I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1782: Sold North Luotianwang

On the rolling green grasslands.


Anlin held the spatula in one hand, held the pan in one hand, and fry the rabbit meat.

Xu Xiaolan sat on the side, holding a donkey and smiling at the man who was serious about cooking.

Add dried chili, add ginger, add celery oil...

The rabbits here are particularly cute and very fat, so the scent is particularly rich.

Coupled with the cooking skills of Anlin's kitchen, the temptation of this spicy rabbit can be said to be very deadly.

The white spirit snake, fighting against the Buddha and other people, could not help but get together and looked forward to the delicious food in the pan.

"Anlin's predecessors were awesome, and everything was done, even the cooking was so powerful." Bai Ling snake stared fiercely at the rabbit in the pot and licked his mouth.

Fighting against the Buddha is also very interesting: "Although I don't have to eat now, I always feel that eating is a kind of enjoyment when I see this food. Would you like to give me a taste?"

"Can you eat a Buddha?" Anlin was a little surprised.

"Monsters can eat, why can't you eat rabbits?" Fighting against Buddha does not mean.

Anlin is speechless.

Blue sky and white clouds, grassland barbecue, what a wonderful combination.

Everyone feels very relaxed and comfortable.

On the grassland, the aroma is floating.

A six-meter-high white rabbit bounced in the distance, then jumped to the side of Anlin, sitting on the grass, pink round eyes watching the spicy rabbit in the pot.

Everyone does not care about it. If you don’t accept it, you will kill your rabbit. The fighting power is only five. If you come back to 10,000, it will not pose a threat to them.

If you don't take it, you will bite your rabbit and **** your nose. The scent will pierce the nostrils and make it tremble.

Anlin saw something that he couldn’t bear: "I’m sorry, I can’t help seeing a few cute rabbits... Shouldn’t you have your brothers and sisters inside?”

If you don’t take it, you will bite your rabbit and shake your head: "I don't have brothers and sisters."

An Lin breathed a sigh of relief, so that even if he was the same kind of rabbit, it would not have collapsed too much. Anlin continued to cook, and his dish was ready to be made.

The rabbit indulged for a moment and suddenly said: "Good fragrance, can you divide me to eat?"

"Oh..." Annlin almost smashed the spatula.

"What?" An Lin looked shocked.

Everyone looked at the rabbit with a shocked look.

"I said, your fried rabbit meat is delicious, can I have something to eat?" If you don't take it, you will kill your rabbit and repeat it.

"You are also a rabbit, do you want to eat the same kind?" Anlin originally thought that this rabbit came here to condemn him for frying rabbits. He did not expect the other party to have a spicy rabbit.

"This is not my kind." If you don't accept it, you will bite your rabbit and shake your head. "My name is ‘I won’t take your rabbit and you are killed.’ They are called white rabbits. Their names are different. How could they be similar?”

"Moreover, I am so big, they are so small, it is obviously different."

An Lin opened his mouth.

Xu Xiaolan and others looked shocked.

Logical ghosts! !

"But, isn't the rabbit a vegetarian?" Liu Qianyi still can't understand.

"That is the white rabbit, I am a bite to death, I am not convinced to bite your rabbit! I do not eat meat, **** the animals that are not convinced by me?" The rabbit is a serious way.

Everyone was convinced...

"But there are not many spicy rabbits here, I have to give it to my little friends. Why do you want me to give you spicy rabbits?" Anlin smiled and laughed.

The rabbit is stunned, this is indeed a very critical issue...

"Unless, you tell me, there is treasure in this little world." Anlin smiled and added, "We don't take your treasure, just look..."

Xu Xiaolan: "..."

Who knows that the rabbit actually shook his head: "There is no treasure in this small world, because the aura is not enough, the world level is weak, and there are no spiritual treasures."

Everyone heard it was stunned.

That North Luo Tianwang has made such a high-level ban in this world? !

Everyone thought that this was a very high-level relic.

Anlin used the soul to perceive the rabbit and found that the other party’s emotions did not have any disguise, so they knew that it did not lie. This small world really has no treasures...

"So, what are your valuable things, exchange this delicious rabbit meat with me?" Anlin still did not give up, the holy fire fell, looked up at the rabbit.

The rabbit thought seriously for a moment, and this said: "This small world is the place where North Luotian is used to imprison a strong enemy of the spirit. I can take you to see her. She is very beautiful, with white skin, long legs and chest. Big, your face looks good, you should like it."

"Can I use her to change rabbit meat?"

Hey... Anlin’s hair is numb, this is a special proposition!

Anlin quickly slowed down and looked at the little fairy in Tsing Yi: "Xiaolan... What do you think?"

Xu Xiaolan smiled indifferently: "You don't want to be so nervous. I believe that you are a human being. We rarely find some clues. Let's go see it."

The black snake frowned slightly: "The place where the North Luotian King imprisoned the enemy is the most important place in the whole world. You sold the North Luotian for a spicy rabbit?"

"When you appeared, I said, I am just a tour guide in this world. How can I sell such a big deal to the North Luo Tianwang?" The rabbit sneered. "I used to see you arrogant and so arrogant." This is just that you have to fight you. But now I figured it out, there is nothing good in this world, you are spoiled..."

Anlin was not circumvented, but seriously said: "So take us to imprison the land where the enemy of the North Luo Tianwang is, you still sell the North Luo Tianwang."

"Well, I admit it. I have been alone in the small world for tens of thousands of years. What happened to the sale of the North Luo Tianwang?" The rabbit looked back and complained. "If you say good for a thousand years, come back to see me once, thousands of years and thousands of years." The millennium and the millennium, now the thirty-sixth millennium, he has not returned. He has been so many times, how can I not bear him once?"

Fighting against the Buddha’s eyes and stunned: "What mess?"

Regardless, the deal was achieved happily.

If you don't take it, you will kill your rabbit and Anlin and others, and happily eat spicy rabbits.

The fabulous taste made the rabbit cry out and bluntly said that it was all embarrassing before, and it was Anlin that made it rediscover the meaning of being alive.

After enjoying a spicy rabbit block, the bunny began to take the lead and jumped forward in front, taking Anlin and others to find the enemy who was imprisoned by North Luotian.

Everyone walked through the woods~www.readwn.com~ The little rabbit bounced and stunned, and finally slammed into the void in front, swaying for a while and disappearing.

An Lin’s face changed: “Is there a enchantment here? It seems that the level is very high. I am not aware of this level of soul.”

Although he was very rough at the time, he was able to explain the extraordinary enchantment of the formation.

Anlin began to walk into the big array, bursting into a burst of water, as if it had not entered the water, and then the scene began to change, came to a valley of birds and flowers.

There are waterfalls hanging in the distance.

There are lakes that are translucent like mirrors.

There is also a small house that looks extraordinarily exquisitely built by the mountains and waters.

The rabbit pointed out the finger and pointed to the house, crisply saying: "The pretty woman is inside."

Anlin’s face was weird and followed.

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