I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1406: Bloody family

The sound contains the supreme power of God and spreads to the whole world.

This is the first time that Anlin has performed the great power of the gods. Even he himself does not know how powerful it is.

If you want to rely on the charm to conquer the two thousand harems, the power will not be too bad.

Tens of thousands of **** strong people, at that moment, as if they saw the greatest **** in the world, can not produce the slightest resistance to the mind, so directly on the ground!

Even if it is the power to return to the virtual world, both legs are soft, holding the ground with your hands and shaking.

Ada, one of the three golden guards, insisted that there was no squat, but his face was already white, and his forehead could not help but see a cold sweat.

She looked at the man who was not like a **** in the distance, and looked shocked: "This is the power of Anlin? How can it be so scary, isn't he returning to the virtual world?"

How is this strong sense of oppression even more terrifying than when facing his own master?

Not to mention the **** strong can not stand, even Eden, also oppressed by this power, feel that in the face of a higher level than their own existence.

"Where are the saints? Do you think they dare to stand up at this time?" Eden eased for a moment and couldn't help but smile. "Let them stand up to accompany you to die?!"


"For the sake of the ancestors, you will die!"

"Holy blood glory forever!!"


A violent explosion suddenly broke out in the crowd.

The techniques of destroying the earth and destroying the earth began to appear.

Thirteen returning imaginary powers suddenly attacked and attacked the **** strongmen beside them.

We must know that the power of the early days of returning to the virtual world can not be achieved even by safely absorbing Anlin's blood. These are the powers of the mid-return period and even the late return to the virtual period. They suddenly attacked and attacked, and the power of the power was terrible!

In an instant, the tens of thousands of **** strong people were swallowed up by the overwhelming technique.

Eden's Great was smashed, and the high-end combat power of the blood family turned out to be the so-called saints.

What Eden didn't know was that the **** geniuses had an instinctive recognition and connection since they absorbed the blood of Anlin. They have long recognized Anlin and Ai Lin from the bottom of their hearts, and naturally they must accept everything about him, including his identity as a human being.

"Golden Guardian Law! Go and kill these traitors!" Eden was desperately ruined.

Without the words of Eden, the three Golden Saints have been moved.

They are all strong players who have returned to the peak of the imaginary peak. They are united with the rest of the **** geniuses, and they have no problem at all.

Ada burst into the golden light of the Shinto, clasping a dagger in his hand, and rushing to the nearest mid-real power. When the knife falls, if the golden light flashes, the power can still be reacted in the future, and it will be split into two halves.

"The **** Shura Zong Ken's lord, I really didn't expect it, even you have rebelled, die."

Ada said faintly, the body that was cut into two halves was still screaming, but it was quickly evaporated by the golden Shinto to become nothingness.

Seeing this scene, Eden’s emperor couldn’t help but smile: “After all, it’s just a group of people, whether you or your so-called saints, don’t want to get out of here today.”

"The three return to the peak of the imaginary, want to kill all the saints of me?" Anlin knows that the twelve remaining saints, only returning to the peak, there are two.

"The three golden guards, if you use the secret method at the same time, you can even fight in a short time, do you think you can kill these people?" Eden sneer.

Just then, another woman’s screams came.


"Golden Demon Protection!"

Ada’s appearance immediately exclaimed, and the calm and calm look was long gone.

I saw that a golden sacred guard wearing a black robe and not seeing the appearance was shrouded in colored light, and the power of the horrible space distorted her body.

The next second, the body of the Golden Holy Protection disappeared.

There was only one black ball in the heavens and the earth, and the belly was bulging, and it was full.

A beautiful elf is in the middle of the ball, and smiles and smiles: "The three golden sacred guards can work together and the two can't do it?"

Eden Eden: "..."

"Who are you? What is your ball?" Ada looked at the elf not far from the stunned face, no longer dare to act rashly.

The golden demon is the top power of the late return to the virtual, and it has been recruited by the elf. This strangeness has exceeded the limit she can imagine.

Even if it is a super power of the road, it is impossible to say that the second is a power that has already realized the power of Shinto!

"My ball is called a pet elf ball, you can collect any monsters and monsters. You better give me a little bit, otherwise I will take you away!" Dina raised her face and crossed her waist.

The pet elf ball can receive all the enemies without the high level of the world. Nowadays, Dina is already the ultimate realm of returning to the virtual world. Naturally, the Golden Holy Protection can be accepted.

Unfortunately, the pet elf ball can only receive one enemy in a short time, otherwise she will have to accept these blood races!

Ada has been stunned by Dina, and she is really standing still in the same place, and she dares not act rashly.

"This elf is so terrible that even the three golden guards are easily destroyed. We really can't hold it!" The **** strongmen looked terrified and began to flee.

The saints are spirited, their morale is rising, and they are more excited to pounce on the enemies around them.

The **** strong are defeated.

All of this is just because Dina lost a ball.

The face of Eden’s emperor could not be hanged, and he snorted and rushed to Anlin.

At this time, saying so much nonsense is not as good as killing An Lin directly on the spot!

"Sister, the strange sphere of the elf should only be used once. Otherwise, she will not only threaten us with words, but directly rushed up." The remaining black robes are guarded by the law. Ada is soft.

Ada, who was shocked, suddenly realized: "Yes, Jinling sister, we are on!"

Aida and Jin Ling looked at each other and immediately turned into two golden streams of light to the 缇na~www.readwn.com~ One person holding a dagger with a cold light, one person went on a golden wave.

At the same time, the two Golden Holy Protections are shot at the same time. Although they are unmatchable, they can sweep everything back!

Dina did not dare to underestimate the enemy, holding the Xinlian ice sword to take the initiative to rush up, the sword over the place frost.

Anlin held the Eden the Great with the sword of victory and evil spirits: "The evil sword, the king of the gods!"

The extremely overbearing swordsmanship is like a **** king, and it is overwhelming.


The dark black energy collides with the **** Shinto power, turning the world into red and black.

The Holy Blood teaches against the **** people, the most intense battle in the history of the blood family, and finally broke out in Xianlingbao!

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