I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1422: Hemotoxicity study

Cocosti, Taber, Myron, Bryce, Jersey, etc., a total of fourteen vain abilities of the returning imaginary level, standing in front of Anlin seriously.

"The ancestors of the ancestors, if you have anything to say, I am willing to do anything for you!" Coco's eyes were hot and the tone was very firm.

"You don't think it is more serious..." Anlin's face was a little slower and softer. "I am calling you here, just want you to help me test my blood."

Test blood?

Fourteen pairs of eyes suddenly burst into an unprecedented splendor.

"I test, let me test!"

"Choose me! Choose me!"

"The Holy Father chose me, I am willing to do this great task!"

"I am testing the blood, let me know how much blood is ok!"

All the **** people are excited, and they are shouting differently and want to win a quota.

When Anlin saw the fanatic powers, he could not help but raise his voice: "You must listen to me first. Some saints may not know what kind of nature my holy blood is. Can withstand my holy blood. The **** people of Weineng will feel very embarrassed and very cool. However, the blood family who can't bear the power of my holy blood will die directly and die. Do you have this consciousness?"

"Yes! Let me come!"

"I am testing, I am not afraid of death!"

"Go to the ancestors for fire!"

The **** abilities of the **** people are still shouting, and the enthusiasm in the eyes is not diminished.

They have tasted the blood of Anlin before, and there is no such thing as being unable to withstand the blood of the Holy Blood. How can they be so happy when they are so happy?

When Anlin saw them like this, they knew what they were thinking and added: "When I was a god, I was able to bear the blood of my blood in the early days of returning to the virtual."

"But since the body of my **** of war is small, the **** people in the early days of returning to the virtual can touch my holy blood and die! My holy blood safety line has become a mid-return. Now my realm has once again made a big breakthrough. It’s a monk who has returned to the virtual world. Do you understand what I mean?”

As soon as this statement came out, all the **** people were sucking up a sigh of relief.

Will the holy blood of the Holy Father be stronger and stronger?

The gods will be poisoned to death in the early days, he is now dying, really will not poison them?

The **** people in the middle of the imaginary period began to hesitate...

They feel that they have drunk the latest version of the Holy Blood and have a high probability of dying.

Shuang is cool, but it can't be desperate for life! If you have a life, you will have a chance to countless times. For a cool time, you will give your life. It is silly!

The saints are hesitant, they are fanatical and loyal, but they are not stupid. It is not worth it to waste their lives here.

The warm atmosphere on the scene suddenly cooled down.

Just as the **** powers, the enthusiasm on the face gradually subsided, a figure stood up!

"Sanzu, let me come!" A strong, shaved man, looking at An Lin, said with a strong tone: "If I die, then the Holy Blood does not need to continue testing."

It is the Taber who came back to the late stage of the virtual, and also the owner of the Blood Court!

More than a dozen **** geniuses, seeing the back of the death, the heart suddenly rose a bit of admiration.

Taber was hard to cultivate until the end of the return to the virtual, still willing to take the risk.

This is the Lord of Blood Pavilion that makes them convinced!!

Anlin looked at Taber seriously and smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "I really didn't read you wrong, good! But now, there is no need to return to the late power, someone will replace you. ”

Taber stunned, and some stunned: "Who is going to replace me?"

At this time, sitting on the shoulders of An Lin, who had been silent, took out a black ball, and smiled and said: "The three golden guards, they are still in my hands!" ”

As soon as this statement is made, almost all of the **** faces are changed.

Three Golden Saints, Ada, Golden Demon, Jinling!

They are among the **** people at the top of the returning virtual power, the three together, using a special secret method, can play the power of comparable level in a short time!

"Their status in the blood family is second only to the Emperor and the Son. I didn't expect you to catch them too?" Cocosti said with blood and excitement.

"Dinna is really amazing, one person can catch three golden guards!" Myron also looked shocked.

The strength of the Golden Saint Law is unquestionable. It is difficult to capture them three.

"Okay, OK, don't boast." An Lin smiled. "I let them test blood performance, and it is also to make you safer when I accept my new blood in the future."

After all, he turned his eyes to Dina: "Come on."

Dina nodded and leaped backwards. At the same time, she waved the round black ball directly to Anlin: "Come in, Pikachu!"


The white light enveloped Anlin.

From the light, Anlin felt an extremely difficult space to resist!

He did not resist the space power and was instantly sucked in.

"the host!"

"The great ancestors!"

The **** savvy people were shocked to see An Lin being sucked in by the ball.

"Reassured, he is safe in my pet elf ball." Dina carefully recovered the ball and put the gods in the ball.

Anlin felt a whirlwind and returned to his vision again. He has come to a place where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the birds are fragrant.

This place is a prison, is the treatment very good?

"Oh..." On the hill not far away, there was a voice that was moving.

Anlin walked over and found a fox man with a black tail and black ears, waving his **** and smashing a strange crystal that was not black and autumn. www.readwn.com~ dug out a strange crystal.

Every hit of it uses the power of Shinto, but the hardness of Montenegro is terrible, and it takes a long time to pick up a small crystal.

"As long as I dig three tons of crystals, I can rest today." The black fox man was sweating, but he snorted happily. "Today, the goddess of the goddess has reduced the workload for me, long live the goddess!"

An Lin: "..."

This baby is afraid of being abolished...

It’s a good sorcerer’s sorrow, can’t you live hard?

The man of the black fox family perceives the movement behind the scenes, and the wind is light and clouded: "Oh, there are new people? I hope that you can get to know each other, and the world is big and big, don't disobey the goddess of the gods, otherwise... ”

He turned and looked at An Lin, but he hadn't finished talking yet.

The man’s look gradually turned from shock to excitement.

"An... An An... Anlin adults!"

The black fox family saw Anlin, tears were about to fall, and hurriedly ran over: "Are you coming to pick me up? I have a good labor reform, I am very embarrassed!"

Anlin’s mouth couldn’t help but sigh: “I am not here to find you today. I ask you, have you seen three blood girls?”

The man kept nodding: "Know, you just promised to let me go, I will tell you where they are..."

"Oh, you don't understand your situation?" An Lin smiled coldly. "Do you believe that I will let you get a ton of work per day?"

"They are in the mountain." The black fox man pointed to a mountain road.

Anlin nodded with satisfaction and disappeared in the same place.

Soon, he found the legendary Golden Sanctuary.

Then, Anlin was shocked again.

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