I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1840: Breaking the pillars

Anlin heard the news and immediately came to interest.

They walked to the east of the eternal light.

A protective wall like a colorful glass, wrapped in a huge space.

From the wall, Anlin felt the power of nine different attributes.

There is a heavenly force on the wall, and there are different attributes of the power of the sky, they are layered, and become more powerful, more solid days!

There are only a few members in the internal training, and the power released by each member is extremely powerful, and even makes Anlin slightly moving. There are a total of six people in the interior, one person returns to the virtual mid-term, four people return to the late stage, and one person meets the situation.

Here he also saw the top heavens of Heaven, the Giant Spirit and Wu Dezhen.

"This is the core strength of our gangsters. Each of them can threaten the Marshal of the Apocalypse. Most of them have been stationed in the Kyushu Coalition, so there are fewer people here."

"These are either here to rest, or they want to try to break through the ‘breaking days and heavy heavens’ trials, break through the glazed walls and enter the first tier of the squad.”

Gu Longdi pointed to several strong people in front.

"Yongmeng's Dabai, Sun Yuluo, Su Shaoyun, Xuan Yucheng, Yao Mingxi and others, probably belong to the second echelon." Gu Longdi recalled the original test, opening.

Anlin felt that he had to go back to play the big white butt, this product is not the first echelon, really shame!

Gu Longdi took Anlin to the side of the ruins of the glazed glazed temple, and entered a place where a certain cloth was banned. In the place where Anlin actually felt the terrorist power of the rule.

The horizon is blurred and the space changes.

The world has changed instantly.

Anlin feels that he has come to the wild world. His eyes are a **** and ridiculous world, and the bones of giant beasts. The horrible energy is raging and the space is fragile. The sky is divided into two layers. The bottom layer is white and the upper layer is It is black, but in a blink of an eye, it turns black underneath and white on top.

Black and white rotation, endless life, reincarnation.

"Chaos is destroyed, material is new, this is the appearance of the beginning of heaven and earth..." An Lin seems to have a feeling, "Are we coming to the small world of eternal light?"

Gu Longdi’s mouth is slightly raised: “Accurately, we came to a simulated small world, but all the attributes of this simulated world are no different from the world created by ordinary creation gods, and even more sturdy.”

Anlin saw that there was a Shengwu tribe in the distance, and he was closing his eyes and sitting, the energy released was constantly surging, and it was like a substance, such as the non-stop spread to the heavens and the earth.

Anlin was amazed that the other side was not only in the middle of the road, but even the release of the truth was extremely pure...

"This is the training ground for our first team of gangsters. You Xiaochen, Cocosti, Taber, Xueyutian, Xiaohuanghuang, Xiaoze, Xiaotu, etc. are all in this echelon. The strong. The four emperors of the Kyushu world and the four majors are also members of this level."

"Where you enter this echelon, they are the most important seed players in the series. They are practicing here. If they want to go further, there is only one step to do..."

Gu Longdi pointed to a black and white sky above him. He said: "With the breaking of the sky, with the strength of your own, the sky of this small world is broken! It is not a simple tearing of the sky, but a small world. Destroy, then replace it!"

Anlin looked at the chaotic sky and felt the indestructible barriers. He couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Hey... this... a little exaggerated to feed..."

Gu Longdi said: "An Lin, you want to break it, isn't it a breeze? It's just a matter of throwing a heaven and a finger. As for the method of replacing Heaven, if you join the Heavenly Help, Cyril and Chen Dust can also teach you..."

"Oh, no, that method, Chen Chen has secretly taught me." An Lin shook his head.

Gu Longdi: "..."

So, how many things did Chen Chen know about us?

Open a small stove, there must be a limit to feed!

The ancient dragon emperor suddenly broke his heart.

Anlin is still feeling that he never imagined that the training ground of the gangsters actually prepared a small world to practice the top-level skills for the members. This is really...

"If someone can break this world and replace it with heaven?" Anlin curiously said.

Gu Longdi smiled and said: "In that case, he is the candidate for our gangster! They are theoretically able to compete with the gods of heaven and the **** of power. We use all the resources that can be used to cultivate the candidate. Let them have a chance to be a true emperor."

"For the time being, there are only three candidates, the Western Buddhism fights against the Buddha, the Southern Angels of the Holy Angel Michael, the dark night spirit of the Elf King Yunmeng Shadow, they are working hard for the fifth son's position. ""

An Lin couldn't help but feel again: "The help of the sky is really talented..."

He knows the ability to destroy the small world and rebuild the heavens. What it means, it is definitely more powerful than the super power.

Gu Longdi sighed: "Our candidate is originally four, but unfortunately Xuanzang fell into the battle of the gods."

"Right, the talented people are right for you."

The ancient dragon emperor suddenly revealed his envy: "Your gates of Bailing, Dina, Xu Xiaolan, if you enter the broken sky, 100% can become a candidate! Even in the break of the sky, it is also the existence of the pillar level, smooth, It can even be the day."

"Don't think about dig the wall, they love me so much, it is impossible to come to your broken sky." Anlin ruthlessly interrupted the illusion of Gu Longdi.

Gu Longdi’s eyes burned: “Would you like to join the Broken Sky Gang, stay in the bag and take the third day directly, see Chen Chen’s love for you...”

An Lin almost spit out an old blood: "I didn't expect ~www.readwn.com~ you will also be skinned!"

Gu Longdi’s face still has a refreshing and soft smile, and he said: “Oh, I will take you to see Cyril.”

The two left the small world and walked into the broken glass hall.

The entire hall is made up of extremely special glass, beautiful and beautiful. These glazes not only have a very high energy density, but they also see a distinct sky through the glaze in each glazed area.

Some of the sky is covered with clouds, some of the sky is clear, some are snowy, some are sky-blooded...

Anlin stood on the ceiling and enjoyed the different sky conditions with great interest. Some sky is extremely distorted and chaotic, showing an indeterminate pattern, which is very unreasonable, but he always has an intuition that the sky is real.

"Anlin Road friend, we met again."

At this time, a sound of Zhongzheng Pinghe suddenly came.

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