I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1374: Life and death lotus kill!

"Is this the feeling of injury?" The wind did not move the right hand that broke the bones, and wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth. He laughed.

"Hahaha... I haven’t felt this feeling for a long time. If it weren’t for you, I would have forgotten the pain of my body!” He looked stern and his eyes became more brutal and bloodthirsty.

The wind has no step in the footsteps, and rushed to Anlin at a more horrible speed. At the same time, the arms became dark and the lotus roads spread out.


The wind is boundless and Anlin has a punch.

Anlin can clearly perceive that the power of the wind is far stronger than before.

Then, the wind was boundless and was bombarded by Anlin...

His body slammed into the enchantment, and there was another violent tremor.

The wind is boundless and laughs. He continues to step on the foot and rushes to Anlin, and it is another punch against Anlin.

In the Vulcan mode, where Anlin is afraid of melee, direct fist to fist.

The violent collision violent, the aftermath of energy constantly hits the surrounding enchantment.

The body of the celestial wind was once again bombarded and slammed into the enchantment.

"Xian Wang, do you only have this degree?" An Lin stepped forward to the wind, and the fire shrouded the whole body, like a vulcan, and burned the world. "If you continue to do this, you will be alive by the ants in your eyes." The hammer is dead..."

The wind is boundless as if it is stinging to the sensitive nerves, slamming up: "You are only impotence, I want to kill you!!"

An Lin: "???"

I said that he is impotence?

The wind had nowhere to pull out a strange law, and a round of white lotus appeared in front of him and slowly rotated. Anlin actually felt a very holy scent from the white lotus.

The wind is boundless to the white lotus spit out a blood: "Life and death lotus kill the first heavy, instant!"

White lotus stained with blood, quickly falling and darkening, becoming a black lotus with red, the rich dead air rippled, as if to strip all the vitality of everything.

"Dead!" The wind looked endless and screamed.

The red lotus in the red suddenly disappeared into the void.

An Lin’s heart suddenly burst into a very strange feeling, as if the lotus flower did not disappear, it seems to still exist where it is, right, living in my heart...

The feeling of incomparably dangerous suddenly enveloped the whole body.

He slowly lowered his head and found that the heart of his chest was slightly bulging.

The indestructible god, there was a crack.

The heart suddenly becomes so comfortable, I want to die like this, like flowers and flowers, life and death, everything is so natural...

Anlin’s eyes were slightly blurred.

The wind is boundless but grinning: "Death... just go to die..."


Blood bursts like blood fog.

The heart of Anlin suddenly exploded and exploded a huge hole.

A bloodthirsty black lotus appeared in his heart, replacing his heart, emitting a very fascinating light! !

Suddenly, all the onlookers were shocked.

"Ah! How come..."

"White clothes on the fairy!"

One monk excites the white man excitedly.

A woman in a red dress in the distant hills, desperately flies to the Sendai station, her eyes are red and shouting the name of An Lin.

"Ah...!! It hurts!!" At this time, Anlin was beaten by the heart and pain, and his chest was painfully screaming. The endless pain spurred his nerves and made him almost faint.

"Ha ha ha ... white clothes on the fairy, this is the life and death of the lotus that I spent a hundred years repairing. I can live and die in one thought! As long as I am in the black lotus, I can let the killing of life and death lotus kill. Life lotus, blooming anywhere, including your heart!!"

Anlin, who saw the heart bursting open, finally smiled happily: "Hey, I have become the nutrient of my black lotus. Now, even if God can't save you!"

Anlin knows that the wind is boundless and said that it has replaced the heart of the black lotus, not only in the wild to swallow his vitality, but also has a strong effect of closing the town, so that he can not make any power!

Now his state can only wait for death!

Great idea! !

Sure enough, no super power of a harmonious environment is weak, and every super power of the road is possessed with unpredictable power.

For example, the wind is boundless, and suddenly a secret method can be found, which can put him in a life crisis!

An Lin didn't want to lose the king's bombing so quickly. He also wanted to find out the depth of the wind. He took the wind as the object of testing his own strength, but he didn't think that the wind had nowhere to suddenly lose a king, and gave his heart to him. Blowed up...

How to do how to do……

Anlin stretched out his trembling hand and tried to remove the black lotus in his heart.

But Heilongjiang replaced his heart and was deeply ingrained. In the weak state, he did not even have the power to move Black Lotus.

Is it really going to die here?

An Lin’s face was unwilling, but it could not stop the passage of life, and the face became pale and wrinkled at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Death will never pity any soul.

When it really came, I knew how powerless and desperate I was at the moment.

at this time.

A black man suddenly jumped out from behind.

Then stab the heart of Anlin at a very fast speed!


The ultimate edge penetrated the blooming black lotus, and the black lotus was smashed!

"What?!" The wind has no change in face.

Anlin also looked incredulously at his heart, where a long black sword was inserted. www.readwn.com~Small...Little evil..."

He smiled and slowly sighed and sat down on the ground.

A little girl with a round tomb appeared, and the white little hand clasped the sword of victory, pulled out, then turned, cold eyebrows, and looked at the wind.

"It’s really shameful to make a new match and almost kill yourself."

Listening to the words of the little evil blame, An Lin had no choice but to smile, took out three elixir from Nayong, and broke into the stomach directly.

The heart has been blown up. Fortunately, his Aoki Eternal Life has been refining to the third place, and he has the ability to continue his life for a short time. Otherwise, he will be killed directly.

Anlin meditated on the side, Aoki's longevity and madness motivated, digesting the powerful strength of the three elixir, and quickly repairing the wounds in the body.

"Who are you?" The wind has no change in face, and he is extremely surprised to see the evil.

"The earthen buns that even the sword spirit has never seen." Xiao Xie's face is abandoning.

"Sword Spirit? What is it? Sword and spirit can be turned into an entity?" The wind is stunned. He has something to talk about, but he has never seen anything that can directly turn into life.

"Yes, about this matter, we have to start from the aura of heaven and earth..." Xiaoxie sees the wind and has no doubts, and he will continue to give each other science.

An Lin’s mind is doing beautifully!

This delays the time and is exactly what he wants.

He quickly seized the opportunity to heal the wounds, and the blood became more and more filled, and a prototype of the heart began to appear.

The eternal king wind is not a fool. When he saw An Lin secretly healed his wounds, he immediately became furious and could not listen to Xiao Xie’s explanation. He directly rushed to Anlin.

"If you want to bully him, let me pass this level!"

Xiaoxie holds the evil spirit sword in front of Anlin, and takes the initiative to swing the sword to the wind!

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