I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1368: Self-eaten fruit

?Anlin people don't talk much, just open it.

This slap shot, a slap-sized flame palm whizzed toward the Sirius King.

It has a small scope, but it is condensed to the extreme. It contains the true meaning of his true fire feathers. It combines the six fires and the holy fire. Even if it is the top power of the late returning, it is hard to resist!

What's more, the Sirius King is only the upper immortal in the mid-term.

Anlin’s simple palm is like a falling star, a hollow twist, and everything is burning.

Sirius King felt a life and death crisis covering the whole body.


Sirius Wang felt that the space was banned, and he could not escape this palm in a short time.

At this moment, the poisonist flashed into the front of the Sirius King, and took out a weird piece of wood, forming a circular shield in an instant.

This is his life-saving card, Shenshu Yuandun, full force to resist the bombardment of Shinto power.


The violent collision exploded.

The sawdust flew, the flames formed a raging fire, and the surrounding guards fell.

The poisonist suddenly found out that his **** tree Yuandun actually burned up.

"It’s really interesting to block my flame with wood."

Anlin looked up at the Sirius King on the ground and said with a sneer.

The poison master and the Sirius King are trying to escape, only to find that the surrounding space has been banned like a copper wall, and it is difficult to escape in a short time.

In other words, their lives and deaths are already in the hands of An Lin.

The two people who once did what they wanted were finally become the fish that they slaughtered.

Sirius Wang's face became very difficult to read: "White on the fairy, you are not afraid of the fairy king know your whereabouts, come to kill you?! I have no enmity with you, why do you want to kill me?!"

"I really have no enmity with you." An Lin stood proudly like a god, overlooking the king of the wolf, faint. "But the king of the wolf, you are timid with the fairy king wind, and you are doing evil everywhere." Seeing human life as a mustard."

"Five years ago, it was not through the Baiquan District, the royal family could not provide resources to the Xianwang Palace in time, and all the men of the Tujia royal family, imprisoned tens of thousands of Wangfu maids, insulted and tortured ... now there are still thousands of women who are persecuted in the wolf Among the kings of Tengwang..."

The voice of Anlin echoed in the heavens and the earth.

Everyone in the wolf king palace looked up at the man in the sky.

All the women who were kneeling on the ground, or the dancers, also stared at the dazzling white man.

The face of Sirius Wang changed again: "What do I do with you?"

"I am in vain, the most incomprehensible is bullying!! I want to get back a fairness for those women who have been persecuted!" An Lin shouted.

"You have been born again for some irrelevant slaves, risking being discovered by the fairy king? Are you crazy? This is not worth it." The king of the wolf seems to be looking at a fool and looking at An Lin.

Anlin looked sharply and seriously: "No, it is worth it. They are not slaves. Every one of them is more precious than the beast who is happy to kill women. I am willing to fight for them!"

Anlin’s words are powerful.

Countless women lying on the ground, already bursting into tears, looked up at the man like the sun, not only because he was shrouded in fire, but also because his words, such as the sun illuminating their world .

They are the people of the royal family in Baiquan District. They are already despicable, and live a life that is dark and ignorant when they do not know when they will die. But at the moment, the white singer, dare to confront the strongest on the mainland, come here to save them!

"Let's do it, garbage, give me to die." Anlin's one-armed bulge, countless fires can accumulate on the arm, and a fist falls!

"Heavenly poisoned!" The poisonist whispered, and the poisonous mist broke out, turning into a huge black corrosion giant mouth, and biting away at Anlin.

"Wolf King blood **** kills!" Sirius Wang screamed, his hands turned into the blood claws of Sirius, fell to the heavenly Anlin, the atmosphere of killing let the surrounding monks fall like a purgatory, and the horror of the horror is even here. One hit the dislocation split.

They have no way to go back, only to fight for a fight! !

Anlin's face does not change color, and the general punching force penetrates the void, and the black corrosion collides with the huge mouth, and the poisonous fog is burned in the air.

The boxing power has not yet arrived, and it falls on the blood claws of the Sirius. The horrible force will crack the blood of the Sirius blood clots and crush them.

Finally, the punch fell on the poison master and the king of the Sirius, tearing their bones and flesh!


A huge incomparable punch appeared on the land of the palace.

Among the fists, there were two poisonous divisions and a scorpion king who were hammered with blood and blood. Although they were still sighing, they were dying.

One of the two most powerful players in the Wolf Teng District, Bai Xian Shang Xian once again showed his invincible power.

The monks who came to the rescue stopped their bodies and showed their horror.

Hundreds of strong, no one dared to take the initiative to rush up, but even the fierce people who can fight the king, whoever died, no one is too long to live! !

The poison master and the king of the wolf lie on the ground and gasp, and every breath whipped the wound on the body, and the pain was very painful.

"I heard that the poison master and the Sirius King have created hundreds of different ways of killing and killing women. I really can’t bear to let you die so simple."

Anlin landed from the sky and stepped toward the poison king's Sirius King.

"I didn't expect it, you will have it today..."

He smiled and his eyes were full of indifference.

The poison master and the king of Sirius were extremely difficult to move, looking at An Lin’s eyes with resentment and deep fear.

An Lin glanced at the fate of the roulette not far away and smiled and said: "So, I will give you a chance. You turn the wheel of fate and let the roulette decide your fate?"

Both the poison master and the Sirius King are bright. Although there are hundreds of kinds of torture on the roulette, there are also lattices that can survive. They still have the chance to live!

Anlin transferred the roulette to the front of the Sirius King.

Sirius King stretched out his **** arms and turned the wheel hard!

They did not think that after killing tens of thousands of women with the fate of the roulette, they would one day become the object of being tortured by the fate of the roulette. This is ironic.

The wheel rotates quickly, then slowly pauses. The square pointed by the pointer has only two words: all in the middle!

Everyone on the crowd, seeing this scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ have sucked a big mouthful of cool air.

"Wow, congratulations, good luck, all in the middle!" Anlin applauded and congratulated, "You can go through hundreds of tortures!!"

"No... impossible... my roulette... no this grid..." Sirius Wang sneered in fear.

"You...you...this is...the bully..." The poisonist was scared to commit suicide.

An Lin sneer: "The bully is you!!"

On this day, the screams of the Sirius King and the poisonist reverberated throughout the palace.

Two sinful people, after suffering hundreds of tortures, finally broke their vitality.

In the white cloak, one person killed hundreds of Wangfu soldiers.

Save 20,000 female slaves who have been persecuted!

The news spread, the whole Shenyuan mainland is a sensation! !

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