I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1965: Mysterious weapon, real power

I may be repairing the fake fairy 1965 author Ming Yue floor frost full text number 2523 words

Anlin felt the high-end artifacts in front of him, and seemed to be one. Nine different artifacts come together to blend together. The surface of the Nine-Ming Yuan Pan began to emerge with a purple-like gold-like spirit. This gas contains countless divine powers and contains endless realms. Anlin felt a sense of deja vu from the power of the disc. What is this power like? Anlin suddenly woke up. After the body of the **** of war, he used the five-line warfare state, which brought together five kinds of five elements of strength, which gave birth to a new kind of power. Are the strengths of the nine high-end artifacts powerful? Very powerful, that is the ultimate force in the weapon, basically can not be closer. Just like his Aoki longevity exercises, the real fire feathers, the repairs are perfect, and there is no way to enter, but is this the end? No. Power can be integrated to create new power! This nine-decision, creating new power, is very similar to the process of creating power in the body of the **** of war, and it is the fusion of the ultimate power. The purple-like gold-like qi on the nine-day yuan plate is the new power of its birth! Xu Xiaolan saw the gas-like energy that came out of the Yuan plate not far away. The little brows were slightly wrinkled, and his face became a little dignified: "This force, always appearing in this world, is very uncomfortable..." Above the sky. Suddenly began to cloud. The Thunder began to growl. Xu Xiaolan looked up and changed his face slightly: "Sure enough to be robbed..." Ye Ling and Xiao Bing watched at the side, and suddenly became nervous. Come again, arms and arms! ! The strange scene that I usually can't meet at the moment is now met at two ends. At this time, a golden **** ring appeared on the top of Anlin, releasing the purest Raytheon, and at the same time, the supreme atmosphere began to spread. Anlin was bathed in a golden thunder and waved his hand at the robbery cloud in the sky. "Let it go, what if the baby broke my baby?" Hey! ! ! The robbery cloud that just condensed suddenly disappeared. The sky began to clear. The sun shines on the face of Xiao Lan, Xiao Bing, and Ye Ling. Did you kill the robbery cloud? Do you have this kind of operation? ! ! The Suzaku in the Nabir suddenly trembled a little, seemingly protesting why Anlin did not help her to thunder. Uh... with the scattering of the robbery. The breath of the Nine-Ming Yuan Pan suddenly changed, and it became uncertain. It seemed to be detached from the whole world and was driven by all power. Its level is completely different. Not only that, An Lin found that he had a deeper connection with the Jiuyuan Yuanpan. "It turns out... This is why it is called the Nine-Life Yuanpan..." Anlin perceives the connection between the Nine-Life Yuan and his face, and his face has a pleasant color. He stretched out his thumb and forefinger, and gently picked up a glimpse of a lot of purple like Jin Hongmeng, like a needle, and then gently threw it to the ground. Nourish... ! A sound like a melting sound came. The flowers and grass on the grass, including the soil, are all dissolved into a glimpse of purple gold by the strange power, and then attributed to nothingness. This kind of blow is not simply destroying a thing, but letting a thing belong to Hongmeng, to the original energy at the beginning of the birth of the universe... Anlin suddenly thought of a word. Dimensional strikes. Now, the means of attacking the nine-yuan Yuanpan is this. It is completely based on different levels, and the target is pulled into a brand-new field to crush and blow, and the target is directly melted into a purple-like gold. The only pity is that the power is not contagious. Otherwise, a glimpse of Zijin Hongmeng from the nine-yuan Yuan plate will be destroyed... "An Lin, how is the situation?" Xu Xiaolan flew nervously. . "Wow... Is this the secret weapon of Master? Didn't you get anything on the ground?" Ye Ling dazzled his bright eyes and looked at the large pit in front of Anlin. When she returned to the virtual world, she could even perceive the movement of each molecule, but the energy released by Anlin Jiuyuan Yuan plate annihilated the earth after a large pit. She was shocked to find that the most basic form of matter in the pit was gone, as if even the existence was erased. The only thing that can be traced to the roots is that the purple gold that Anlin released seems to become richer, as if the material was assimilated into the purple gas, and then the purple gas disappeared, or detached. This world can't be seen...Anlin explained: "This is the qi of Zijin Hongmeng. It is the new energy created by the nine-powered Yuan plate that combines the power of nine high-level artifacts. I can't imagine, but my physical instinct refuses to touch this power..." Xu Xiaolan nodded. "I am also, this power feels stronger than Suzaku's strength." This statement, even Anlin Was shocked. Zhuqueyuan is already the top force in the star field. What kind of horrible thing did the former Suzaku female emperor make? Just as Anlin wanted to continue to explore the power of the Nine-Life Yuanpan, his voice suddenly turned on ~www.readwn.com~ and the frequency of flashing was very fast, obviously very urgent! Anlin did not hesitate to connect, and there was an urgent voice from Lan Xiaoni. "Anlin boss, not good, the ocean **** appeared in the West Sea!!" Lan Xiao Ni exclaimed. An Lin is also a face change, this time, how is it earlier than before? "How is the situation now?" he asked. "Is there an attack on the West Sea Alliance?" "No, after the sea gods flew out of the caves of the West Sea, they flew toward the West Gate, without any attack on us!" "Blue Xiao Nidao. Anlin heard a sigh of relief. From this move, the cooperation that Ocean God said with them may continue. "Just, the climate in the West Sea has become extremely harsh. Energy hurricanes, thunderstorms, seabed earthquakes, and terrors have continued. The outer perimeter of the West Sea Alliance has been completely destroyed by the harsh climate." Lan Xiaoni was angry. "Our army of the West Sea Alliance has lost at least three million so far!" "So?" Anlin frowned. Although the ocean **** did not directly shoot, but the debut method is too rough, I don’t know the West Sea. Is the alliance a friendly army? "You don't want to be afraid, I will come to the West Sea later!" Anlin made up his mind. "Well, I am waiting for you." Lan Xiao Ni smiled. Hanged the notes. An Lin was about to talk to Xiaolan, and suddenly the Emperor began to have an urgent report. The east line of the Tianren people attacked a lot, the largest battle in history, and the enemy even began to dispatch the power of the gods! The mid-line Tianren also began to fight back, and the three gods were dispatched at the same time to fight against the Buddha. Amitabha, the general trend to the Bodhisattva was hit hard and urgently needed support! Anlin knew the news and immediately announced that all members of the 49th Xianzong entered an emergency wartime state and launched all the staff to the front line! Anlin and Xu Xiaolan immediately took the nine Suzaku and went to the battlefield of the Tianren midline. The final battle is finally here! !

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