I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1391: graduation

Anlin’s heart is a joy, the gift from the son-in-law, it must be worth a lot!

"Thank you for the maiden girl!" An Lin immediately went to court.

There is no cheaper than a bastard.

"Thank you for the girl-in-law." Yin Xi is also very happy.

"Come on, this sacred soul is yours, you can take the medicine." The son-in-law handed a god-level herb to Yin Xi.

Yin Xi took the herb happily, and his eyes were almost invisible.

"An Lin, this 浑天石 contains my chaos power, can resist the attack of the power of the joint level, and can be thrown out as a stone, giving the enemy deadly damage, a total of ten times can be used, it is very good Life-saving weapon." The son-in-law will have a gray body, irregular shape, and the stone will be handed to Anlin.

If you don't know the goods, you might think it's a stone that you can squat on the road.

But Anlin can feel the extremely horrible fluctuations inside the stone.

"Thank you for the gift of the niece." Anlin suppressed the excitement in his heart and took over the celestial stone.

For the first time, he accepted the gift of the Genesis level, and he didn't know what the power was. He could find a bad luck next time to try the firepower.

"Come on, Xiaohei, and then give Anlin a cup of tea." The son-in-law Wen Xiao smiled.

The black snake snake blackened his face and continued to pour tea for Anlin.

Anlin dreams that he will not think that the overbearing black snake will pour himself tea like this now. This feeling is wonderful, very cool...

After that, they chatted about other things at the tea table.

Nvwa also asked if Anlin had any interest in joining Tiantian.

Then, Anlin again euphemistically refused.

It is also interesting to say that the help of the Tiantian gang has invited him, and the one or two hands of the gangster have also invited him. Is he so popular?

Half a day later, the son-in-law sent Anlin to leave the life lodge.

Anlin walked through the space door and found that he had already reached the blue sky and white clouds, and the front was a picturesque suspended continent. Very familiar place, that is the campus he has lived for nearly five years.

"An Lin Xiaoyou, enjoy your graduation ceremony." At the other end of the space door, the son-in-law smiled gently and naturally and waved.


The space door has contracted.

The creation goddess has disappeared.

"Graduation ceremony?" An Lin stunned.

At this time, there was a burst of fireworks in the distance and the cheers of the students.

"Hold the grass! I graduated?!" Anlin was shocked.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that it has been more than three months since he entered the Shenyuan mainland. The time is really too fast!

Anlin became a little embarrassed.

He hasn't prepared anything yet, so he graduated.

You always say that graduation is nowhere in sight, and you will go your own way in a blink of an eye...

On the White Rock Plaza of Xiuxian United University.

Nearly 10,000 graduates of the Big Five are gathered here.

They all wore white robes with red edges, this is their graduation gown. This is also the first time that students have such a uniform dress. The male looks cool and the female looks cute and lovely. It is a rare scenery on campus.

The headmaster, Wang Huyu, spoke on the stage with a speech bubble.

Underneath, the students are listening very seriously.

Not surprisingly, today is the last day they have gathered on campus.

From tomorrow, they are the graduates of Xianlian University.

However, the students are not particularly excited because they always feel that something is missing.

"Hey... I just want to take a look at Anlin's God of War before graduation. Why can't I even realize this little wish?" Some girls regretted.

"Hey, Anlin is a big man after all, and he is also excusable if he doesn't appear on campus." Some boys open their mouths, but they also have a regret on their faces.

Yes, they all have regrets, because the legendary man did not appear at the graduation ceremony, and they were on the same day as the campus.

"It doesn't matter, I want to see him, go to heaven in the future, go to the Forty-nine Xianzong, still have a chance to see him!" Some students are very open.

At this moment, a place where students gather.

"Small Lan, you should not worry, maybe Anlin, he will come back when he waits?" Su Xiaoyun wore a loose robe, stretched out a small hand and patted the woman's shoulder next to him, some awkwardly comforted.

"Hey, who is worried about him? I am just angry, angry! Whatever he does, he doesn't say anything to me. When he comes back, the gilt lava durian can't escape!"

Xu Xiaolan's pretty face reveals a touch of angry pink. After reading it, I still don't forget to look at the sky far away. It seems that I really hope that he will come back suddenly at this time.

"Yeah, our Xiaolan classmates, how can I worry about Anlin?" Xuanyuan’s handsome face had a pretty smile on his face. "She just ran to ask all the heavens when Anlin suddenly disappeared." The people, up to the five great emperors, down to the roads, Xiaoxian, is to smash Anlin out of the air... This anger does not hit a meal, how can it be done?"

As he said, there was a look of great expectation on his face.

Xu Xiaolan: "..."

"The following is an excellent student representative of the Tianting Xiuxian United University ~www.readwn.com~ to make a graduation speech!" Yuhua Vice President Lang Lang opened.

Nearly 10,000 students applauded at the same time, and applause was thunderous.

Some students with some low moods also mentioned a bit of spirit.

Xu Xiaolan heard the footsteps of the void and stepped onto the high platform.

The white is like a cloud, and the red side is like a fire.

She wore a fine robe, and she did not make any demeanor, but she was already clear and dusty.

Xu Xiaolan's appearance is very simple, but still amazing of countless teachers and students.

Perfectly blending and enhancing the blood of the real dragon blood, the temperament and appearance are more noble and holy, as if the noble woman is on the top, let people see the heart, but they dare not approach.

Only friends who are familiar with her know that Xu Xiaolan has not changed at all. The gentleness is gentle, and the explosion exploded like the cute little fairy in the past.

Xu Xiaolan looked at the horizon again and whispered a complaint: "Really, you are not here, you have to do this kind of hard work, but I have to do it... I obviously only want to be an ordinary little kitchen girl."

Anlin was not present. She was the best student. She naturally took over the position of Anlin and started the speech of the student representative.

"Respected leaders, teachers, dear classmates, everyone! I am a class of Xu Xiaolan... all say that the road to Xiuxian is long, but it is only a drop in the past five years. But this five-year time is destined to make us unforgettable, we Have a warm and beautiful life, and have experienced a thrilling battle..."

Xu Xiaolan was talking about graduation. Suddenly, she looked up and looked at the end of the sky, bursting with a smile, and all the worries and anger were instantaneous.

The only mood is joy.

Her eyes have been bent into a crescent, and she said happily: "You are back!"

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