I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1947: Psychic saint

Anlin and Mo Hai and others were dumbfounded and speechless.

What a strange brain circuit, can this brain make up these things?

"That... Xuanwu Daoyou, I think you think too much. This is all your guess. There must be evidence for what to judge. If you say this, I will be very disappointed." Anlin sighed. "You will hurt our friendship..."

"You don't try to excuse, I have discovered the truth! I will not listen to you here to confuse me, let me make fatal mistakes!" Xuanwu was furious and then hung up.

Both Anlin and Mo Hai looked at each other without a word.

"Stupid." Xiao Xiaolan sounds crisp.

Anlin looked at the little girl in her arms with a look of surprise: "Xiaolan, you will finally talk, you grew up, great!!"

Mo Hai opened his mouth and was shocked. "Is this the key point? The key point should not be that the first sentence of Xu Xiaolan’s sister learning is silly?"

"She is right!" Anlin happily raised her high-rise like an angelic girl in her arms, praised, "Little Lan, really smart!!"

"Oh." Xiao Xiaolan got a compliment and smiled.

Mo Hai saw this scene and was speechless.

"So what do we do? The matter of Shangguanyi's sister..." Mo Hai worried.

"Don't worry, we can't go straight to the basaltic territory with the army. If you don't let people go, you can fight one." An Lin didn't care.

When Mo Hai heard this, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Good domineering practice.

In the face of one of the strongest sacred beasts in the star field, do you start a war?

Have the strength to really do what you want...

Really enviable!

However, not long after, the communication ball in front of Anlin flashed again.

He took it up and saw that Xuanwu took the initiative to contact him.

Anlin connected the communication ball and smiled: "What is it, Xuanwu?"

"An Lindaoyou, I just had another blight. I found that the probability of you being an assassin is very small. Maybe I think more and apologize for the reckless behavior before." Xuanwu looked embarrassed.

Mommy! Is it so fickle?

Both Anlin and Mo Hai spit in the heart.

Xuanwu knows his own attitude before, and continues to say: "Anlin Daoyou, I believe what you said, I will send someone to send Shangguanyi to the Suzaku field, and send some treasures as compensation, you Can you look at it like this?"

"Xuanwudao friends are polite, then I will wait for my friend to come." An Lin said haha.

This is what it is like to talk well.

The two sides chilled each other again, and this was reluctant to hang up the phone.

Then, Anlin returned a call to Xiao Heilong.

Qinglong ancestors can be said to be the most understanding of Anlin's creation gods, but now, it now feels that it is the most difficult to understand Anlin's creation gods, which is probably the more understanding, the more confused.

The strength of Anlin has become too fast. When it comes to saying it, no one will believe it. It has not been able to keep up with the rhythm of the strength of the other party! !

Qinglong ancestors have been asking the details of the battle with the Suzaku female emperor. It is very good how Qi Anlin beat her. However, this matter involves Anlin’s card. Where will he reveal it? Anyway, it is called Qinglong. Don’t ask, ask is Laozi’s fist. Dead Suzaku.

Qinglong ancestors are very helpless, but it does not hinder it from thinking that Anlin is very good.

An Lin asked Qinglong's ancestors whether they could send them back to the mainland. The Qinglong ancestors also said that there is no problem. It has long been in the position of the barriers of the barriers, and the coordinates are used. It requires more energy and needs to be prepared in advance.

After confirming that he could go back, Anlin hung up with a happy call.

He began to turn his attention to the last contact: the psychic saint.

This is a very strange existence.

Among the strong stars in the star field, there is no such person.

Sage, saint... Is the other person a personal family?

However, isn't the Terran in the Stars the most powerful?

Where is this sacred sage, and is there a qualification to communicate with Suzaku?

Anlin left him to the end, mainly because of his mystery.

Anlin began to call the Psychic Saint.

Then the phone was picked up by the second.

This made Anlin’s heart jump.

Anyone who picks up your phone in seconds, is not particularly concerned about you, just like you, just the coincidence of the communication ball is very few.

"Congratulations to Xu Xiaolan's new friend to the Suzaku sanctuary. Congratulations to Anlin Daoyou for re-certifying the path of the **** of war. Psychic is here to congratulate you!"

A voice that is somewhat old, but extraordinarily pleasing, makes people feel very comfortable.

Anlin and Xiaolan were shocked at the same time.

The other party actually knows their identity! !

Anlin is even more shocked. What is the word of God of War? Has he ever had this road? Is it... the other party knows that his system is called the God of War system?

"You are a psychic saint? Do we know?" Ann Lin warned.

"Haha... We have never seen each other, but I have heard of you, you must have heard of me." The communication ball sent a hearty laughter. "The psychic saint is my pseudonym in the star field~www.mtlnovel .com~ and my name in the early mainland, named Yuxi Daojun, or Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun..."


This time Anlin and Xiaolan were really shocked.

The other party turned out to be Lingbao Tianzun, one of Sanqing! !

The other two Sanqing are famous. One is the moral celestial **** Taishang Laojun, the other is the Yuanshi Tianzun Pangu, which is open to the earth. The Lingbao Tianzun can be called Sanqing with the other two, and can be weak where to go. ? Absolutely big!

"Lingbao Tianzun, hello." An Lin immediately started Xiaomengxin.

"Oh." Xiao Xiaolan also greeted with enthusiasm.

Mo Hai has been shocked to speak.

Here, I heard the voice of legendary figures? So excited, what to do, do you want to do something to match them?

Lingbao Tianzun seems to be very happy: "You should not be polite with me. Actually, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. Your growth has surprised me. I really didn't expect it... the guy who was too old to save." The woman, in the end, actually replaced the Suzaku, and the things in the world are sometimes so wonderful. This is a feat that I can’t even promote..."

Xiaolan was boasted with a reddish face and his head shyly attached to An Lin’s chest.

An Lin asked: "What do you mean by my predecessors saying that I will prove the God of War? Do you know what you know?"

Xiao Lan heard the words and raised his ears.

"This is one of my friends who did not want to be named to tell me. He said that he gave you the opportunity to grow into an invincible **** of war and the task of saving the world. You have done a very good job, he is very pleased... ..." Lingbao Tianzun smiled.

When Anlin heard this, he almost blew it up.

It must be him, the land pressure road! !


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