I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1950: Always follow the female emperor

The milky white light rises to the sky.

The white tiger’s staunch atmosphere turned into a hurricane and swept around.

A white-eyed, eye-catching, white-breasted, white-looking, white-skinned tiger looks out of the big array and walks out with a graceful young man.

"Yangyuan brother! You are finally here!"

"Yang Yuan brother!!"

Anlin and Shangguanyi warmly greeted them.

The young man sitting on the white tiger is Yang Yuan.

Anlin saw the appearance of Yang Yuan, and some were scared.

The other side's eyes are hollow, the eyes are dark and black, and the body is somewhat weak and floating. It seems that the body has been hollowed out. Seeing that Anlin and others are coming, they are pulling their lips and raising their mouths. It is difficult to say: "An Lin brother, Shangguan Shimei, It’s great to see you again...”

"Yangyuan brother, what's wrong with you? Are you suffering from abuse?" Anlin said.

"No, he just spent time with me, and his energy was overdrafted." The little white tiger under Yang Yuan is feminine, but extremely magnetic.

"Right right, that's it." Yang Yuan nodded hard, then touched the white tiger's head with his hand, said, "I will introduce you, she is the only daughter of Baihu, Bai Xiaohu."

"Hello, hey!" Xiaobaihu said hello.

An Lin and Shangguan geeks widened their eyes and looked at the little white tiger in front of their eyes.

This means that I like Yang Yuan, and I am chasing after Yang Yuan, even if the two women don’t care about the white tiger’s daughter. Long and powerful, Yang Yuan really got it?

No... Looking at the dark circles of Yang Yuan, he is mostly unable to stand it...

Anlin looked at Yang Yuan with some sympathy. This took a shot of Lolly, who was riding on his neck. "With your introduction, this is the new Suzaku female emperor, Xu Xiaolan."

Xiaolan waved a sweet smile and said, "You are so embarrassed."

Yang Yuan was shocked, Xu Xiaolan turned out to be like this?

Bai Xiaohu is a tiger trembling, and hurriedly whispered: "The younger white tiger, meet the distinguished Suzaku female emperor!"

Suzaku is the most noble and proud sacred beast. She naturally knows how to get along with Xu Xiaolan.

Who knows that the reaction of the little girl is not indifferent, but smiles a little shyly, and laughs softly: "You don't have to be polite, get up, get up, you are so idiotic."

Bai Xiaohu is a little surprised, is Suzaku so good to talk?

Last time she came to the fairy star as the daughter of the White Tiger, the status is so noble, even the Suzaku six sons are not eyeing her, let alone the Suzaku female emperor.

Now, the Suzaku female emperor is so gentle, but also smiles friendly to her?

God... This season’s Suzaku, is it so good? !

"Bai Xiaohu said that he must be with me in the early days of the mainland. No matter what difficulties, I must face it together. Even if I can't be my Taoist, I should be my mount. I really can't help her..." Yang Yuan Noodle Helpless.

The white tiger turned his head and looked at Yang Yuan with deep affection: "The difficulty is big, and there is no death and terrible. You saved my life, I will go through all the difficulties with you, and go to the end together!"

Both An Lin and Shang Guanyi saw this scene and were deeply touched.

This is a crazy tiger!

Anlin couldn't help but admire the sun and go far. Take a trip to the holy land and even the daughter of the holy beast died on him. What a blessing...

Look, now Yang Yuan can ride a white tiger, but he is riding by Xiao Lan.

It is obviously love, but the encounter is different.

When will he be a little Xiaolan?

Anlin began to think about it.

All the small partners have successfully convened.

Now is the time to consider going back.

The next day, Xiao Xiaolan called all the Suzaku strongmen and held a large-scale pilgrimage.

She wore a Suzaku feather coat, wearing a flying **** god jade crown, holding an infinite skyfire scepter that can suppress the stars, sitting on the throne, in front of it is hundreds of thousands of squatting Suzaku strong.

She can finally let Anlin hold the meeting without having to eat milk.

Looking at so many proud Suzakus bowing to her, there is still an inexplicable cool feeling.

"You are flat." Xiao Xiaolan said with a tender but full of vibrancy.

The Suzaku strongman looked up, full of little girls looking at the throne.

The throne is very big, and Xiao Lanlan is completely okay even if he is lying flat on it.

But in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of Suzaku, this throne can't fit the light of Xiaolan!

what! It’s glaring, it’s going to overflow! !

Suzaku exclaimed, then excited, and fainted on the spot at the pilgrimage.

"Come on the bird, carry it down." Xiaolan Lan said.

A few Suzakus carried the glory of the singer and the stunned official.

The Suzaku went up, and according to the usual practice, the Suzaku said that something was important, and then the Suzaku female emperor made a decision, and the Suzaku female emperor was too lazy to decide, and gave it to the Red Fog Grand Priest.

Xiaolan has not tried the feeling of power, and has made various decisions with great interest.

It is really cool to have the supreme right. Generally, when the emperor has some souls, he will give different opinions and will oppose her. But at this moment, no decision made by Xiao Xiaolan will stand up and oppose it, and everything will be implemented.

There are too many drawbacks of this supreme right, but the Suzaku is as good as it is.

As if to serve the female emperor, it is their greatest glory, obeying the instructions of the female emperor, is absolutely correct.

This consciousness has been deeply imprinted in their blood.

Relying on the ethnic characteristics of blood culture, the Suzaku family showed their best. www.readwn.com~ After all the things were done, Xiaolan’s face became serious.

"Zhong Aiqing, this emperor will leave you from today, and all the Suzaku affairs in the future will be represented by the Red Mist."

The crisp voice echoed in the Suzaku Hall, making the Suzaku full and puzzled.

"Suzaku female emperor, is it that we did not do well, you want to leave us?" Suzaku has already burst into tears and sighed.

Many of Suzaku’s words were sobbing, and they all expressed their words.

"Suzaku female emperor, please let us follow you, don't leave us!" One of the six sons of Suzaku, the singer of the South, screamed.

Xiaolan sighed: "I have encountered a terrible enemy. It is at the core of our world, the mainland of the early days! They want to kill me, they don't die with me."

"And I have to fight, if I can't come back..."

"The female emperor, I am willing to fight side by side with you!!"

"I am willing, let me follow!!"

The singer of the singer also stood up and shouted.

Then, the Suzaku Liuzi, even stood up, fanatic and determined.

"I am willing!"

"I am willing too!"

"Suzaku female emperor, please let me wait!"

"No matter how raging the sea, chaos is destroyed, I am not afraid!!"

"Suzaku female emperor, please let me wait!"

As Suzaku and his son Suzaku first spoke, the hundreds of thousands of Suzaku families in the Suzaku Hall actually crouched on the ground at the same time, and shouted loudly:

"I will always follow the female emperor!"

"I will always follow the female emperor!"

"Swear to death!!"


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