I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1581: The sacrifice of Qiaosi God

"Can you fight again?" Xu Xiaolan was shocked and turned his head. A pair of clear and beautiful eyes looked at the man in the coffin. Suddenly, "Are you stupid? Is there a problem with the spirit?"

Anlin’s physical condition, if he comes to a virtual power, can beat him.

In this case, he still wants to join the battle of the gods level. Isn't that looking for death?

"Anlin, you calm down, now the battle is good for us. If you enter this battlefield, you might have the opposite effect. Can we look at the situation first?" It seems that Anlin still can't think of it, Xu Xiaolan has a soft tone. Explain with great patience.

When Anlin heard Xu Xiaolan’s gentle and concerned words, he finally calmed down.

He seriously thought about it. He thought that although the mission was very important, but there was only one life, no matter how cautious it was, he decided to take a rest in the coffin for a while.

The battles on the battlefield are still fierce, and the techniques for destroying the earth are endless.

Qiaosi Tianshen and metal gods, because the death of the mountain gods, as if they were stimulated, the offense became more bloody, and you can change your life without hesitation!

They all know that there is no chance to fight now! Because the earth gods will not save them, the fall of the mountain gods is the best proof, everything depends on themselves!

Qiao Si Tian Shen feels that he is not winning the world.

He glanced at the metal gods who had been struggling in the distance, and the earth gods who were silent in the distance, and finally made a decision.


A violent collision.

Containing extremely terrible and innocent energy, it will smash the earth to the earth.

The Emperor of Heaven is on the emptiness of the sky, standing proudly in the sky, and his eyes are reflected in the heavens and the earth, as if he is in the world, but his hands contain the horror energy that breaks the heavens and the earth.

Such a contradictory individual is a unique emperor in this battlefield.

Qiao Si Tian looked up at the figure and suddenly laughed: "Ha ha ha... Isn't that comprehending the broken sky technique?"

He stood up from the sag of the earth and looked at the Emperor of Heaven. He sneered: "Our celestial beings are the races that serve the sky. I will let you know that you will die in the rebellion!"


A dark, dark ring of God appeared on the head of Qiaosi God.

The darkness of the gods is released, as if to **** all the things in the world.

The pupil of pure gold becomes dark and dark.

The eight gods with different attributes began to be detached from the body by the **** ring at the top of the head, and then disappeared into the ring of the gods like a black hole at the top of the head.

The black light swept away and the center of the Qiaosi gods set off like a demon.

The Emperor also felt the heart-wrenching volatility, his eyes narrow and whispered: "Black **** ring, gods are falling...Jiao Si Tian Shen finally have to do everything?"

It can be said that this state is the true strength of the gods and gods.

But the cost is also extremely large, they will not be able to withstand that force, and they will be turned back to death by the heavens, just like Lin Yutian.

The hands of the Emperor of Heaven are like the stars, falling from the sky, and the two palms are together, and they are shot to Qiaosi.

"The comet breaks the palm!"

The blue star tears the night sky, the pure and brilliant stars, and the instant races over the stars.

The Emperor will not let the other person breathe, and will not choose to delay the time, waiting for the time to come back, let the other side live and die. Comprehend the instinct of him, he will only choose to convince the other party!

Qiaosi Tianshen apparently did not expect that the Emperor would be so active, without God's eyes, there was a slight wave of faintness, and then faintly said: "Look for death."

God's black light shrouded the whole body, and he was a palm to the sky.

The palm of the hand burst, forming a dark golden giant palm whistling away, not only the power of gold is infinite, but also the power of the dark **** ring that devours all the power of the enemy.


The Emperor’s comet broke into the sky and collided with the attack of Qiaosi’s god, and the energy exploded.

From a distance, like two stars that are extremely smashing, they slammed into the golden palms, and the two energy were smashed together.

The dark golden palms are cracking, and the power of the darkness of the darkness becomes more vigorous, and the shining light of the stars is swallowed up.

In the end, the remnant golden palm fell on the palm of the Emperor, and the former Emperor of Heaven was vomiting and vomiting blood. This is the first time he has been so smashed after he played against Qiaosi Tianshen!

The Black Spirit Snake and the White Spirit Snake don't give Jon the gods a breather, holding the Excalibur, and screaming out the stunned swordsman, running through Tianyu, the power of the sky.

Then, Qiaosi Tianshen took a few palms and smashed their attacks, and even the aftermath of the palms, they also vomited blood to fly back.

At this time, they really felt that it was difficult and difficult for Anlin to fight against the nine gods in the forest.

Where does the gods use their life to open, and where can they be weak? !

Xu Xiaolan looked at the nervousness of the Emperor and wanted to run to help.

But faster than her is the phoenix and the nine-color god.

These two can be said to be the most noble and beautiful beasts on the mainland in the early days~www.readwn.com~ When they first met, they actually didn’t agree with each other, but they saw the situation tilting in a bad direction at the moment, and they couldn’t help it. Heli shot!

The nine-colored gods and fins are extremely stretched, and they shine under the stars. The power of the Shinto is spread across the sky. There are nine different sacred attributes of the Shinto light intertwined into a tornado, and they whistle toward the gods.

Qiao Si Tian Shen is indifferent, even lazy to see the attack, just stretch out a palm, form an indestructible shield of divine power, the attack of the nine-colored gods are all blocked.

At this time, the phoenix's Nirvana broke through the earth from the sky and fell on the shield of Qiaosi God. The double Shinto impact finally caused his shield to produce conspicuous cracks.

Qiao Si Tian brows slightly wrinkled, the other side one after another, it is a bit annoying, have to find a chance to solve them together...

Also at this moment.

Suddenly there was a very sharp humming sound in the distance.

That kind of sound is ten thousand times more irritating than the sound of scratching on the blackboard with your nails!

In the interior of the coffin, Anlin was made up of the sound and quickly sealed his ears with the technique.

Both Xu Xiaolan and An Lin turned their attention to the battlefield of Metal God.

Metal God does not know when, has summoned silver-white fluid metal, blocking it in front of it. The ancient dragon has been turned into a red and black dragon. The horrible dragon is swept away like a giant wave. A pair of sharp claws are embedded in silver-white metal, which slowly tears downward.

The harsh sound was emitted from this tear.

Anlin's eyes brightened and excited: "Fast! Xiaolan! Now the ancient dragon and the metal **** are deadlocked, it is a good opportunity, let's go get the metal god!!"


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