I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1372: Final battle

The endless kingdom of the wind is not a kind person. On the contrary, he is extremely brutal and murderous. He has more than 2,000 sons of the scorpion. He really did it.

After the immortal Yan Shuqin can only respond first, but the heart decided to release the news before doing this, so that the relatives of the nephews have the opportunity to escape.

After all, a lot of nephews and her relationship is not bad, she can not bear to really see the family of the nephews being Qilian.


"Adult, there is an urgent report!!"

The two ambassadors, who were mastered as powerful kings, hurriedly rushed to the ground.

The wind has no way to raise his eyes, saying: "What is the report?"

"White on the fairy in Kunlun City, words, want to be with the Emperor King, two days, after the battle against Sendai, but also said that it is not ... no ... ... ...

"Nothing?" The wind has nowhere to look.

"Don't come, no... no JJ's stock..." Xian Wang messenger cold sweat, said.

"Globe!!" The endless winds of the wind can burst into the flames of all things, roaring.

The ambassador of the singer who spoke, was instantly turned into a powder by the screaming of the wind!

Another messenger who did not speak, the singer of the singer shivering on the ground, and clearly said this is the white singer, what have we done wrong?

Yan Hou Yan Shuqin slightly lowered his head, did not say a word.

She knew that this sacred line in the white dress was poked to the pain of the fairy king.

"War with me? What kind of tricks do you want to play this time? Do you think I will be fooled? Ah?!!" The wind is still roaring and venting his anger.

Yan Shuqin pulled the corner of his mouth and the heart king was already fooled.

On the white clothes, this trick is to say that Yangshuo is also digging the harem. Now it is said that there should be no JJ. This is indeed a very obvious method, but every time the radicals are hit, so It is very likely that Xian Wang will take over this battle!

Because he really shouldn't fight, the shame he will suffer will be even greater.

The only thing he can do now is to seize every opportunity to slay and kill the white sin, so that he can wash away the shame he has suffered.

Regardless of the situation in the confession on the white, he can't refuse this battle because it is the best chance to kill the celestial celestial.

The wind has nowhere to slam the throne, and the throne that the spirit has cast has been instantly shot into a powder: "Come, call me the Kunlun Six Gods! Two days later, I will swear on the white!"

Yan Shuqin, a white skirt dancing like a cloud, is still standing on the sidelines.

The mind is thinking, the wind is boundlessly decided to fight with the fairy on the white, it seems that the things of the nine people can be slowed down, at least until the end of the duel.

Zhu Xianwang was busy with the duel. He first released the news and gave their loved ones the time to escape. If the fairy king wins, those people should escape almost. If the fairy king loses, then he will escape.

the next day.

The news came out that the fairy king wind had no end to promise the battle of the fairy on white.

This incident once again caused a sensation in the Shenyuan continent.

Countless people who eat melons once again gathered their eyes on the top of the mountain.

"In the white clothes, there is a boundless battle between the fairy and the wind. Can we still go?"

"This estimate is really coming, we can't miss it."

"For the sake of safety, let's go away and watch the battle, lest the king will vent his anger on me..."

"I always feel that there will be a moth on the whit in the white, what should I do?"

Although it is very dangerous, there are still many strong people who are not afraid of death. Once again, they rushed to the Sendai station in the Tianshan Mountains. I don't know if the last time the melon was too big, and now there are millions of strong people coming here. At the top of the vast Tianshan Mountains, it is still very lively.

What surprised the public is that this time it was the first time in the white dress!

On the round fairy platform, the ninety-nine and the dragon-shaped pillars stand on the edge, and the dark yellow ground paved with special materials looks old but reveals a wild atmosphere.

The man in white is awesome in the center of Sendai. He is white and windless. On his handsome cheeks, he is deep and clear, and he is uncertain.

The strong people see such a man, can not help but awe.

"There are a lot of strong people who dare to challenge the king of the king, but it is definitely the most dazzling and most recognized one in the past 10,000 years, just like the sun that can illuminate the whole world..."

"Can he win?"

There was a beautiful female repairing her hands and looking at the man on the Sendai.

"He is also the most feminine cultivator..." There was a man who had a look of envy and added another sentence.

Whether it is free and free, free and easy to disperse the female, or in the Zongmen School, the goddess of the noble palace, the saint, looked at the man on the fairy platform.

Since ancient times, loved heroes.

This sentence, even in the cultivation of the world, is also very appropriate.

Shenyuan mainland has always advocated the strong, and it is a normal thing to cultivate a low person to worship the person who is high. Nowadays, there is a strong person who can marry the endless beauty of the celestial king. It is so handsome and gentle, and dares to fight for the rights of the majority of women, such a fairy, who does not like it.

Nowadays, the fairy on the white is the world's most eye-catching ~www.readwn.com~ He will be like a flower, or as eternal as the sun, look at this battle.

Many monks are looking forward to it, and at the same time, they are nervous.

On the contrary, the protagonist of today's battle, the white sacred, is not so nervous.

Anlin looked indifferently, looking at the direction of the fairy palace.

Not long after, a man wearing a black robes came from a hollow black lotus.

Whether it is the clouds in the sky or the flowers and trees on the ground, I want the man to bow down, as if he is the only sage in this world.

Millions of monks, who saw the figure, did not consciously lower their heads.

The coming is the strongest person in the whole continent, and the fairy king is boundless! !

"An Lin Shang Xian, you finally came to die."

The wind is boundless and plain, and the anger before it is no longer as if looking at Anlin with the eyes of the dead. He did not hesitate to step into the enchantment.


On the Sendai stage, the blue barrier instantly wraps the entire space.

Invisible rules began to spread.

From now on, unless one party dies, the barrier will not open again.

On the faceless face of Xianwangfeng, there was finally a cruel smile, and looked at Anlin with a gaze: "In white, you know that I am waiting for this day... How long have you waited?"

"Reassured, I won't kill you easily. I will let you taste the most painful torture in the world before you die!!"

Anlin stood proudly in Sendai, and there was no fear of color on his face, but every cell in his body was shaking, which was the excitement of the hearty battle.

"Do not talk nonsense, let's get started!"

An Lin said, take the initiative to go to the wind!

The most intense battle in Shenyuan’s history has finally erupted!

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