I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1440: How to kill the authority

Time is getting weaker and weaker.

Obviously, the seal of the Emperor of Heaven is very effective.

All the snow girls on the field gathered their eyes on the Emperor.

They never imagined that the Emperor, who had never shot, was so amazing that it was almost the final battle.

Time is still struggling, but the struggle is like a dying struggle, with no effect at all.

The female emperor was shocked: "I know that he can borrow the power of the sky, but he did not expect that he could borrow such a terrible power of heaven. If this power falls completely on a certain superpower, I am afraid Doesn't the other side have to grind it?"

Meng Zhi also said with emotion: "A good one-day penalty, the master of heaven is really worthy of the name, this hand alone is not what we can contend with."

The temperament of the time **** not only weakens rapidly, but also the body is rapidly becoming smaller.

When she returned to Heaven from the possession of no power, it was truly destroyed.

Anlin suddenly wants to make up a knife. If he can take the time authority to his own body, is it not beautiful? Don't say anything else, the magical technique of a single time back can make him almost die!

However, he still resisted the thought.

Now that the overall situation is the most important thing, if you intervene yourself and let the Emperor's seal town appear what kind of moth, it is really an sinner.

Just as An Lin was thinking about it, the face of the Emperor changed suddenly.

"Well, time authority can't return to heaven!" The Emperor was shocked.

Anlin was puzzled: "Why can't I return?"

"It's too self-conscious, I can't eliminate her consciousness." The Emperor said in awe.

An Lin was a bit stunned. He had previously felt that the time **** is very human, his expression is very rich, and there are many words. It seems that the individual consciousness is very powerful.

"What should I do?" Anlin asked.

The female emperor, Meng Zhi, and other snow women, also looked at the Emperor very nervously.

The Emperor sighed and had deep exhaustion in his eyes: "I don't know..."

An Lin: "..."

Female Emperor: "..."

The meaning of this is to ask us to die?

"I can't kill her completely now. She can't break free from my town. We are deadlocked now. But if I can't find a way, when I run out of power, she can regain her freedom!" "The Emperor of Heaven is desperate."

Anlin is exhausted. He finally gave up the opportunity to escape and decided to fight with the Emperor of Heaven. In the end, the result turned out to be a failure.

and many more……

He suddenly remembered one thing.

Heavenly Emperor and Time God is deadlocked, can he not take this opportunity to escape?

Anlin is ready to move.

The Emperor saw Anlin, who was ready to move, and his face was happy: "An Lin Xiaoyou, do you have any good ideas? If you do, you don't have to worry about the consequences!"

"I want to run away." An Lin Shi Cheng said.

Emperor: "..."

Snow Lady: "..."

The atmosphere suddenly picked up.

Laozi is killing the enemy desperately, do you want to sell teammates?

The Emperor of Heaven seems to have taken a sip of old blood in his heart.

Is it to praise the true nature of Anlin, or is it that the spray is afraid of death?

Anlin thought about it. Although life is important, it is really inappropriate to sell the Emperor directly.

But what can he do?

Anlin stepped forward and his body flashed in front of the **** of time.

Time God's head is gone, but the body is still shaking gently, constantly struggling.

If the Emperor is still closing her, she may be a time-lapse, and then pretend to be in front of everyone.

Anlin indulged in a moment, raised his hand and inserted a sword into the heart of the **** of time: "Call you to force!"

The dark blade penetrated the body of the **** of time, making her tremble fierce and seemed to hurt.

Anlin carefully perceived, but still felt that the injury was only the surface, and did not hurt the other party's fundamentals.

Is it the wrong way to insert?

Anlin took out the evil sword and inserted it into another part of the golden snow woman.


The golden snow female's delicate body is a tremor, it seems to be very painful.

An Lin is not tired, keep pushing!

Instantly stabbed hundreds of swords on the snow woman!

"An Lin Xiaoyou, you are going faster, I am almost unable to hold it..." Tiandi's face was pale and pale, biting and said.

An Lin’s face is dark: “Is it too slow to plug in? The key is useless!”

During the speech, he inserted a hundred swords on the golden snow woman.

The sword of victory and evil has a special suppression effect on these incarnations. It is reasonable to say that every damage is true to the **** of time, but it is not dead!

"What to do, Xiaoxie." An Lin could not help but ask his own sword spirit.

The cold and tender voice came: "I can't kill her, your cultivation is too low, and I can't mobilize enough power."

An Lin: "..."

So all this blames me too weak?

An Lin’s heart was a little tired, and the pot smashed him.

"Or, let the Emperor or the female emperor use you to swear the gods?" Anlin asked again.

"They didn't even qualify for my strength." Xiao Xie sighed.

An Lin stunned and suggested: "Do you want to move yourself?"

"I am acting like a duckweed without any support. It is difficult to fully exert my strength. In the final analysis, you are too weak."

Anlin felt that he had been tied with a sword. During the speech, he also inserted hundreds of swords into the golden snow woman.

The exquisite and perfect golden snow female body has been inserted into a horse-like honeycomb, and the body trembles sharply. It seems that it is unable to maintain the stability of the body, and it has begun to fall apart.

Not only that, but even the golden **** ring began to crack.


Time God's body was blown up and turned into a little bit of light.

This scene made everyone on the field stunned.

"End?" The female emperor muttered.

The Emperor first sensed it, then his face was overjoyed: "Great, Anlin, I can't sense the existence of the other side, we won!"


Somein looked at the empty space in front of him without any object, and looked at the evil sword. He smiled and said: "Is it true that if the damage accumulates to a certain extent, she will be able to kill her?"

Xiaoxie did not speak ~www.readwn.com~ seems to be thinking about something.

The Emperor sighed with relief, and although he was very tired, he smiled happily.

After hardships and dangers, it is a good thing to get rid of the great harm of the human race.


Suddenly, the blood splashed.

The smile of the Emperor solidified on his face.

His chest, a golden blade of awning through the body.

There is no living being between heaven and earth, it is a sharp edge, suddenly appearing in the chest.

"Time roulette." The sky came with a lingering sound.

The light particles are concentrated and the **** ring is reconstructed.

A golden snow female-like creature reappears in the world.

It is time god, she is resurrected without any harm! !

The snow girls are desperate.

Anlin also took a cold breath.


A crisp sound sounded.

Time God re-reconstructed the **** ring, suddenly there is a crack in the wire...

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