I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1454: The bottom of the food chain

Day after day, life and death, from the threat of nature.

Anlin felt that it was painful enough until one day he was exposed to the sun.

Suddenly there was a black ladybug crawling along his body.

The foot was tied to him, itchy, some pain.

This is not the point.

It climbed onto An Lin's head and suddenly opened a sharp mouthpiece and slammed it in.

"Ah, ah...!" An Lin screamed in pain, as if the brain had been pierced.

The ladybug is still sucking, and An Lin's brain shell is sucked away by the ladybug.

After a period of inhuman and non-grass torture, the ladybugs ate and ate and finally flew away.

Anlin’s brain is dry, and his face is inexhaustible and continues to bloom.

Although not dead, the torture is simply not affordable.

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

Anlin, who had just been visited by the ladybug, suddenly flew a more awkward insect, locust! The locusts transit, the grass is not born! !

The locusts bite Anlin's body more violently than the ladybugs. Anlin's pointed head was eaten by the mites, and the body also had a tearing pain that was eaten by the mites.



The experience of tearing the body and then chewing is simply horror! !

After the locusts had enough to eat and drink, they left behind the riddled grass, and flew away with satisfaction.

Xiao Cao’s tears filled his face, and he secretly vowed that he would never make a little grass in the afterlife!

It’s no problem to be bullied by the horrible natural environment. Is it still being bullied by all kinds of brutal insects? Is there any reason?

While Anlin resumed his life, he kept spit.

The strong pain is always with him, but he can't die.

Torture is still far from stopping, not only insects bullying him, but even various microbes have to bully him.

Some microbes make him itchy, some microbes **** his nutrition, and some microbes make his body rot and decay...

Originally thought that only natural torture.

It seems that it is Anlin who thinks too naive.

As the bottom of the food chain, Xiao Caoan, anyone can bully!

Even if it is the most small ant, wanting to take a bite of Anlin, he will bite Anlin, and from time to time will cast his contemptuous eyes on him, but he still has nothing to do! !

When Wang An experienced this grievance, a cockroach in the district can torture him!

At this time, Anlin realized that the life of Xiaocao was not easy. No wonder that in the past, there would be a sign in the park. Let us care for flowers and plants, and do not step on it.

The life of the grass is so hard, you ran over and stepped on two feet? Do you want to be so cruel, do you want to be so uninspired?

Anlin felt that she was tortured to be a little nervous, and she was thinking about it.

But this torture is far from over.

The torture of various harsh environments, the bite of various insects, and the erosion of microorganisms are still continuing. Anlin feels that he can die several times a day, but he has lived tenaciously.

This **** stubborn!

After torturing countless days, the seasons changed and autumn came.

Anlin gradually grew old.

His green and tender body began to yellow, and the pain of aging spread throughout the body.

Anlin felt that it was a good way to die.

Backfired, this land is too dry and caught fire...

The fire spread all the way, and An Lin looked at the fire with horror and could not do anything to resist. A small grass, under these horrible flames, can't do anything, can only accept fate!

In this way, Anlin actually realized the taste of a burning fire.

"Ah, ah... it hurts, help!!" Anlin hysterically cried.

The flame burns every inch of his skin and destroys every cell of his. This kind of pain is terrible, and it is not for everyone to bear.

The fire burned his body.

Anlin finally turned into gray.

He thought that everything was over.

As a result, his consciousness shifted to the ground, which is the root of the grass.

An Lin: "???"

Is it over? Still not finished? !

Anlin almost collapsed.

No one answered him. Some were just bugs on the ground, and microbes. They were still bullying him. He couldn’t die, trying to absorb the nutrition of the underground.

Wild fire, in spring.

After undergoing numerous struggles to freeze to death, Anlin made another bud, then grew up, grew taller, and grew stubborn again.

What shocked him was that he found himself growing taller!

It is taller than it was last year.

Not only grow taller, but also strong!

Perhaps this is the physique of the grass, the more it is devastated, the harder it is, the stronger it will become!

Anlin has become more powerful!

Now, can't call him Xiao Cao, please call him Da Cao!

He is still being blown away by the wind and the sun, and is abused by all kinds of creatures, but all this can't stop his determination to grow hard and grow stronger!

At the moment, Anlin saw hope and detachment.

What if he kept on a long meeting? Can it be refined? Or become stronger, strong enough to resist all kinds of natural damage?

Anlin has a head and works harder.

Under his indomitable struggle, he really got better, he is getting stronger and stronger!

Although he will still be bitten by insects, but he has a certain resistance, he is convinced that under his own efforts, tomorrow will be even better! !

Day by day is devastated, and efforts grow every day.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, year after year.

Anlin is getting better and better.

He felt that he was not far from Cheng Jing.

Once he is fine, he will torture the insects that have once bullied him back thousands of times!

He wants to kill those ants, ladybugs, armyworms, mites...

Anlin has set an ambition.

What is he fighting for? Isn't that waiting for the day to come?

Da Cao An grows up and thrive, killing thousands of times, but the more abused and fierce, the more struggling and hard-working, almost will be a positive result...

One morning, the sun is shining.

"I have endured countless lives and sufferings, and I have put so much effort... This day is finally in sight..." Anlin said to himself.

This is a counterattack, a legendary counterattack at the bottom of a food chain! !

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened~www.readwn.com~Anlin turned his eyes to the sky and saw a palm covering the sky, so he fell and grabbed his body, trying to catch him. stand up!

"No!!!" An Lin screamed in horror.


The ultimate pulling pain is all over the body.

An Lin’s body was uprooted! !

A voice echoes in his ear like a demon.

"Oh... this grass grows so strong, take it back and simmer it, the taste should be good..."

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