I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1714: Time riot

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"Wait, I didn't get it wrong, you said?" Anlin felt that he had an auditory hallucination.

"I am going to prepare for the event of the late return to the virtual period." Ye Ling blinked his head and said, "What's the problem? Is there a problem?"

Anlin sucked a big sigh of coolness: "How is it no problem? This is too problematic. Only when it is robbed into the middle of the virtual period, I am going to prepare for the catastrophe and returning to the late stage of the virtual period. It is not the way you play!" ”

Xu Xiaolan is also nervous: "Linger, I know that you have not been promoted for a long time, it is very hard to suppress your own realm, you will ruin yourself. But now it has returned to the middle of the hood, so good once again, then stabilize it, don't Forgot the words of the bulls."

Listening to Xu Xiaolan’s persuasion, An Lin opened his mouth again.

Has his apprentice been so powerful? Is it painful to take advantage of the realm?

Ye Ling indulged for a moment and finally nodded. Some helplessly said: "Okay."

The master sister finally chose to continue to work hard and lay a good foundation.

On the same day, the May 19th Xianzong held another banquet to celebrate the success of Ye Ling.

Master An Lin personally cooked and made a delicious dish of Jinlong Feitianyu for the disciples. Under the gain of the pan, he ate Ye Ling’s tears and praised him.

The title of Heavenly Kitchen God is not a name for the waves.

In the evening, An Lin received another good news.

Fanny came over and said that she had promised to refine Shen Dan. Now she has begun to refine it. Obviously, this business is very important.

Anlin also made a note to the master sergeant. She wanted to ask her about the recent situation and expressed some gratitude. As a result, no one answered every time, and she might still be angry.

The news that Ye Ling broke through to the mid-return period did not leave.

In the early days of the mainland, many of the once-speaking creatures were stunned.

The Emperor sent a musical note and expressed his congratulations.

The Ziwei Emperor came over with a musical note and expressed his congratulations.

Zhu Xuze hit the notes and congratulated.

Conquer the Buddha and beat the notes to congratulate.

Even Lan Xiaoni, who is far away from the West Sea, also played a musical note to congratulate, and he was very excited and Anlin had a half-hour call.

The Tianren war line has shrunk in an all-round way, and the ally of the West Sea Alliance can finally be relaxed for a while.

The Eastern sturdy also made a phonetic note, but he did not come to congratulate.

"Anlin... I really have no choice. I am wrong. I am really wrong. Now that time is in turmoil, you are a man who can make a miracle. I beg you... Please come over and see... ..." The sound of the desperate and helplessness of the East is uploaded from the notes.

Anlin was shocked. He had never seen the tone of the East and Zhuang, and he had never seen him ask for it. The development of the matter must have deteriorated extremely.

"Xiaolan, I have to leave for a while, and the East needs me." Anlin got up.

"Go, remember, you must do what you can." Xu Xiaolan looked at An Lin, did not stop the other side, but the fear in his eyes was difficult to cover up.

Anlin kissed Xu Xiaolan and smashed the space and flew directly to Xiu Xian United University.

At the beginning, the eastern sturdyly placed the **** land between the clouds and the sea not far from the mainland of Xianlian, and then did not move.

Anlin quickly found the place.

He used the magical technique to break open the ban and cross a space door on the mainland.

A violent turn of the sky.

In front of Anlin’s eyes, there was another strange world, a world sealed by time.

Bright sunshine, swaying spring willows, flying birds on the trees, bustling pedestrians on the streets, everything is so beautiful, peaceful and serene.

Unfortunately, all this has been fixed by time.

Everything is fixed, whether it is life or the rest of the matter.

Just like a picture packed in a photo frame, Anlin can only stop and watch, but can't make any interference.

The time here has been split.

Anlin followed the memory, crossed the crowd, and wanted to find the medical center.

Suddenly, the sky turned red.

The pedestrians on the street disappeared, and the beautiful picture changed instantly. Instead, there were countless broken bodies and blood flowing all over the floor! The whole city became ruined and ridiculous. A painful body was on the ground, silently telling sin, like Shura hell.

An Lin’s face changed. Isn’t this the scene of the Black Hand’s massacre?

Is the fixed time still ineffective?

He made a quick move, and the scene in front of him turned out to change again.

The corpses on the ground rotted quickly, and countless worms rushed into the streets.

The next second, the rotten body on the ground disappeared, replaced by a white bone.

Anlin’s inexplicable feeling of dizziness, this place is a bit strange, is it that the energy of the time artifact is exhausted?

He finally saw the medical museum not far away, and was about to enter.

The world has changed again.

The ridiculous city once again turned into a perfect appearance, the wind and the sun, countless pedestrians walking and talking on the road, the roadside shops have folks or sip, or smile to greet guests. A little girl in a beige dress, holding a candied haw, looked quietly outside the doctor's door.

Anlin’s heart is jumping, this is the medical hall!

He was about to walk in, but his footsteps gave birth to a meal, and his heart felt strange.

Anlin turned her eyes to the little girl outside the door, and the look she looked at was more familiar.

Suddenly, an idea blew from the mind and grabbed the grass! This little girl is very similar to Oriental Dream Clean! Was it what she looked like when she was a child? !

If it is outside the door is Dongfang Mengjie~www.readwn.com~ then the inside of the door will be...

Anlin felt that things were not simple. He took a deep breath and walked into the medical hall.

Getting into the eye is a familiar sight.

A woman in a long beige dress with a warm smile and a very nice look is taking medicine and looks pleasing to the eye. But all her actions are fixed, like a beautiful picture.

A middle-aged man is trying hard to push a piece of white stone in his hand. Countless dark black silk threads appear in the void of the oriental dream cleansing, slowly spreading towards her, and appear extraordinarily abrupt in this still world.

"Anlin Road friend, you are finally here!" The eastern strong sounds hoarse.

“What happened in the end?” An Lin found that the state of the East was very bad.

To be precise, the strength of Dongfang Zhuang is in an overdraft, as if he had been hollowed out, but even so, he used the power to push the white stone.

"When I used the light source stone, I injected a huge amount of time into the city. I wanted to make a bang, and I pushed the time to go back. I didn’t expect it to bring back the world..."

"Now the time of this city is caught in a disorderly riot. If it wasn't for Meng Jie who was protected by the chaotic life nuclear, she would have been replaced by a little girl outside the door..."

"Now the world has a rejection of the Oriental Dream Clean, I am going to hold on..."

The eastern face was pale and kept urging the white stones in his hands.

When the body's strength is hollowed out, he burns the blood in his body and insists on energy!

An Lin saw the black silk thread that the oriental dream cleansed around her, and her face became dignified.

He nodded. "What should I do?"

"How do I know, help, Anlin." The East is sturdy and helpless.

An Lin: "..."

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