I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1408: Anlin warfare Eden

Dina chased the two golden sacs to run around, and once again let the morale of the saints rise.

Eden’s savage attack became more and more violent, and all the tricks and ones carried the power of destroying the earth.

His Shinto is the blood of Shura. The more he fights, the more his hands are stained with blood, the stronger he can exert.

An Lin also deeply realized that the embarrassing power of the Eden Emperor's fist can collapse a mountain. Every punch and every blow has an invincible power. If you are careless, you may be a terrible move. Directly blasted into powder.

"The blood of Shura, the round of the law!" Eden's Emperor had to send all the hair, covered in a lot of blood, the light of the red Shinto covered with the sky, a loud bang, his hands formed a round of the French-day running, fierce Press on the body of Anlin.


The sky began to collapse.

A huge innumerable French seal shrouded the entire sky and descended from the sky with a vast expanse.

Countless **** strong people have changed their faces, and they don’t want to flee in the distance.

The horrible momentum made it difficult for them to breathe. The power of destruction made the French and Indians not completely fall, and the earth began to crack.

Anlin sensed the power of the French and Indians, and finally used the Stars and Spirits again!

Star veins, the Vulcan mode, the black source, the three major explosions at the same time!

If he had the anti-celestial body as the support of the body of the **** of war, then the rapid surge of power will instantly explode his body!

"Ling Tiansheng evil, final style, nevernight!"

He screamed, the artifact wins the evil sword and releases the dark field, eroding the world around him, while a sword slams toward the French seal that falls toward him.

In this state, Anlin, just melee, can arrogate the wind of the road, and now use the final form of the sword of victory, and what is the power of horror?

The invisible dark sword moves together with the round of the law, and two different energies are stirred wildly.

The sky spread a deep black crack, and the hurricane that was destroyed was tens of thousands of meters.

The huge French seal was under stalemate, and it was gradually covered with cracks.

Eden’s emperor saw this scene, and his heart was once again in vain.

His scrolling method is a signboarding technique. Even if it is a super power of the level of confrontation, it is particularly deterrent. Now it is broken in the hands of a returning monk?

The night of Anlin and the round of the law are almost simultaneously eliminated.

The collision of the two methods has razed hundreds of peaks in Xianlingbaodi.

The once wonderland has now been ruined.

Anlin violently gasped, and the final style had already cost him a lot of power, but he only tied with Eden.

Eden's Emperor is indeed very strong, and is even stronger than the celestial kingdom! !

An Lin picked up another elixir from the Nayong.

If he is stupidly hard, he feels that he is not an opponent of Eden. However, if you rely on the super resilience of Aoki's longevity exercises and the recovery of a large number of elixir in the Nasdaq, he chooses a protracted war, and perhaps a few points of victory...

Anlin still feels a little lacking in his own combat power.

He didn't know that he could now fight with Eden's emperor and caused a lot of sensation among the **** people. It was a shock to everyone's attention.

Eden is already the most powerful hegemon in the blood family. In their minds, Eden is the supreme being, but now such a peerless powerer is evenly divided with a returning monk...

Aida and Jin Ling, waiting for Eden to solve Anlin, and then come to save them. Now, what is the relationship between the two sides?

"Is this Anlin sect not a strong rumored warfare to return to the late stage of the virtual? How can we now fight with the superpowers?"

"He used to be the peak of the gods. Now it is the beginning of the return to the virtual, naturally it is different!"

"Hold the grass! Can he not respect the strong man who is highly cultivated? Always fight in the leapfrog level. When he arrives in a harmonious way, isn't he going to heaven?"

"Long live the great ancestors!"

"The ancestors of the ancestors are the hope of the future of the blood race!!"

Some saints saw Anlin's so mighty side, and suddenly felt full of pride, and the belief in his heart was more determined.

Only the ancestors can repel the imaginary body and resist the attack of the Great Emperor!

The face of Eden’s emperor became more and more dignified. It was so terrible to return to the virtual world alone. In the future, if Anlin developed, would it still be?

This child has great potential and cannot be left!

Anlin also had a dignified face. He had sent a message to Cocosti to let them take the opportunity to escape from the blood ancestral site, and he was outside.

But after so long, there was still no movement inside the red palace.

It is difficult, they have trouble in the Holy Land?

The Dark Emperor also entered the Holy Land to hunt them. This speculation is not without reason.

When Anlin thought about this, he had the intention to enter the holy land of blood.

The blood ancestors sensed the blood of Cocosty and others, and the sacred enchantment only allowed him to recognize the entry of blood. Then, as the owner of the blood changes given to Cocosti and others, is it eligible to enter the blood ancestral holy land?

Anlin was a little curious and decided to give it a try.

Just, if you do this, what should I do?

Dina's wind is not as a guardian of the world of mirrors, she can only be in the world of mirrors, and she can't enter the holy land. If Anlin is gone, she has to face the Golden Holy Protection and Eden.

As a result, her situation will become very dangerous...

Anlin hesitated, he had to figure out other ways to break the game.

Just then, in the north of Xianling Baodi, there was an extremely powerful momentum that quickly approached.

"The Dark Emperor's Guards, come to help out!"

Black clouds floated from a distance.

Above the black clouds, there are tens of thousands of **** strongmen, and they return to the virtual number. They faintly constitute a whole battlefield, and the atmosphere radiating around them is extremely terrifying.

In the West of Xianling Baodi, there is also a heart-rending approach.

"Futian Emperor's Guards Group, come to help out!"

Numerous strong men wearing red and white blood robes, riding on the **** Pegasus, the momentum is even more terrible than the previous enemy.

Anlin’s heart is a little depressed~www.readwn.com~ He is thinking about how to break the game. The blood family suddenly has strong support, which is completely worse!

Eden’s emperor laughed: “The strong support of the emperors has come. They will use a special kind of dilemma, and then cooperate with my strength. You are now a winger!”

The tens of thousands of **** strong people on the black cloud screamed in unison, and the sound was like a thunder.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

The huge momentum came and let Anlin feel the pressure of a storm.

But suddenly, the change is alive.

The dark clouds at the foot of the Dark Emperor's Guards were actually burning in different places.

The white flame spreads rapidly, and it stretches for hundreds of miles in an instant. The high temperature of terror distort the void, such as burning the whole sky!

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