I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1430: Weird power

"The countdown to the dead? What is that stuff?" Ann Lin looked surprised.

Shangguanyi looks dignified: "It is a mysterious force that can count down the extinction and imprint it in the minds of every of our Xue people. When time comes, all our souls will die!"

An Lin brows slightly wrinkled: "How do you know that when time comes, you will definitely die? Maybe it just scares you, or when time is up, is it suddenly ugly and other effects?"

"Isn't it even more horrible?" Yanhua exclaimed.

Shangguanyi: "..."

"Coughing..." Shangguanyi coughed a little, and stunned Yanhua with a sorrowful resentment. After the Yanhua was unwilling to scream, she continued: "Because before that, we had more than 1,300. In the minds of the Snow Maidens, there was a countdown of countdowns. When the time came, their vitality suddenly disappeared and melted into a pool of snow, and even the female emperor could not save it."

"At first everyone was just panicking, not desperate, but now, the snow-female of hundreds of millions of people in the whole family has such a countdown in their minds, which almost makes us collapse..."

"There are still more than nine days of countdowns. If we can't find any solution during this time, we really want to destroy the family."

Shangguanyi paused, and this continued: "The female emperor wants to get rid of the countdown in her mind, but she feels a very similar force from above. The countdown seems to be wrapped in an absolutely protective film, which can isolate everything in the world. The power of the film is almost the same as the nature of the film covering the surface of the snowy mountain."

"This is not a problem that our Snow Maiden can handle. We must find a strong person who can break this film and even defeat the mysterious creature."

"At that time, the change of the heavenly court made us think of something. The female emperor used the eyes of the ice **** to peer into the past and finally saw the savior who could save our whole family!"

Shangguanyi turned his eyes to Anlin.

The remaining dozens of snow girls also looked at An Lin, and they had a look of pleading and helplessness.

Anlin knew that when he denied it at this time, he didn't mean anything.

He also turned his eyes to the snow ladies, and smiled calmly: "Oh, I don't deny that I am arrogant, but why should I save you?"

"You know, you almost killed me before, saying that it is not too much for the enemy of life and death." An Lin looked at the snow-faced women in front of him, not angry and self-defeating, one word at a time: "You are dead, we are in Kyushu There is one less enemy. So, give me a reason for me to save you."

"If you are worried that we will become your enemy, then we can all swear by the heart, from now on, no longer hurt the Kyushu community!" Yanhua interjected.

An Lin smiled and said: "You have been killed by the mysterious soul group. For us in the Kyushu world, the result is not the same? It will never be a problem."

Yanhua was stunned and his eyes were red.

When others say that their snow girls are extinct, so understated, it is still very hurtful!

Shangguanyi licked his lips and looked at Anlin. "As long as you are willing to save us and let our race continue, we are willing to give everything!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the snow women were exposed to the color of grief.

They didn't say much. Obviously, before they came, they were already prepared for this mentality. This is the inspiration of the female emperor and the high priest!

"Everything you said means..." Somelin hesitated.

"The strength of our whole family, the treasures of the whole family are yours, and you will be respected in the future!" Shangguanyi raised the golden scorpion and looked at Anlin. There seemed to be tears in his eyes. Some said reluctantly: "But please You will also give our family some dignity and treat them as a living being..."

All the snow girls have lowered their heads.

Some even held their hands tightly on the corners of their clothes, and they couldn't help but tremble.

Anlin was silent.

He knows that the snow-girls represented by the above-mentioned official art have made such a decision, how fierce ideological struggles have been experienced, and what kind of unwillingness and humiliation have to endure.

"I can't think of it, the snow woman who once was so strong that it has fallen to this point." An Lin sighed.

The snow girls heard a glimpse of their eyes, and some thought of the past experience, they could not help but cry.

Sudden disasters, let them stay away from their homeland, the war continues, for a piece of land, and even let the snow female blood stain the land of the other side.

Now, suddenly there is a disaster of genocide. What have they done wrong, to endure this terrible disaster?

Instead of looking at the expressions of the snow ladies, Anlin turned his attention to Shangguanyi: "Tell me, why do you want to do this for Snow Maiden?"

"I am also a snow woman, I also have a countdown to death, I don't want to die." Shangguan Yidao.

"I want to hear the truth!" An Lin was angry.

He knows that even if she is so cold and cold, in order to save the same disciple, she is still willing to give her life, not a person who is afraid of death.

Shangguan art face tangled color, indulged for a moment ~www.readwn.com~ This is a bitter smile: "Well, Anlin, I tell you the truth..."

"Priest, don't!"

"You can't say, forget your promise to the female emperor?"

A group of snow women, when they heard Shangguanyi’s words, their faces suddenly changed and they hurriedly persuaded them.

Shangguanyi comforted a smile: "Do not worry, who is Anlin, I understand, he will not harm me."

After all, she whispered: "Actually, I am the reincarnation of the Snow Maiden's ancestor, the hope of the Snow Girl's renaissance. This point has been known since the ice ancestors in my body awakened. As Xuezu, my body, My blood, my soul, don't allow me to watch them annihilate..."

Anlin was shocked. Obviously, she did not expect Shangguanyi to have such a heavy identity.

Shangguan Yiyu turned over and a triangular crystal appeared in her palm.

It releases an extremely soft blue light, flashing like a rhythm of life.

"This is the heart of the ice ancestor, and it is my heart..." Shangguanyi's cold eyebrows are slightly converging, and the long, greasy hands are held to hold Anlin's hand and spread out, and the crystal falls into Anlin's In the palm of your hand.

She smiled and said: "Now, my life is yours, beg you, save us."

Anlin is a bit blasphemous.

He can feel that the crystal in front of him is connected to the life of Shangguanyi.

In addition to the original, the female emperor and the high priest sent officials to come over, just to speak.

Unexpectedly, they even sent the most important people among the snow girls!

The ancestors of the Snow Maidens are actually seeking for each other!

The rest of the snow girl had already burst into tears. Before that, she did not say that she would let Shangguanyi hand the heart of the ice ancestor to Anlin. They now know exactly what kind of position Shangguanyi can do in order to save the whole family.

She is gambling on this man with everything she has!

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