I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1558: This **** impulse

Fill the knife?

On the top of the sky, I was photographed several times by Lin Yutian, and the phoenix that was almost scrapped was trembled.

It looked at Lin Yutian on the ground, and suddenly there was a thrill of revenge.

It is the favorite thing of every beast to beat the falling water dog, even the proud phoenix is ​​no exception, especially when the dog has bullied it before!

"Hey!" Phoenix accepted Haunting's proposal happily. The wings stretched and slammed against Lin Yutian on the ground. The endless red fire was like a raging ocean, and it roared and burned everything.

If you make up the knife, you will have to make up the bottom.

It is the best way to burn Lin Yutian’s **** without burning it!

The fire of God is enough to instantly burn all the creatures into blue smoke, not to mention Lin Yutian, who does not know whether he is dead or alive.

But in the next moment, a man with a scarred and extremely suffocating breath came to the front of Lin Yu, and with one hand, the fire that was overwhelming was wiped out.

"I don't want to hurt her anymore." Qiao Sitian faintly said, "I won't let anyone hurt her anymore."

The phoenix was shocked by the sudden appearance of Qiao Si Tian Shen.

"Is it because of you, protect him?" The Emperor rushed over. "Exactly two won together."

"Be careful that he releases the Ninth Ring." The Black Snake cautioned cautiously.

"We are quick and quick." The White Snake also spoke.

The three peaks of superb power, after a long battle, have been exhausted.

Because of the sand sculpture operation, Qiao Si Tian Shen was hit hard and fell into the wind. They have seized the opportunity to chase after the fight, but still can not complete the fatal blow. They also know that they can no longer continue to drag on, and they must eliminate Qiao Si Tian Shen as soon as possible, otherwise the battle will change again, and all of them can't hold it!

Faced with three people.

Qiao Si Tian looked at Nantianmen in the distance and took a deep breath.

I am trying to use the last move.

A pair of plain hands grasped his feet tightly.

He looked up and saw the dark and empty eyes of Lin Yutian.

Uh... The dark **** ring on the head is covered with dense cracks.


Above the red sky.

The dark black vortex suddenly appeared.

Then, a cylindrical black light contains extremely terrifying power to fall to the earth!

Lin Yutian was bathed under the black light and stood up again and again. The black hole looked at An Lin and Xu Xiaolan on the ground and smiled differently.

The Emperor of Heaven, the Black Spirit Snake, and the White Spirit Snake teamed up to attack.

She didn't look at it, just like waving an annoying flies.


The endless darkness spreads in a circular impact.

The Emperor of Heaven, the Black Spirit Snake, and the White Spirit Snake all felt a supreme power, as if to devour everything, as if to attribute all existence to nothingness.


After a violent collision, the three players raised their hands to shake the strong ones of the field and were directly shot.

Lin Yutian’s **** looked dull and staggered toward Anlin, and his mouth whispered with some strange words: “My Lord is dark, naturally without fear of all light and tangible things...”

Anlin didn't care what Lin Yutian thought, he was already frightened by this crazy woman.

He thinks that he is a small strong man who can't die. If he encounters any danger, if he dares to fight and fight, he will certainly be able to create miracles. But now, fighting with Lin Yutian, he only knows who is the real Xiaoqiang, the heart has been blown up twice, and Tiandao has also eaten a finger, and Lin Yu can still stand up!

Can this cargo die? !

Qiaosi Tianshen stood silently and looked at Lin Yutian with a sad look.

Lin Yutian seems to have re-adapted to the state and began to rush to Anlin and Xu Xiaolan.

Xu Xiaolan holds Anlin and wants to run away from the distance, but she is helplessly found that she has no strength to stand up with Anlin...

Now Anlin and Xu Xiaolan are like fish to be slaughtered, and they simply cannot pull out their strength to resist.

How to do how to do……

Looking at Lin Yutian, who is getting closer, Anlin and Xu Xiaolan are anxious.

The darker and darker the sky, the shadow of Lin Yu’s **** is elongated, just like the darkness of despair, but also the killing and destruction.

The phoenix screamed and Nirvana burned the sky from the sky.

Lin Yutian God lifted one hand and the dark black barrier of the body condensed on the top of the head, which was close to the golden flame attack.

At this time, the attacks of the Emperor, the Black Snake, and the White Snake also came again.

Lin Yutian seems to be a little annoyed, directly to the distant Anlin and Xu Xiaolan hollow shot!

A black giant palm instantly condenses, falling from the sky, carrying a great power. If this palm really falls, An Lin and Xu Xiaolan say that they are not allowed to be crushed into meat!

"Guarding the car! Protect the car! Quickly protect the back row!" Anlin, who married Xiandan, finally spoke loudly and his tears were about to fall.

The Emperor of Heaven, the White Snake, the Black Snake and others all stunned. Obviously, Lin Yutian did not expect that even in the case of a multi-strong attacker, he would still aim at Anlin.

How much hatred is this?

Was it so intense that the reaction was so intense?

The giant palm has fallen, covering both Anlin and Xu Xiaolan.

Anlin held the tender tender body of the woman in her arms and made a final farewell.

"Xiaolan, I love you."

An Lin looked at the red lips of the woman in front of her, and said she would kiss it.

Before the two, suddenly there was a petite figure, and the big hand grabbed the two, just like the eagle caught the chicken and raised the two.

"Catch the grass!" Anlin's kiss was interrupted and shocked.

"Where is the grass, when do you want to sprinkle the dog food? You are doing a second hatred to Lin Yutian. Do you know?!" A sound that was as clear and crisp as the sound of the sound of the sky sounded in the ear.

At this time, Anlin found that his old waist had been hugged by a delicate arm.

Xu Xiaolan is also surrounded by another arm.

Juli came.

The two were taken to the spot with great speed.


The black giant palm fell to the ground, destroying the earth with a huge palm print.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan escaped the attack of Lin Yutian in the midst of a thousand miles!

A touch of fragrant scent around the tip of the nose.

At this time, Anlin had the opportunity to look up and look at his savior.

Colorful clothes fluttering, pointed chin ~www.readwn.com~ pink and delicate to impeccable melon face, a pair of clear and moving eyes, as well as refreshing and playful short hair ... clearly is the angle of looking up, still I feel that the woman’s looks are very impressive.

"Small... little bird girl?!" Ann Lin exclaimed with surprise and joy.

"If you talk again, I will throw you out of your hand."

She had intended to maintain her position, secretly eating melons, and never intervened. But as soon as she saw that Anlin was about to be shot, she couldn’t help but finally!

The ghost makes the difference, the brain is blank, and if you don't want to, you make this decision.

This **** impulse!

The little **** are very violent now! !

. . . m.

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