I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1956: Gu Longdi teacher's difficult task

I may be repairing the fake fairy 1956 author Mingyue ground frost full text number 2530 words

Xuanyuan’s words are actually nothing wrong. At the moment, the comprehensive strength, top-level strength, heritage, and development potential of the Former Emperor Xianzong are all over the other four majors, and even surpassed the forces of heaven. Even if you look at the transcendental forces of the creation of the gods, you can compare them. Anlin and the newly joined partners explained the strength of the enemy. Not only did they not let the other party fear, but they aroused their desire to fight. They were all a look of death. This was beyond his expectations, but he was very happy. He began to play the notes to the Gulong Emperor. The notes were quickly connected, and there was a heroic voice inside. "Hey, Anlin, is there anything?" "This is the case, Gu Longdi teacher, I have newly collected nine small partners who are going to devote themselves to the great cause of the world. I want to ask you to teach you the true meaning and moves of the broken sky. ...... "The ancient Dragon Emperor, who was far away from the eternal light, sat in a sigh of death. "Come back? Are you still coming?!" she exclaimed. She only raised her wounds! The little bunny who was found by Anlin last time played doubts about her life. Now she has brought her new students, and it is still nine at a time. Is this going to kill her? ! Anlin was shocked by the reaction of Gu Longdi: "Hey? Gu Longdi teacher, what happened?" "No...nothing..." Gu Longdi rushed to calm his emotions. She actually wants to refuse, she also silently sworn, no longer teach people brought by Anlin. However, it is rare that new members join the Broken Sky Gang. This is a rare opportunity for the expansion of the power. For the sake of breaking the cause of the world and for the sake of the world, she is obliged to do this... Gu Longdi could not help but ask, "You What are the few friends... What is the realm?" "The realm is not high." An Lindao. Gu Longdi breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say something. Anlin continued: "The six peaks of the road, the three middle of the road." Gu Longdi almost a dragon blood sprayed out. This is called the realm is not high? What is this special situation? ! If you don't use the broken system, then you can kill her alive. "Do not worry, teacher Gu Longdi, the little friends I brought are very embarrassing, will not cause trouble." An Lin thought that the Gulong Emperor remembered something unpleasant memories, immediately persuaded. Gu Longdi thought for a moment, the other party was just a way of joining the world, not creating the world, she should be able to live in the town, there will be no tragedy of students overthrowing the teacher, and he will agree after a moment of hesitation. "Well, you told them to wait for me in the forty-nine sects, I personally came over." Gu Longdi nodded. Anlin is also happy to be a bite. It is also a door-to-door service. Gu Longdi teacher is really considerate. Nine-headed Suzaku, a white tiger, clung to the lawn, waiting for their teacher. At the time, Anlin had forgotten Bai Xiaohu. He always thought that Bai Xiaohu was an ordinary mount. Fortunately, Yang Yuan gave him a wake up. But it doesn't matter. Nine and ten are not the same. Oh. The space is split. Wearing a colorful robes, the extremely tall Gulong Emperor, wearing blood red boots, wearing long, long-legged wheat, appeared in the gate of the Forty-nine Xianzong. Then she saw nine extremely strong Suzaku and White Tiger, and saluted her. "See the teacher of Gu Longdi!" "Guo Longdi teacher, please come to you in the future!" The ancient dragons had a big **** pupil, and the handsome face was full of gloom. She even felt an ancient pressure from the other side from her own blood. This...this is..."Oh, I forgot to introduce to you, this is from the south of the Suzaku family, the secluded Luo, the ice core..." "This is the white tiger daughter from the White Tiger family, Bai Xiaohu." Lin quickly introduced to the road. Gu Longdi sucked a bit of dragon. Nima! ! Even the core strength of the four holy beasts has been moved over? How did Anlin do it? ! calm! Gu Longdi, you are a teacher, you must be flustered, keep your teacher, you must be calm! Gu Longdi kept suggesting himself, forcing the calming mood. She looked cold and said: "No matter what identity you used to be, what you do, now you all have only one identity, that is my student, do you know? I hope you can work hard in the future study!" "Yes! "White Xiaohu should be. "No! We have an identity no matter what, that is the followers of the Suzaku female emperor!!!" "Don't want to distort our thoughts, you are just our teachers, our bodies and minds belong to the Suzaku female emperor!" "Long live the female emperor!" "Swear to loyalty to the female Emperor!" Suzaku said six sons in unison. Gu Longdi looked shocked at the scene. What about your stuff? I am just a guest, what are you talking about? When Anlin saw it, he couldn’t help but screamed at the eyebrows. They were respectful and supreme for the Suzaku female emperor. He couldn’t change anything. He could do nothing about it. Anlin personally moved forward and explained it in the ear of Gu Longdi~www.readwn.com~ Gu Longdi suddenly nodded and said: "Nothing, I can handle this situation." In this way, Gu Longdi began The teaching journey of breaking the sky. "You have listened well. The true meaning of the Tao, which is broken in the sky, is that you don't see the day, anything can die, and it can be destroyed, including this high and high, everywhere..." Start teaching from theory. She thought that teaching theory would be easy, but soon she suffered cold violence from students. They all said that they respected the teacher and respected the teacher. However, these few Suzaku nostrils went to the sky, and they used the nostrils to swear the teacher. They were very proud. Gu Long is not angry enough, this grievance she can not stand! Also, as you can imagine, when you are serious about teaching, are the students smirking and disdain watching your scene? Some of the ancient dragons exploded, and they said directly: "Is there something wrong with me?" The south of the bird raised his head and said: "You say that heaven is the supreme supremacy. If you want to break the sky, you must comprehend everything." I broke the true meaning of all restrictions. I disagree with this." As soon as this statement came out, the other Suzaku immediately nodded. Gu Longdi’s mouth was slightly pumped, and he asked: “What is your idea?” The South is shaking his feathers and raising his neck. His expression is even more proud: “The Suzaku female talent is the supreme supremacy, what is the day? I have been stepping on the foot of the Suzaku female emperor! We just need to follow the Suzaku female emperor to fight!" Suzaku nodded madly and agreed. Gu Longdi: "..." Gu Longdi teacher is so tired, I really want to retire. Xiao Lan, who just came to see the situation, has a footstep. Have you stepped on the foot long ago? I am not, I don't have it, don't you say it! ! The Suzaku saw the pink dress of the little Loli, and the twins burst into the hot light. They squatted neatly and shouted in unison: "See the Suzaku female emperor!!"

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