I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1590: Bury her

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The departure of the earth gods made the people stunned for a while.

In the end, everyone broke out with the most exciting cheers!

“The Earth God really ran? It’s incredible!”

"Great, we won!!"

"It's not easy, oh... I think we have to lose a few times..."

"Well, I have thought that we are going to die several times!"

"It's a pity, Raphael's sister, she..."


The crowd is either excited and cheering, or sighing.

The only thing that made them feel bad was that the so beautiful and beautiful Raphael fell like this and left them forever.

This level of war is impossible to not die, and even the death of so few people, has greatly exceeded the expectations of everyone, can be said to be a big victory.

Even so comforting themselves, they can't restrain their inner sorrow.

Xu Xiaolan slowly flew down the ground, and Anlin walked out of the coffin, his body was vain, his face was pale, and he was completely strong and refused to let himself faint. They all turned their eyes to Gu Long.

Chen Chen’s figure flashed and he came to the side of Gu Longdi.

Bai Ling drove the space white elf spacecraft and flew from afar.

The phoenix and the nine-colored gods circling in the sky, dotted with bright nights.

Xuan Yucheng, Su Shaoyun, Yan Na, Xiao Hong, Sun Yuluo, Quan Sheng and others walked out of the spaceship.

Gu Long Dina flashed a ring and took a beautiful woman out of the ring.

Her body, has been restored by the ancient Emperor, with his hands folded over the lower abdomen, and his eyes closed quietly. Her skin is still white and transparent, and the white soft angel robes cling to the delicate body, bringing out the graceful curves of the body, and the beautiful and innocent face is still faintly lazy, like a sleeping fairy. The beauty is thrilling.

Seeing the gentle and sleek face, everyone's heart couldn't help but feel pain.

Most of them have had contact with Raphael.

When they practiced the sacred method, Gu Longdi was their teacher, and Raphael was the best healer when they were injured and tired. Whoever was injured in the practice, she will rush to the other side for the first time to heal the wound, the gentle smile, the moving eyes, once swayed the high-level minds of the four ninth sects.

At that time, Raphael gave them the most meticulous care and left a super deep impression on them. However, they did not think that the most gentle and kind woman was the most tragic end of the battle.

"If there is no Raphael, in this battle, I may have died long ago." An Lin looked at the woman lying on the ground, her eyes were red and sighed softly.

Xu Xiaolan also followed and nodded: "She healed the seriously injured, even after death, the feedback of the joint road is also concentrated on us. If not, we have no power to fight with the rest of the gods..."

"She is really a very good woman," said An Lin.

Xu Xiaolan thought that he nodded.

The two of them were closest to the fallen land of Raphael, and received the most gifts. Not only did they really feel the meaning of Raphael, but they also saw her life...

Raphael was very kind from childhood, he did not hesitate to fight, and often helped children who had difficulties.

She won't fight, the first method of learning is healing. Every time she treats children who have been injured by accidents, watching them cry from the wow, they will be happy, and they will be cured. The idea of ​​surgery is also more determined.

If you can see the people around you, you will no longer suffer from the pain, what a wonderful thing... I want to be stronger, so that more people can raise their smiles again!

Little Raphael's thoughts are very simple. She just wants to cure more people. But she didn't even think of it. This thought must come down for countless years.

In her life, how many billions of lives have been saved?

Disease entangled, poisoned, cursed, ethnically exhausted, **** cause and effect collapse...

Raphael used his own efforts again and again to let those tortured souls see the beauty and hope of life again.

Yes, countless creatures have made her the first goddess of the early mainland, not only because of her appearance, but also because she has saved countless creatures with an incomparable healing.

Raphael eventually became the first continent, the first creature to unite with healing power.

When the Terran attacked and the Terran faced the demise of the annihilation, she was the first to stand out in the Sanctuary Paradise. She said that she would help the Terran and not watch a race.

Although the Baiyu and the Terran have very friendly exchanges, it is related to the survival of a race, helping the Terran, and there are great differences among the top. At that time, Rafael’s first stand out and made a clear statement made it a great boost.

Subsequently, she also took the initiative to join the Broken Sky Gang, to the battlefield, and jointly fight against the Heaven and Man Alliance. At the time of making that decision, she was ready to sacrifice for the Terran...

Unexpectedly, her final ending was sneaked and killed by the earth gods.

At this time, Raphael was lying peacefully on the ground, and there were already green grasses spreading under the body.

Gu Longdi was half-squatting on the ground, sticking out his hand and stroking Rafael's white tender cheeks~www.readwn.com~ softly said: "She once said that if one day died in battle, please bury her in On the battlefield, let her body turn the broken battlefield into a beautiful place again..."

When everyone heard this, the first look was a glimpse, and then the eyes began to turn red.

A burial place that is super-powerful and capable of spontaneously gathering the aura of the heavens and the earth, turning that place into a paradise on earth and practicing the holy land. Many great powers will choose to bury themselves in their sects, and worship the disciples of Zongmen, but Raphael said that he would be buried in a bloody, devastated battlefield...

Life ends here, then let life make the most beautiful flowers here.

"Just buried her here." Chen Chen also nodded. "I will arrange an enchantment, even if the gods can not break the enchantment, she is safe here."

The people buried Raphael on the spot and set up a tombstone.

The broken earth, under the nourishment of her body, revived at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gradually, under the singularity of the world, the square has become a fairyland of birds and flowers, and this change is slowly spreading.

Anlin and others are amazed.

At this time, Chen Chen has been deeply confronted with the tombstone in front of him: "Raphael, thank you, I hope that you can live in the sanctuary of your heart, and live happily forever."

Everyone saw the story and was deeply envious of the tombstone.

For Raphael, they have the greatest respect in their hearts.

The phoenix sings and dances in the sky, sprinkling the fire feathers like flowers, colorful and romantic.

The nine-color **** finch crossed the sky, bringing nine colors of brilliance like a dream, stunning the night sky.

The two beasts, in their own way, mourned the sacrifice of the detachment teammates.

This is the funeral of the four great angels of the Garden of Eden, the healing goddess Raphael.

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