"I still don't understand... Why do you want to choose the windless endless scorpion, so the risk is great, can you build a new harem?" Yang Lingqian looked at Anlin and wondered.

"Ah? I think you misunderstood something, I just want to save them out, and they are free, not to accept them as a harem." An Lin looked speechless.

Yang Lingqian’s eyelids like autumn water suddenly turned up, and some delightedly asked: “Really? Then why do you want them to have a crush on you?”

"Oh... you can understand it as a kind of bad taste..." An Lin smiled, without too much explanation, this is completely a system of bad taste! !

Yang Lingqian looked at An Lin with a strange look: "Is it a really immortal immortal, OK, this busy, I helped, let me, what do you want me to do?"

She looked disgusted, but she didn't know why, and she became extremely relaxed.

Anlin whispered: "This is simple, you are so, like this..."


So, the two thousand people Raiders plan officially started!

The next more than a month.

A new scorpion of Chunhua Palace became active.

She is Yang Lingqian!

Yang Lingqian walked around the door, playing with many sisters, promoting the harmonious relationship, and talking with the public, and from time to time came a group of people to do some small activities.

The celestial kingdom is boundless because of the retreat, giving the scorpions a good free space for activities.

The part-time help of the king of the king, the flames of the harem, and the queen of the immortal Yan Shuqin, also happy to develop in a more harmonious direction of the harem, only a secret investigation, did not find any abnormalities, there is no excessive intervention.

Some of the noble scorpions are not proud to be unreasonable. After all, the appearance is still to be done. Yang Lingqian visits, they will smile and cater to them, and then talk.

In this way, Yang Lingqian walked almost once in the Chunhua Palace during this time!

When she walked around the door, she chatted and talked, and she would intentionally or unintentionally come to a fixed topic. That is how the scorpions came to the Chunhua Palace. Their attitude towards the wind is not on the white. What is the attitude of Xian?

Worried that the nephews are not telling the truth?

It doesn't matter, Yang Lingqian has An Zhulin's Zhuque, a natural lie detector!

If the scorpions say that they like the wind, there is no limit to it, and Zhuque said directly that she is lying, then she becomes the target of Yang Lingqian!

Yang Lingqian asked, if it is white, it will come to Chunhua Palace to save them.

They said, "Hey, what is the most annoying thing in the white clothes, I will not go with him." Zhu Quejing said that she is lying, then Yang Lingqian continues to use the small books to record the other name...

Women, many of them are misunderstood, and forced by the wind and the arrogance of the wind, even if no one is around, most of them do not dare to tell the truth.

At this time, Zhu Quejing is a great artifact!

Anyway, who is lying, Zhuque can find out in time, and then secretly told Yang Lingqian.

Triangle building.

"Call... It’s really exhausting me!"

"Seeking a gift on the white dress."

Yang Lingqian was lying in bed and spoiled, holding out a long jade hand and said with a smile. A red dress spreads on the bed, such as a rose bloom, close to the delicate and delicate body, a pair of clear and sinful eyes looking at the white man next to him, there is some expectation in the eyes.

The ordinary monk saw Yang Lingqian's stance, and thought that she asked the other party to "eat", but Anlin knew that she didn't want this.

Anlin took out a spiritual three-fruit sun fruit from Nayong and threw it to Yang Lingqian: "These days have been hard, this is a reward for you, and it can enhance the purity of the aura."

Yang Lingqian took over the Lingguo and ate it with great enthusiasm.

"Oh... the spirits you gave to the celestial beings are special. I have never seen them in the Lingguo illustrations, and each of the linguistic feelings gives me a very comfortable feeling, and the energy is unprecedentedly pure!" Yang Ling Qian praised the Tao while eating the fruit.

"That is, this fruit is a native product of my hometown. Can it be delicious?" An Lin smiled.

“Local products?” Yang Lingqian smashed Ming Ming, “Where is your hometown?”

"Don't tell you." Anlin still didn't want to say it.

"If you don't say it, I don't know it. I don't know it." Yang Lingqian picked up a small mouth with some anger, but he still finished the Lingguo.

After this period of time, Yang Lingqian is no longer as thin as before, and respectfully.

After all, Anlin’s lack of shelf and extremely casual appearance is too difficult for her to be associated with the white singer who is known as the first person under the throne.

The mode of getting along with each other is more and more like a friend.

This point, even Yang Lingqian feels very wonderful, she never thought that she could become friends with people of this level, perhaps this is the unique magic of Anlin.

Anlin never felt that he was high because of his high strength, and regarded all beings as ants. On the contrary, I will be very concerned about whether she is tired when she is doing tasks, and will not encounter dangerous things.

"One month, two thousand people Raiders plan, and finally completed a stage of the task." Yang Lingqian because of eating the fruit, the tired look regained the look.

"Chunhua Palace Jiali, 3,520 people, I have not gone to the scorpion who is sensitive to the identity. I have contacted 3,200 people and 2,800 people who have a good impression on you."

When Anlin heard this, ~www.readwn.com~ was happy.

In white, the immortal, repaired into the sky, although the second power of the mainland, but the wind is not handsome!

And come and go like the wind, the appearance is elegant and outstanding, and has a legendary color, all kinds of aura bless, really sucking powder!

Seeing the appearance of Anlin Nass, Yang Lingqian rolled his eyes and continued: "There are 2,300 people who are determined to be forced into the harem by the immortal king and want to escape from here... As for whether they will It’s a good feeling for you, and you don’t have to be afraid of the wind. If you leave with you, this is not something I can predict...”

Anlin heard a nod.

No one can be sure of such a thing. Even if it is a party, I am afraid I will not be allowed to pay attention.

"Nothing, the base of the scorpion and the psychological tendency, at least meet the mission requirements." An Lin fighting spirits, and said, "Now, the second phase of the two thousand people Raiders plan!!"

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