I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1438: The mountain is running out of water

Ten years of sword broke through the golden thunder and penetrated the body of Anlin.

The strange time force made his body aging quickly, and there were a lot of white silk on his head. The organs and bones in the body began to decay and decay.

Anlin’s body swayed gently, and it seemed that he could not support it. A blood spit out.

Time God slowly drifted to Anlin, and the look was cold and indifferent: "As long as you kill, the wind and the thunder can return to the heavens and the earth, even if you don't have consciousness, you can make the heavens and earth more complete."

Anlin violently gasped, and now his physical condition has been so bad that the light on his head is gradually dimmed and eventually begins to collapse.

The power of continuous use of authority, and now the power of authority is finally overdraft.

Unable to use the authority of the wind and thunder, he can not compete with the time god!

"Little evil!" An Lin suddenly screamed.


The dark field spreads instantly and envelopes the heavens and the earth.

Time God is suddenly in the darkness where there is no sense of space.

"This is..." Her face turned again, and she looked obsessed with the sight.

"Evil sword, final, night!" An Lin waved a dark invisible sword.

End the power of all things, as the darkness rushes to the time god.

Victory Sword has a special power. When Anlin does not have any authority, there is still power to influence the avatar of authority, such as Fengtian.

Therefore, Xiaoxie is the last card of Anlin!

In the field of artifacts, the golden glow of time gods is extremely dazzling.

She felt the coming of the night, the look changed slightly, but there is still no fear.

The golden goddess of the **** of time, gently stepping on the darkness, a slap in the sea, the power of time and time turns into a circle of light as it spreads around and spreads to infinity.

"Time is decaying."

Whether it is the night sword or the field of artifacts, it is instantly invisible invisible!

It seems as if the night is broken by the tears of the light.

Reappearance of the world.

Time God sees the sword of victory in the hands of An Lin, still in the strange black mans.

Her pupil was slightly shrunk and she was trying to raise her hand.



Time God's head is blown up! !

This scene happened so suddenly that everyone was shocked.

The snow girls were exclaimed. After the call, the faces showed a joyful color that was difficult to conceal. Some of them were reddish and some shouted.

At the moment, Anlin was brows and wrinkles. He just used Ling Tiansheng’s lore skills and annihilated!

Although the time of God's head was blown up, he always felt a little worse.

Although the power of Xiaoxie can hurt or consume each other, it is difficult to destroy the core of the other source. It is like a weed. After burning, the roots are still there, and the spring breeze is born again...

Sure enough, even if the head burst, a pleasant, indifferent voice rang again: "Time goes backwards."

Time is reversed.

Spots converge.

The blasted head seemed to be rewinding and began to re-bond.

Whether it is Snow Maiden or Heavenly Emperor, it is dumbfound to see this scene, and it is followed by deep despair. Even if the golden snow girl is split into two halves, she is hit by a headshot and is hit hard. It will not die. A time back will be restored. Is there any way to kill the other party?

What to do, is there any way to deal with her?

Anlin racked his brains to think, but there is still no solution.

He is already running out of water...

Do you want to escape?

An Lin remembered the agreement with Xiaolan. If he couldn’t beat it, he must not give it to him here. He must come back alive anyway.

He looked at the golden snow girl who was extremely unsolvable in front of her, and her heart gradually retired.

On the ground, the Emperor is dialing a note.

"The maiden, now the situation is very urgent, it is time god, you will not come again, Anlin may really be dead!"

Inside the note, the sigh of the son-in-law was heard: "You know, now I can't shoot at all, I only have one chance to do it..."

The Emperor of Heaven was somewhat reluctant, but he also knew that the son-in-law was right.

If the current son-in-law is shot, it will only make the plan to fail.

For a moment, he gritted his teeth: "No matter what, I will not let Anlin die here! Anlin is the **** of war in heaven, and I am the Emperor. You can't shoot, I will save him!"

There was a silence in the notes.

"Emperor... I hope you have a few numbers." The son-in-law said awkwardly: "You can't beat Fengtian, what do you want to do to fight the gods? We don't study how to fight with the sky, how is our research direction? Completing the defects of the day..."

The Emperor smiled and said: "But I have studied it."

Nüwa: "..."

The Emperor hung up the notes and looked up at the sky.

Time God has used the time-lapse technique to restore all the injuries of the body.

At this time, even Snow Mai knows that Anlin is actually at a disadvantage.

Even if Anlin hit her twice, she returned to her twice.

It was Anlin, who had smashed two swords for ten years, and the breath had begun to languish. The body thought it was also extremely serious...

On the tricks ~www.readwn.com~Anlin has lost all the useful king bombs, and there is no more cards in his hands. It is time god, it is an incomprehensible existence, I don’t know what her next move is, even if I have been using a sword for ten years, it is enough to kill Anlin!

The female emperor of the Snow Maiden looked up at the man who stood tall and took a deep breath, and screamed with the genius of the whole family: "All the members fight the snow girl to listen to the order, immediately attack the enemy and create opportunities for the Anlin lord!"

When this statement came out, tens of thousands of snow women and strong men drank at the same time, formed a battle array, and exerted full force to launch an attack against the **** of time!

The enemies are strong enough to make them unimaginable, but they can only pin their only hopes on the men in the sky, so they are attacking the enemy without fear, just to win even a chance for Anlin. !

In an instant, the ice blade is like a heavy rain, and the cold cannon is shaking.

Numerous ice-cold techniques, such as the wave, have flooded the time god.

Anlin saw a sudden shot to cover his own snow woman, a little glimpse, did not expect to get support from almost all snow female combatants when they were running out of water.

But these attacks are obviously useless.

The golden light group spread for ten miles, and all the techniques that entered the range of the light group quickly dissipated, leaving no trace of traces between the heavens and the earth.

Time God is in the center of the light group, the look is indifferent, there is no slight change in the look of the snow woman attack.

Anlin knows that this is the power of time decay, let alone the ordinary attack can not be broken, even if the power of authority, it is likely to be wiped out by this decay.

I was thinking about the escape of An Lin, and I saw the snow woman who was desperately trying to create opportunities for him to fight. The heart couldn’t help but shake it.

Escape, still can't escape?

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