I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1400: The evil of the gods

Reginold knows that the three sons of the blood family are directly connected with the legendary ancestors, and the saints said that the saints who are determined to return to the Holy Blood will soon have the opportunity to see the holy ancestors.

What an exciting thing this is!

As a high-ranking saint, Reginold is naturally expecting to see the ancestors. For him, the ancestor is the greatest creature in the world, the light of his pursuit of eternal life!

He looked at the last drop of the blood of the ancestors, excitedly and reluctantly put out his tongue, slammed it into his mouth, and swallowed his face with happiness.

Reginolde trembled in an instant, his eyes burst into the light, and he was so refreshed and fascinated with "ah..." as if he was eating the most delicious food in the world.

The candle room swayed by the candlelight, he is still enjoying, reminiscent of, feeling the more and more pure body.


Suddenly, there was a loud roar in the outside of the Shenpan Alliance. Then the whole roulette wheel suspended in the sky trembled fiercely, as if a violent earthquake occurred, and the tea on the table and the porcelain on the cabinet were shaken. surface.

"Well? What happened?" Reginolde felt a bad feeling in his heart.

boom! It was also a roar of the treacherous sounds, accompanied by the screams of the **** people of the gods.

A horrible golden light from the outside of the roulette, the life defeated the large array of blood roulette, all the way to the ruin, crushed countless walls, tearing the body of countless **** families.

Hey! The walls of the chamber were also blown up.

Jinguang suddenly stopped, among the sly gods, a woman with short blond hair, holding a silver-and-white sword, and the man stepped out, looking proud and indifferent, faintly looking at Reginold.

Behind her, she followed two creatures floating in the void, wearing black robes that could not see the appearance.

"Ada! How dare you arrogate my alliance?" Reginold yelled.

The woman in front of him was the seed player who had been campaigning for the Son of the Lama, Ada.

She is also known as the top blood of the entire blood family, the closest to the right path!

Ada is covered in golden light, and her eyes are indifferent with no emotions. She whispered: "The lord of the Gods Union, Reginold, my master, the Black Emperor, wants to see you."

Reginolde’s big sisters, some of them are difficult to channel: “Is the Black Yi Emperor to see me?”

The Black Yi Emperor is one of the four great superpowers of the blood family. He is very good at searching for souls and creating illusions. He is the strongest intelligence collector among the blood family, and he has almost grasped the entire information of the blood family information. No matter what happened in the land of Blackpool, she could not escape her control...

"Why did the Black Iraqi emperor see me?" Reginolde gave birth to a bad feeling.

"The call of the Great is like the command of the heavens, you don't have to ask more, just do it!" Ada said lightly.

The hunch in Regin Noord’s heart is even stronger. If there is anything that the Great Emperor needs to discuss, where will he be invited in such a rude manner? This is clearly to accept torture!

The great emperor of the blood family is the supreme existence of the blood family. No one dares to reject his orders.

"If I refuse?" Reginold's bright eyes gradually emerged with a firm color.

The wind is likely to have leaked.

If the Black Emperor came for the sake of the Holy Father, then even if his mind is as firm as him, he will never be able to withstand the torture and soul of the Emperor.

Instead of this, it is not a refusal! Because he does not want to reveal any information about the ancestors, he can never betray the ancestors!

Ada's face changed slightly. Obviously, she was amazed by Regis Nord's decisiveness. After a few seconds, she whispered: "Rejecting the command of the emperor is equivalent to betraying the **** family. You know it in the end!"

"Hahaha... I am only loyal to the blood in my body, and I have not betrayed from beginning to end. As for you, don't go when you come!" Reginold laughed and slammed into the ground. The dark red array replaced the previously broken array.

"God is alive and kicked, Kai!"

Shenpansheng is the killer of the Shenpan Alliance. It is watered for tens of thousands of years and absorbs blood essence. The big array is completely triggered, and even in a moment, it can exert the power of the level!

Regin Nord has decided to start the final killing, clean the enemy for the Holy Father, and then flee the land of Blackpool, waiting for the recall of the Holy Father!


Suspended in the sky, the huge blood plate slowly rotating, suddenly rotated at a speed of more than 100 times. Around the blood plate, countless blood flows like a huge whirlpool, gathering toward the center.

At the same time, the extremely terrifying power emerged from the big battle and directly played on Ada.

It is a very powerful force of life and the power of death. The combination of the two can produce extremely explosive power. They are like a grinding disc, enough to crush the vulgarity into a powder!

Ada's whole body, the golden sacred magic turned into the most sturdy barrier, was to isolate the overwhelming power.

"Regginold, you really have a disagreement with the great emperors! Is it because of the holy blood?" Ada's entire face sank and yelled.

"Do you know the Holy Blood?" Reginold's face changed, and immediately crushed a jade symbol containing a certain message, "I will leave you more!"

With one hand, the dark red power is concentrated on Ada as a disc.


In the area of ​​dozens of miles, the energy is ignored by the big array of energy, all of which are stirred up!

Even the **** itself itself has been eroded by the power of the big force ~www.readwn.com~ there is a huge hollow.

But what shocked Reginold was that in the center of the empty void, Jinmanghe.

Not only did Ada release the golden Shinto, but even the two black robes behind him released an unparalleled golden glow. They stood in a stable triangular structure and constructed a triangular protective barrier that blocked the attack of the roulette.

"This fascination... The three golden sacs of the Black Emperor are coming?!" Reginold’s face changed again. The three Golden Guards have a joint move. When the three are together, they can pass through. Even the power of the United States can be compared for a short time.

It seems that the Black Yi emperor had long suspected him, otherwise he would not be prepared so well, not only sent Ada, but also the other two mysterious Jin Sheng Guardian.

On the **** roulette, one of the **** strongmen flew out, looking at Ada and others in horror.

"Allies, what is going on?" asked the people who did not know the truth.

At the same time, a breath of blood column straight into the sky.

The **** returning powers, from the **** roulette, are full of hostile look at Ada and others.

"Flee!!" Reginord yelled at the people of the Gods League.

He said not only to the **** people who did not know the truth, but also to the downline of his silent development, the faithful believers of the Holy Father said!

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