I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1393: 哄 girl's stunt

After the carnival of the photo, everyone carefully kept the crystal.

There are memories of them, memories of the people and things in this school.

Many students also got a photo with An Lin, excited and could not help but cheer.

There are too many students who want to take photos with Anlin. They can’t stand their enthusiasm. They have to take a group photo in class.

In this way, he left his own footprint in every class of the grade.

As the sun sets, Anlin returns to the familiar little attic.

"An Lin Giant, you finally came back, want to die me!" Dina flew to Anlin excitedly, arms wide open, facing his neck is a hug-like hug.

"Hey! Xiaona, you are light!" Somein couldn't stand Xiaona's hugs. She grabbed her small willow waist and put her on her other palm.

缇 跪 跪 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安Going to me? Going to play something, tell me?"

She is extremely curious and yearning for all unknown and novel things. This is why she likes to run around with An Lin, and now she can't wait to understand all kinds of fun.

"Don't worry, I will tell you later."

Ann Lin poked his face and smiled.

He came to the window sill and basking the flowers and butterflies of the sunset, and asked, "I haven't come back in three months. You haven't said anything?"

"Welcome to the owner." Xiao Hongdao.

"Welcome the owner back." The little bones whispered.

An Lin: "..., is it perfunctory?"

Xiaohong: "Oh."

An Lin’s mouth was slightly pumped: “What happened to you, what am I doing wrong?”

Xiaohong did not speak and continued photosynthesis.

"Is the owner forgetting, three months ago, you pretended to die, lie to us to dance?" Xiaogu slowly opened.

Anlin suddenly remembered the incident and was shocked. "It’s been three months since I held the grass. Do you still remember that?"

"You are really forgetful." Xiao Hong Jiao Drip.

"You have to know that girls are especially vengeful." Xiao Bing said, "Especially after someone has done something wrong, they will not marry others..."

Ann Lin smashed: "This..."

He doesn't even know Xiaolan, how can he lick the beast?

"Right!" Anlin's eyes lit up. "I will show you a big baby!"

He said that his ring was bright, and he pulled out something from it: "Xiaohong, this is the Jinyao Shenyang Xiandan I gave you, which contains the power of the sun! The bones, this is the ancient land I gave you. The stinger is a mid-range fairy, and it works great with your poison powder."

"Ah! Thank you master, the owner is still very good." Xiao Hong Jiao dripping open, Xiao Lin kissed An Lin's back.

"Long live the owner!" Xiao Brow opened his eyes and smiled.

Anlin’s face has a faint smile, will not marry a girl? That's not a problem, as long as there is money, there is no bad girl!

"Right, Xiaotian, where did it go?" Anlin looked around and didn't see the asshole, which was not used.

"It and the little wolf ran to the extremely cold sanctuary to hunt for treasure, Wang!" Dabai said.

"A very cold sacred treasure hunt?" Anlin was puzzled. "Where is the bird that doesn't pull, what treasure can there be? Can the snow girl not wait?"

"This is the case. A month ago, that place, the Heaven and Earth Avenue suddenly resonated. It seems that there are super strong people who are in the depths of the extremely cold sanctuary, and they have succeeded in joining the road, and it is not an ordinary super power. It seems that Also carrying a terrible horror of heaven..."

"Because of this, the environment in that area has undergone a strange change, not only has it become even colder, but it has also produced a very cold-resistant and strange creature. Ang, you think, this strangely mutated place is not special. It is easy to give birth to rare treasures? Wang!" Dabai said.

Anlin nodded slightly, then frowned. "If you can produce strange creatures, you can also produce strange treasures. But I think that Xiaotian goes there, I am afraid to see the big one with the meaning of breaking the sky. What?"

Dabai looked sad and said: "Ang, I think it is the same, you must open the point, Xiaotian love is actually you... Wang!"

An Lin looked at the question mark. Is there anything wrong with the white words? Why is it that he is green?

He dialed the notes of Xiaotian and the result was isolated by a strange force.

"The extremely cold holy place has become a self-sufficient place, and it has the power to isolate the notes. Wang!"

"Go, then go find them later." An Lin sighed.

He turned his eyes to the elf on the shoulder and smiled. "Now, let's deal with Xiaona's things first and send Xiaona a gift!"

"Hey, do I have a gift? What gift!?" Xiaona's bijou, like a gem-like pair of eyes, burst into a fascinating look, apparently very much looking forward to it.

"One seed."

Anlina glimmered in a flash of light, and a crystal clear little ball appeared in the void. Suddenly, everything is silent, the world is dark, as if there is only one small ball in the world.

Yanna widened her eyes and stared at the seeds in front of her.

Xiaohong, Xiaobone~www.readwn.com~ Dabai, is also turning his eyes to the seeds, revealing the shocking color.

Even if you don't know how to do it, you know that this seed is extremely extraordinary. The value of it is not worth mentioning. Even if it is an artifact, it is hard to match! !

"An Lin Giant, what is this? This is too expensive..." Dina looked blushing and did not dare to take the seed.

"This is called the seed of the heart of the world. The seed that is born by the heavenly world contains the seeds of the world's vitality. It is powerless and unpredictable. As far as I know, it has the effect of deriving or repairing the heart of the world. So, only you can use this thing! Take it. "An Lin handed the seed to Dina.

Yanna carefully took the seeds, held them in the palm of her hand, and smiled and said: "Thank you, Anlin Giant, thank you for sending me this most precious treasure!"

"I am your master, naturally I have thought about you beforehand." Anlin smiled warmly and licked the elf's head.

Big white opened the dog's mouth, and Anlin was also its owner. Why didn't he see Anlin's expression on it? Is it because it does not sell Meng?

Now a few pets, it seems that they have not received a gift?

Anlin smiled and said: "Let's go, go to the world of mirrors and plant the seeds."

"Anlin giants must come together!" Dina grabbed An Lin's ear.

"Good..." Anlin smiled.

"I have to go, I haven't been to the world of Xiaona yet, Wang!" Dabai said.

"Well, I can now transfer other creatures other than the master!" Dina smiled and said, "Little red, little bones, come with you."

Xiaohong looked at the last touch of sunshine falling into the clouds, and dripped: "Well, just visit the world of Xiaona."

"A little look forward to it." The little bones also spread their wings and flew to Xiaona.

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