I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1420: The mainland was shocked at the beginning

The Emperor is really admiring An Lin.

There are not many monks who can appreciate the Emperor of Heaven, but there are also a few, but it can make the Emperor of Heaven admire the arrogance, and only Anlin has so far.

No way, the Emperor really couldn't think of other appropriate adjectives to express his emotions at this time, so he had to use the words that were relatively grounded.

Although he and the Ziwei Emperor, dragged the Emperor Futian and the Black Emperor.

However, among the Xianling treasures, there are still Eden the Great, and the two men of the Emperor of the Dark Mang are sitting in the town, and there are tens of thousands of high-ranking **** strongmen, and a large number of **** people returning to the virtual power...

Anlin returned to the virtual monk, so he went in and killed a seven-in and seven-out. This is terrible. I am afraid that no one will say it when I go out?

What the Emperor did not think was that this matter was really spread.

Even though the inside of the blood family has decided to block the news, there are so many **** strong people who have witnessed all the events in Xianlingbao. There are always a few big mouths.

The news was spread out like this.

Anlin carried the top-class combat power of the Forty-nine Xianzong, and killed the **** fairyland, the three great sons, and more than a dozen bloodline high-level rebellion... Everything is extremely explosive news.

The headlines of major newspapers and periodicals in the mainland were once again occupied by the Forty-nine Immortals.

Shock! The lord of Fan Zongmen, the model of Kyushu, is such a person?

The lord of the Emperor Xianzong, and the **** high-level executives have such a relationship?

Let the man of the blood family three holy sons!

He is the lord of Xianzong, he is also the ancestor of the blood family, is Anlin really evil?

Three holy pilgrimages, the four emperors are all volts, one husband used to be a million army, the world without him like this!

The blood of the fairy tales is flowing into the river, and the truth behind it is this? The man saw the silence, the woman saw the tears...

Numerous news spread over the mainland, and the name of Anlin and the name of the Forty-nine Immortals, no matter how long, once again shocked the mainland!

This time, it was not only to disturb ordinary monks, but even many of the top forces on the mainland were shocked by the strength of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Many of the great powers are stunned, and the strength of the heart of the four ninth sects is too horrible, right? !

Last year, I played with Donghai Longting. I almost gave the **** nest to this year! Do you want to be so abnormal? !

Nor is there anyone who doubts the authenticity of the news, but the outside world is so popular that the **** high-level officials have remained silent on this matter and seem to have silenced, which further confirms the truth of the news.

The prestige of the Forty-nine Immortals, in the minds of the mainland's souls, once again rose.

Before, everyone felt that this was a top-level sanctuary gate that was comparable to the nine royal family. Nowadays, everyone has begun to think that it is a first-class power in the mainland that can rival the four super-prestige!

What is the first-class power in the mainland?

That is to have a super power to sit in the town, the atmosphere is very horrible, almost do not have to look at the terrible forces of any power face! Although the Sijiu Xianzong did not have a super power to sit in the town, it has a return to the virtual environment of Anlin!

The story of Anlin hanging the hammer from Eden is almost an allusion that folk children know!

The strength can match the peerless genius of the super power, and whether you are a good or not, you will treat you as a combination. The life of the mainland is so realistic.

Donghai Longting.

Yimeng and a group of children, looked at the newspaper in front of him.

"Fake, this must be fake. How did Anlin kill a seven-in and seven-out in Xianlingbao?" Yimeng’s hand holding the newspaper was trembling. What kind of existence did he provoke? what?

"Pass me to go down! No matter who, it is forbidden to provoke the forty-nine sages for any reason! Anyone who violates the law will be expelled from the Dragon Court!"

The silverfish princess of Long Ting also looked at the man in the newspaper in a daze.

"When you are in the spiritual environment, I am also a spiritual environment. When you are a god, I am still a spiritual environment. When you return to the virtual world, I am still a spiritual environment. When you hang the road, I still remain. It is a spiritual environment..." The big eyes of the silverfish princess are full of tears.

I don't know if I hate myself too stupid, or I am stimulated by the speed of Anlin's realm.

Long Ting was scared, and the black feathers were scared.

On the floating continent.

The black feathers will be open as usual.

The black-feathered emperor sat on the throne and looked at the true kings underneath.

"Monument of the Moon, because of the interception of Anlin, the victory of the evil spirits in the blessing of evil, is now in the critical period of the road, so it seems that the task of winning the sword of victory has a big opportunity and a great fairy!"

"I don't know who the real king is, who is willing to walk with me, intercepting An Lin, and winning the sword of victory?"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

The black-feathered emperor, who has always been afraid of death, intends to go out in person and win the victory sword of Anlin!

The black-feathered emperor stood up and said with a bold tone: "Whoever wants to walk with me, recapture my holy things and win the evil sword."

Within the palace, all the kings were hesitantly looking at the emperor on the throne.

"Starry Night King, you are the first real king to take over the task of winning the evil sword. This time I am led by the team, are you willing to walk with me?" The black feather emperor singularly.

Starry Night King’s tone is even more heroic: “Black Emperor... I am willing to provide energy for my family’s heart for another hundred years!”

Black Feather: "..."

Why is Star King really refusing to be so simple and heroic, and there is a kind of pride and pride in the tone?

"Heavenly King, you are the strongest of the true kings, why are you walking with me?" The black feather emperor said.

Heavenly Night King: "Oh."

The black feather emperor is straightforward: "Give me a good attitude!"

The night of the real king looks awesome and seriously: "Don't go!"

Black Feather Emperor: "..."

After some discussion, the black-feathered emperor sat alone on the throne and fell into deep self-doubt: "Oh... the lonely king is really lonely..."

All the real kings would rather move bricks to build a new home, and they would not go with the black feather emperor to win the sword of victory.

Haixin Palace in the West Sea.

Lan Xiaoni looked at the newspaper, and the blue eyes became the star eyes: "Anlin boss is really great! It’s a day in the blood family!"

Lan Xianyang also said with emotion: "I really don't want to be a super thunder god. This growth rate, I can't say how long it will take, I can implement that great plan, and we have to work harder!"

Inside the life lodge.

"Master, you see, Anlin can hang Eden, let me go and talk to him?" Black spirit snake beg for help~www.readwn.com~Nvwa is playing with the potted plant in front, shallow Laughing: "What is the power to win Eden? You can also win."

The black snake asked: "Would you like to wait for An Lin to become a good one, and then allow me to learn from him?"

"When he is better than you." The son-in-law went straight back.

Black snake: "..."

So bullying the snake?

In the end, I am your little cute, or is Anlin your little cute?

The black snake felt that he had fallen out of favor.

Just when the outside world was surging because of the events of Xianling Baodi.

Forty-nine celestial sects are welcoming their new members.

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