I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1378: The regular power of the heavenly debris

Just when Anlin was confused, the wind had no chance to seize the opportunity of counterattack, and he used his hand to make a knife and swayed toward Anlin’s body!

The triple-explosive Anlin can keep up with the speed of the wind, and the singer-sword that is still clenched in one hand is forced to smash the neck without the wind, and the hand is caught by the windless knife.


A tearful pain instantly hit the body.

Anlin found that his body was easily torn by the windless hand, leaving a shocking blood mark on his arm.

"This power..." An Lin's face changed again.

"Hahaha... Go to hell..." At this moment, the windless attack hits again, and a twisted and translucent knife is drawn by hand.

Anlin immediately took the sword back, and the power of terror flew him for several kilometers. A certain blade also passed through his sword of victory, tearing his chest directly out of a huge gap, spreading from the shoulder. To the waist, blood sprinkled on the ground.

The wind stood endlessly and slowly, his eyes flashed with strange white awns, and there was a smile on his lips: "It's hard to understand, isn't it?"

Anlin slightly frowned, this power is really difficult to understand, but he has not seen it...

"I didn't want to use this power here. After all, using this power indiscriminately, even if it is my cultivation, it will be affected..." The wind looked at Anlin without a word, and faintly said, "Your other cooperation How about your people, breaking into the secrets of the comet. You have not seen, the Kunlun six gods will be outside the Sendai station from start to finish, have not left?"

Anlin heard a word, then his eyes sank: "Is that meteorite in your hand?"

"Ha ha ha ... right!" The wind has nowhere to reveal the smile of the winner. "The meteorite is in my hands! But it can't be called a rock, it is a gift from heaven..."

The wind is boundless and one hand.

A white thing that looks like a crystal but keeps changing is in the palm of your hand.

As soon as it appeared, the whole world was quiet, as if there was only one in the world.

It has no fixed shape, sometimes six diamonds, sometimes triangular, and sometimes round.

It also seems to have no substance, sometimes condenses into crystals, and sometimes becomes illusory, disappearing like smoke, and it is impossible to detect.

Outside of Sendai, millions of monks also saw this thing for the first time, and their faces were full of obsessiveness and eagerness.

"A beautiful crystal, is it the core of the meteorite 10,000 years ago?"

"Mysterious rock, I can finally see it!"

"I want to have it..."

The monks were hotly talking about it. The shards seemed to have some fatal appeal that day, so that their eyes never looked away and they became somewhat unrecognizable.

“Does it look wonderful? It not only makes me understand the new realm, it also allows me to gain power that you can't imagine. I call it the heart of the sky.” The wind has no eyes and obsessively looks at the things in his hands. , laughed, "As long as I have it, I am the sky, I am invincible!"

Ann Lin couldn't help but laugh out: "Heart of Heart? You really will name it. But you feel like you are good, you feel that you are an invincible opponent, and I have killed a lot..."

"Let's relax!" The wind screamed with no anger, with one hand and one hand, the heavenly fragments were once again integrated into the body, and it was a punch against Anlin!

The boxing spirit is integrated into the heavens and the earth, wrapped in a vast expanse of Tianwei.

An Lin waved his sword to the punch, but Jian Mang was instantly shaken by the punch.

"Ha ha ha... As long as I inject into my moves, I can break the will of the law, and the heart of heaven can make my will become a reality. You can't stop it!" The wind is boundless and laughs, both happy and happy. Looking at An Lin with a stern look.

Anlin lifted the sword in front of him, and the fist fell on the sword of victory, but directly passed through the sword of victory, bombarded on the chest of An Lin, and sagged his chest.

"Oh..." An Lin couldn't help but vomit a blood out of his body, and his body swayed a little, but he barely stood firm.

"Well? Your body hasn't been blown up?" There was no accident in the wind. He thought that his fists could be broken without a thing, and even the other person's body could hammer out the big holes.

An Lin gasped and looked at the wind, and suddenly smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" The wind has nowhere to look.

"The film that can defend against all forces can penetrate the absolute power of everything. Just like the truth between heaven and earth, the rules of all things in the heavens and the earth, everything must operate according to the trajectory it sets... Heavenly debris, let you have The power of the law of heaven!" Anlin nodded. "No wonder you will say that you are invincible. For most of the power, you are indeed invincible."

"But do you know? Your strength is borrowed..."

Anlin’s palms spread out, and the rainbow’s thunder jumped cheerfully, like a singer of life, faintly revealing a certain power of uncertainty: “And my strength is fundamental...

"What are you talking about?" The face of the wind is more gloomy, and what Anlin said is somewhat beyond his knowledge.

Anlin did not speak, but took a shot against the wind. www.readwn.com~ Rainbow Leihua made a thunder snake torn the void, with Huanghuang Tianwei rushing to the chest without wind.

The wind is boundless and does not hide. I look at An Lin with an indifferent look: "Stupid ants, still don't understand, I urged the power of the heart of the heart, now I, no one can hurt."


The Thunder roared like a thunder.

The Razer actually penetrated the endless chest of the wind and blown his heart!

There was a big hole in the chest, a blackened area around it, and a burst of white smoke, which seemed to highlight the power of the previous horror.

"Hey...?" The wind had nowhere to open his mouth, looking silly at his chest, his face full of shock and puzzle.

No one can hurt if you say good? How was it broken?

"Why... why?" The wind looked at Anlin without a word, and his body was crumbling.

Anlin’s tone is indifferent: “You only use the power of the rule of the debris of the heavens, and it is borrowed, but I have the authority of heaven!”



Numerous Jinxu Lei broke out from Anlin, wrapped around the whole body, and condensed into a golden hood.

An Lin’s eyes were full of arc flashing, and the high-ranking Lei Wei fell from his nine days and fell on him. The inexhaustible pressure made all the onlookers not even breathe.

A golden false thunder descends from the sky, smashes the void, and even the natural enchantment of Sendai is pierced and turned into a golden thunder sword, dazzling.

There is only one color between heaven and earth, and that is the endless golden light.

All the monks, the wind of the package is boundless, and at this moment there is a thought rising from the heart.

The man who was wearing a robes and was in charge of the Golden Thunder.

It does not belong to the dust, but the **** above nine days!

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