I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1562: Volleyment of authority

Lin Yutian has died out.

Heavenly Emperor, Black Spirit Snake, White Spirit Snake, Phoenix, naturally focus on the top of Qiaosi God.

They saw that Qiaosi’s gods were taking the opportunity to restore their strength, and the earth-shattering techniques would not be as devastating as money. Everything had the power to destroy the earth.

Jos's eyes are gradually blackened by pure gold.

When everyone saw this scene, the heart could not help but jump, knowing that the other party wants to release the ninth **** ring!

How terrified the gods in the state of the Nine Gods, the battles of Anlin and Lin Yutian have been fully interpreted, even if they have the power of authority, they are hard to resist! It can be said that if everyone handles it improperly and cares about it, it is very likely that it will be wiped out!

"Can't let him use the power of the gods!"

"Fast, use all your strength to stop him!"

The Emperor and the Black Spirit Snake screamed in unison.

There is still not much expression on the face of Qiao Si Tian Shen, faintly said: "The ninth black **** ring, named God God fallen. It is not that the **** ring will lead the gods to fall, but the gods can not bear this power, and thus Falling back..."

The black barrier constitutes an absolute defense, and the joint attack of the Emperor and others will be blocked.

Qiao Si raised his eyes as dark as the abyss and continued to speak: "What is the irony... The black **** is clearly the power we should have, but it is suppressed by this heaven and earth..."

Numerous horror techniques continue to blow up outside the barrier.

The barrier of the power of the heavenly law, composed of the supreme will, was smashed with some cracks.

Breaking the sky, dealing with the gods have a special suppression effect!

But still too slow, a black **** ring has gradually condensed on the head of Qiao Si Tian.

Heavenly Emperor and others are not good, but there is nothing to do!

At this moment, the earth of Qiaosi’s **** suddenly bulged, and a khaki-like humanoid suddenly exploded, and a slap in the face of the **** ring on the head of Qiaosi’s **** was broken.


The black **** ring has not yet been completely formed, and it has turned into countless light particles to dissipate.

Qiao Si Tianshen's eyes turned from dark to gold, gradually restored color, and looked at the creatures suddenly appearing in front of him.

The khaki-like creature has a well-defined face, such as a knife. Naked, no gender, rough lines on the skin, hidden in the quaint, fascinating, and a sense of vicissitudes.

The most important thing is that it has a khaki-colored **** ring on its head, which is constantly running, releasing a unique, heavenly and earth-only atmosphere!

"Jos, you have done enough, you don't have to sacrifice yourself." The voice of the soul is extremely strong, and the words are like bombardment in the soul.

Looking at the creatures in front of him, Qiaosi’s gods were so surprised that they couldn’t speak, then turned their respects into respectfulness and nodded slightly: “Follow the order, the mountain god.”

Mountain god?

Whether it was the attacking Emperor and other people, or An Lin and Xu Xiaolan who were lying in the coffin, they were all shocked. Mountain god, the embodiment of the heavenly authority!

There are no ordinary names, and the gods named after the unique attributes are the incarnations of the heavenly authority! !

They represent the supreme authority in the heavens, each with unimaginable power.

The little bird girl was so frightened that she was trembled, and almost slammed the coffin and ran her own way: "My mother, I don't want to offend God, I still want to live another 500 million years!"

"We are already the same thief on board, you don't think too much, face the reality." Anlin screamed and comforted.


The barrier built by Qiaosi Tianshen exploded.

Numerous techniques fell toward Qiaosi Tianshen and Shan Tianshen.

The mountain gods condensed out a wooden stick that looked ugly out of thin air and knocked on the ground.

Suddenly, there was a khaki light curtain that shrouded the two on the ground.

At this moment, everyone looked at the light curtain, just like facing the mountain that could not see the end, instinctively felt the smallness of each other and the greatness of the other.


The law exploded and the power of destruction spread wildly.

Wait for the energy to be exhausted.

The people saw Qiao Si Tian Shen and Shan Tian Shen, standing on the ground unharmed.

The khaki light curtain still exudes a radiant glow, and it is endless.

You must know that this is the super power of the three peaks combined with the attack! Even the film of the other party can not be broken!

Shan Tianshen did not have the color of pride, but turned his eyes to the little bird girl in the distance. Some regretfully shook his head: "Lin Yu is a pity. I thought she could kill Anlin in the Eight Gods Ring, but she did not expect that. Until I used the Jiuzhong Shenhuan, I still fell short..."

Said, it also sighed heavily.

This unintentional word, listening to the rest of the people, is tantamount to a blue sky.

As soon as he appeared, he expressed his regret that Anlin was not killed. It is conceivable that Anlin’s position in the eyes of the mountain **** is so important.

When Anlin heard this, he was about to start.

I want to ask the mountain gods on the spot, how much hatred! I will ask you what hate and blame? !

He even thought that he was the protagonist at such an instant. This is simply a hateful temperament, lying on the coffin, there are big bosses want to kill him, what is the situation?

"I will not let you hurt Anlin." The Emperor of Heaven is majestic and full of resolute colors.

Anlin was moved very much, and the Emperor of Heaven took the initiative to pull hatred for him.

"If you want to hurt Anlin's predecessors, just step on my body." Bai Ling's delicate face has long been wary, and he said without hesitation.

An Lin wiped the tears in his eyes, and the white snake, this Nizi, is a little too good for him, right?

The black snake was hesitating for a moment, and it was cold and cold: "If you want to step on the body of Xiaobai, let's step on my body!"

Um... This is enough to be subtle.

Phoenix is ​​not to be outdone, and the indignation is filled with anger: "Hey!"

Everyone chose to stand in the same camp as Anlin, and they intended to use their lives to block the enemy. This scene made Anlin deeply moved, and wanted to swindle the corpse out of the coffin and fight with friends.

In the face of the super-powerful attitude, Shan Tian Shen slowly shook his head: "No, I am not going to deal with An Lin, what are you blocking me?"

When this statement comes out, everyone looks a glimpse.

The little bird girl seems to have noticed something, and immediately made a decision~www.readwn.com~ carrying a coffin, red high-heeled shoes unfolding the wings, entering the speed mode, madly fleeing far away!

The ground in front of her suddenly exploded.

A naked body with a black sacred ring on his head, a black pointed hair, and a slender woman.

She chuckled, her body covered with black metal luster, red crimson twinkling with dangerous light, and the sound was crisp as gold and iron added: "Is there a South Tianmen still want to go? Waiting for Anlin, when you become a waste, You all pay for Lin Yu."

A supremacy, the atmosphere containing the supreme will spread.

The little bird girl was shocked.

Anlin was shocked.

Another enemy with the power of authority!

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