I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1802: Sweeping after the war

"Oh, unfortunately, I still have a late step." An Lin said with regret.

He saw the body of the monk on the earth, the broken armor, and the giant fortress that burned and melted. All this, he could not save.

"You don't have to blame yourself for Anlin. We have tried our best. It took less than a minute to hear the news until it came." Where did you fly from the sky to the side of Anlin and look at the ground? Huge cracks, slightly frowning, said, "Isn't the intelligence said that the cracks can trap the Tianren people at the level of the Apocalypse? Why is there a Tianqiu Tianren people now?"

An Lin is also worried: "An apocalypse marshal is equivalent to the strength of the return to the peak, the power of this level has no power to block, it is time to find a time, ask the son-in-law..."

When the big white landed on the ground, Anlin laid a strong treatment array on the ground, so that the wounded were all concentrated in the big array and healed.

Some injured mech-operators walked into the treatment circle and found that the injuries on their bodies were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. It took a few seconds to make a living, which made them look more awed by Anlin's eyes.

This is the real means of immortality! Even after the development of the technology of the earth, the horizon has been greatly improved, and it still feels that this scene is incredible.

Qinghe Jianxian, photon bomb fairy, prostitute Yundao and other monks have come to thank.

A blond young man also looked respectfully and walked up: "Anlin's predecessor, the younger Dairik, took the liberty to ask, what kind of realm has your predecessor reached?"

An Lin blinked, and honestly said: "Well... it’s back in the middle of the virtual."

Bang! !

Dairik is standing still.

"How come...how can it..."

He showed his self-suspicion.

Marshal Qing Luo, a sword and a second dawn fortress, An Lin slapped the dead Marshal.

Doesn't this mean that the mid-term monks are infinitely stronger than the Dawn Fortress?

Anlin looked at the darkness of his eyes, as if he had lost all the beliefs of Dairik, he couldn’t help but screamed: "What is it, are you okay?"

"Okay... okay." Dairik nodded in no eyes and staggered away. The back of the bleak was so distressing.

Anlin looked unclear, and after cleaning up the battlefield, he began to focus on the crack.

The Terran is destroyed, and the inside of the crack no longer continues to emerge from the Terran.

After this war, the Huatai military vibrated, once again felt the terrible of the Terran, began a big mobilization, and quickly supplemented the military forces stationed on the Kunlun front.

The number of Hope Mech has increased to 500. Two giant Dawn Fortresses, which sprayed blue gas to break through the clouds, crashed into the earth and surrounded the cracks one after the other.

This is already all the emergency forces that the Huatai military can mobilize.

There is also a large fish-like airship, hovering in the air, it is deep blue, more than 700 meters long, like a prehistoric whale, with a golden energy ripple at the bottom, like a scorpion spread toward the void, quietly hovering at high altitude Above.

That was the strategic main ship of Hua Taidong, and it was also urgently appointed.

Marshal Chen Jingguo also personally attended the meeting and expressed his gratitude to Anlin for his timely rescue.

"Oh... if the Tianren attacked, they would immediately ask for help." Chen Jingguo’s grim face was full of anger and anger. "They are too arrogant, think they can cope with it, and go to the Dawn Fortress." I will inform you."

"Do not blame them, the Marshal of the Apocalypse will appear on the earth, we are not expected." An Lindao.

"I don't know if we have Earth, can we have a way to deal with the Marshal of the Apocalypse?" Chen Jingguo asked.

Anlin shook his head and sighed: "The Marshal of the Apocalypse can skillfully use the power of space and the power of all kinds of heavens. If you don't have the means to break open the space, you can't even hurt him."

Chen Jingguo’s face is full of worries: “Hey, we humans are still too weak.”

"The only way now is to summon Ange immediately after encountering the Marshal of the Apocalypse, Wang!" Dabai spit out his tongue.

An Lin: "..."

"This..." Chen Jingguo looked at Anlin with some embarrassment.

"Reassure, I have time in this period of time, I will not leave until I have dealt with the cracks in the boundary." An Lin said with a smile.

The pillar of the Huatai Army, gratefully grateful to Anlin: "Thank you for the support of Anlin God of War! I thank you all the people on earth."

Anlin hurriedly raised the other side: "Chen Yuanshuai is very polite, but here is my hometown."

A blue whale airship, a petite figure flies from the sky and flies down the cherry blossoms.

A woman dressed in red and white witches, well-proportioned, with a superb face, a long black hair with a red rope, and a black-and-white knife, fell in love and stood in front of Anlin.

"The younger sister Sakura is sunny and has seen Anlin's predecessors."

The witch's voice was soft and careful and respectful to Anlin.

Chen Jingguo immediately said: "Sakura has a psychic body~www.readwn.com~ is a rare genius of the Japanese witches in the millennium, and also a representative of the Dongpu national practice."

Anlin heard the introduction, his look did not change, and nodded lightly: "Hello."

What kind of psychic body, he has never heard of it.

The beauty that has been in a thousand years is like that. The monk who has been in this millennium is not like this. Anyway, it is a monk in the late stage of the gods. There is nothing worth paying attention to.

Sakura was not unpleasant because of Anlin's coldness, but a pair of black and bright scorpions couldn't help but secretly looked at each other. She heard that a horrible existence that can kill the Dawn Fortress, and the result is a trick in front of the man in front of him. What kind of power is this?

Dongpu was originally a revered strong nation. Like Anlin, a powerful and unreasonable man, for her, the charm is super.

"Anlin seniors, I am the representative of the Dongxu monks. If you want to mobilize our strength, you will be told." Sakura is in fluent Chinese.

Her tone is still clear and cold, suppressing the inner movement.

Anlin Wenyan is interested: "Oh? Sakura Sakura, how many monks do you have in Dongpu?"

"Sakura Sakura...?!" Sakura was a glimpse of the first, and then the delicate face was reddish, still trying to calm down. "There are five gods, twenty-two cultivators, and twenty One hundred high-order road bodies, more than six hundred low-order road bodies..."

Anlin nodded thoughtfully.

This lineup...

Not enough for him to slap.

"Okay, I know, wait for you, I will inform you, let me go first." Anlin smiled softly.

"Yes!" Sakura fell to the ground and retired, and the eyes flashed a touch of lost color.

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