I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1832: Game space

The clown is awkward.

It is clear that An Lin has been opened behind him. As a result, there is another **** body, An Lin, who is still in a mess. What is the situation?

Anlin couldn't answer the inner confusion, Anlin and the soul of Anlin, while rushing to the clown on the ground, the horrible power of the clown almost breathless.

So strong! !

How could Anlin become so strong? !

The clown knows that the other party has the power to praise the gods, and also knows that his strength is because the son-in-law supplements the sky, and the strength is cut, but there is no chance of even running away.

Seeing the rushing Anlin, the purple **** ring on the head of the clown shines brightly, and finally uses it as the strongest trick of the gods: "game field!!"

Bang! !

Around the world, I changed the sky instantly.

The body of An Lin and the soul of An Lin, did not have time to react, they found that the surrounding space has changed.

The sky seems to be made into a variety of strange graffiti by various random color dyes.

On the earth, dense and childlike buildings stand on the ground.

There are fairytale castles, dreamy pagodas, all kinds of exquisite small houses, the earth is also full of color, there are many cute toys, some teddy bears even tens of meters high, leaning on the castle There is a long train running on the ground.

Playing cards, dice, and various roulettes are everywhere.

At the center of the sky, there is a pointer suspension that releases the purple light, and the sharp needle tip is facing the earth.

The wonderful and brisk music sounded.

Background music also began to appear: "Welcome to my game space, I am the game god."

Anlin and the soul of Anlin are a slight glimpse, and then continue to the game on the ground to the gods! They simply don't care where they came, anyway, just kill the clown!

The clown was stunned by Anlin’s move, and he hadn’t finished speaking.

"Game, pause!!"

Looking at the bigger and bigger fists, the clown shouted a word like a scorpio.

嗡...Invisible volatility instantly covers the game space.

Space, time, particles, life, everything, everything is still in place.

In the game space, the clown is the only supreme master who is qualified to play the game. He said that if the game is suspended, everything will stop!

The clown climbed from the ground and reappeared with a confident and absurd smile: "Hey...Anlin, even if you are strong again? Entering my game world, then I have to follow my rules... ”

Suddenly, there was a scorpion in the hands of the clown, and laughed and said: "Let's play the scorpion. There are six points in the scorpion. I will lose the scorpion next time. If you count the number, you will become a twist. You can change the number two. The body is misplaced by one hundred. If you have three points, you will rot all over the body. If you have four points, you will be separated. If you have five points, you can leave the game space. If you count six, you will throw it again."

The clown left Anlin with a chance.

In the game space, the more fair the game, the more powerful it can be. Although the clown can't be absolutely fair, it will still give Anlin a little life, so if the first four points are thrown, even if it is as strong as Anlin, it will suffer the disaster and be erased by the game space. dead!

"So, I threw it!"

The clown is holding a big scorpion, smiles and says, then throws the scorpion into the sky.

The scorpion flies into the sky.

The clown looks forward.

But suddenly, a big hand suddenly appeared, and he held the blind man.

With a burst of "clam", the donkey does not live into a powder.

The clown looked at An Lin who crushed the scorpion, and his look was a bit sluggish: "What happened... I have not suspended the game..."


A sharp golden blade pierced the head of the clown.

The vastness of the soul is fluctuating, and it constantly impacts the surrounding world.

"The game is suspended?" The soul body Anlin did not know when, has appeared behind the clown, clasped the golden blade in his hand, smiled, "weak, it is too weak, with your god, also formulated game rules?"

Hey! ! !

The body of Anlin tears the void, and instantly comes to the front of the clown, inserting the clown's chest with one hand and pinching the other's heart.

"No one can give me an order for Anlin."

"You are not qualified to let me play games with you."

When Anlin was suspended, the power of the body began to be self-motivated and hedged against the power of the game. In the game space, the power of the game **** is stronger, but what is the relationship, a power of power can not deal with the game authority, An Lin has three!

The power of the four powers was used at the same time, and the power of the game authority was instantly broken by him.

"You...you are hanging up..." The clown looked at Anlin with resentment.

"Oh, you are too embarrassed to say me? You are a game god, even the most important fair spirit in the game has been abandoned, and so qualified to say me?" An Lin face scorn and disdain.

I don't know if he is too strong, or the game **** is too weak. He always feels that the power of the gods in front of him is much bullying compared with before.

boom! !

The body of the clown suddenly exploded without warning.

"Game players, resurrection!"

In the game space, the general sound of the system suddenly came.

The body shape of the clown **** suddenly condensed beside the purple pointer, his body was intact, but there was a clear crack in the ring of the gods, as if there was a fatal flaw in the perfection.

Anlin knows that this is the sign that the other party's body has reached its limit and is being countered by heaven.

"You want to be fair, very good, then I will give you the fairness you want!" The clown was maddening and suddenly burst into a giant playing card in the space, with the image of the clown on the front of the playing card. The reverse is a dense blue flower.

The clown smirked and threw the cards into the sky.

"Absolute fairness means that the power of my game authority will be played to the extreme or even super-level. If you recruit, you will die, and let me die now!"

"Game name: Death Poker. The rules of the game, throwing poker into the sky. After the poker is grounded, if the poker clown is facing up, then you will die in Anlin! If the playing card is facing up, then the game **** will die. !"

When Anlin listened to the rules, his face was black: "Playing cards are thrown by you. How do I know if you cheated?"

Say ~ www.readwn.com ~ He is about to rush to the hammer game God.

At this time, the playing cards are spinning in the sky and have already crashed into the ground.

The blooming side of the blue flowers is quietly facing up.

That's right, the opposite side of the playing card is facing up.

An Lin: "..."



A supreme wave of volatility.

With the extremely horrible regular energy, the moment hits the clown.

"No...!!" The clown screamed, and the body was torn apart by the endless regular power of the game space!

Anlin felt that she was being beaten. The clown proved the fairness of the game with practical actions...

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