I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1820: Great White Wars Gene Alliance

The gene alliance has gathered hundreds of powerful strengths.

They are all green and extremely muscular. Some of them are red and red, and they are burning with flames. Some of them covered the wind and flew in the air. Not only that, but some practitioners are even covered with scales, some grow ghosts, some have lizard tails behind them, and they are simply a group of hodgepodge of different abilities.

This is the hallmark of the gene alliance, they all gain extraordinary power by transforming genes and triggering the awakening of life levels.

"Eat dog meat, eat dog meat!!"

All the gene-powerful people are screaming in anger, they are extremely proud people, no matter where they go, they are awe of the people. Where can they think that there is a dog who wants to tear down their base camp? This is simply naked. Their dignity is rubbed on the ground!

At this time, several elders with strong breath have already rushed to the big white.

"Ha ha ha ... you little milk dog, don't think that there are more than ten meters, it feels very big, very powerful, see how fierce your grandfather!" One eye is a green and big man screaming, his body muscles quickly swell Inflated, then long hair, quickly formed a fierce wolf with a length of 100 meters.

"Hey!! See you, I am the size of this body, this figure, you are a little milk dog in my eyes, see me tear you!" The fierce wolf roared, the body jumped, the claws in his hands were the sharpest blades. Reflecting the cold light, biting the white to the ground.

The white paws slammed, and the invisible wind slammed into the body of the fierce wolf, squeezing its body to break the bones, vomiting blood and screaming, and the body was photographed flying for kilometers.

"What's the stuff? Who is bigger than you, Wang!"

"Black Wolf King!"

"This dog is not simple, we unite to deal with it!"

"Night poisonous wind!"

"Glowing sun inflammation!!"

"Death arc..."

The elders of several gene alliances, at the same time!

Dabai also raised his two claws and quickly took a few shots in the void.


All the techniques were slapped by it, and even with the spell, they also vomited blood and fell down on the ground, falling to the ground and not knowing.

At this time, the rest of the gene alliance powerhouses have already rushed to the front.

When the big white opened his mouth and spit, the white energy hurricane suddenly exploded around it, as if the air blasted in general, and instantly cracked a large earthquake with a radius of several kilometers.

All the gene alliance powerhouses were bombarded and hit hard.

Even the square building, which is not far away with colored light, was also cracked by this spit.

"This dog turned out to be a virtual power?!" Source baby face shocked color.

A white dog of the same color can actually cultivate into a virtual one? Why?

Which kind of returning power on the earth is not a genius that combines thousands of advantages. The first master of the East, You Mu, is the first existence of the earth. The Dragon King of the Pacific Ocean is an ancient dragon species that survived for tens of thousands of years and was bred with the seabed dragon veins. The dragon of Kunlun Mountain is the ancient dragon species bred by the earth's dragon vein. And it is the most perfect genetic body for the transformation and awakening of genes, the achievement...

What about this dog? So color, so ordinary, why does it return to nothing? !

"Let me come to meet you!!" Source baby feet slammed into the ground, and the body turned into a white mans, and swung to the white at a very fast speed. At the same time, the crystal clear fingers were close together, and the energy gathered outside. Extremely sharp blade, tearing open the space, slamming into the white head.

"Gene peak, holy light knife!"

"Shit third, Wang!"

Big white claws wrapped around the silver flow wind to the source of the baby's fingers.

The two sides collided, the blue light was dazzling, and a very sharp humming sound broke out. The horrible energy is intertwined and smothered, and dozens of winds have been set around.



The screams of the source baby sounded.

He found that the white dog's claws were even harder and sharper than the spirits. When they violently collided, they even shattered his sacred light knife. The blood of the fingers began to burst out, and the body was shot by the dog's claws, pulling out a large blood mark, such as a cannonball falling off the ground.

Bang! !

For a while, I moved the mountain.

The source baby pulled out a large pit on the ground, and the blood flowed all over the body.

"I don't accept it! Ah ah...!" The source baby leaps from the pit, and the whole body bursts with red awns. A dark red energy group wraps the whole body. Anyone who touches his energy group will collapse and die: "Gene Peak, magic is falling!"

Dabai looked at the source of the baby who was rushing toward him again. The corner of his mouth rose, and the evil charm smiled: "I don't accept it, I will hit you! Wang!"

Dabai faces the dark red energy group released by the source baby, without any taboo look, but also a paw to shoot in the past: "Dog style, Wang!"

Like the butter, the dog's claws tear the tears of the source of the baby, and then slap it on the delicate body of the baby.

Hey! !


The source baby spit out a blood and was again hit hard.

"I don't accept! The form of genetic destruction!" Source baby suddenly changed from a height of tens of centimeters to a giant baby of more than ten meters. The strength and speed have been explosively upgraded, and they once again rushed to the white.

Big white and a dog's claw fell.

Hey! !


The giant baby vomited blood and flew down, and the body quickly narrowed like a leaking balloon.

Dabai beats the source of the baby, just like a mad little friend, playing the other party has no power to fight back.

Soon, the source of the baby sighed in the air, and could not get up again.

His face is full of self-doubt: "I... cough... I am the perfect genetic body... how to be defeated by a dog..."

The strongest of the remaining gene alliances are also sad and desperate.

It’s just that the source baby was defeated by a dog. This is the extraordinary force of the entire American League. They are all stepped on by a dog! !

"Who are you..." Source Baby is hard to open.

"I? I am Dabai~www.readwn.com~ A cute and simple dog." Dabai spit his tongue and replied with a good smile.

Source baby: "..."

Source baby really has a feeling of a dog at the moment. Can't you blow yourself a little bit? Why do you always create a kind of feeling for me, I am being abused by an ordinary dog?

"You said, you can take the investigation well. Why do you have to think about it, fight with your dog? Wang!" Dabai is still a look of calmness.

The source of the baby is gloomy. When he accepts the investigation, he is exposed. If he resists, there is a chance to cover up the truth and sneak away. It is a pity that the other party sent a dog, so strong, directly to the headquarters of the gene alliance, and did not give him the opportunity to escape...

Dabai shook the battlefield and shook the battlefield, and all the strong players of the gene alliance were tied with the lock of the wind, and then called.

Not long after, two young people came in the cloud.

Yuan Ying finally saw the behind-the-scenes ambassador of this battle.

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