I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1967: Candidates


"Killing the Kyushu Coalition!"

"Killing the soldiers, killing the white feathers, killing the true devil!"

The Tianren national army, the momentum is like a rainbow, crazy pursuit.

The three gods are gods to stop killing God, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha.

If there is no battle for the power of the candidate, it will be defeated.

The holy angel of Michael in the Sanctuary, the victory of the Buddha in the Western Buddhism, and the dream of the darkness of the night, Wang Yunmeng, these three candidates are appearing in the battlefield of the middle line, dealing with the three gods.

But the candidate emperor is the candidate for the future, let them fight the real god, it is extremely difficult, extremely dangerous.

The fight against the Buddha suffered an ambush and has been hit hard.

The holy angel of Michael was chased.

The Elf Wang Yun Meng Ying is able to resist the attack of the gods, and even suppressed the other party in the early stage. But the **** is a more and more powerful existence. It harvests the lives of the strong men of the Kyushu border army along the way. If this continues, even Yunmeng Shadow will be difficult to support.

"killing and killing! Everything blood, all deaths will become my nutrients, let me become stronger!" A hand holding a scarlet sickle, a **** of evil spirits, bathing in blood, while dreaming with Yunmeng Fighting, while frantically harvesting the life of the battlefield.

Yunmengying is very annoyed. She wants to pull the front line to a place where there are few people, but the problem is that this killing **** only wants to kill and will not go with her. Once she leaves, the casualties of the army will increase by several times or even ten times.

The dark red **** ring on the head of the killing gods flashed, and the sickle in the hand made an invisible afterimage in the void, and swayed to the night elf king not far away.


Blood red gods with the supreme law of killing everything, at a very horrible speed to the tall and slender Elf king.

The elf's waist twisted, and the black body flickered away from the original position. The next moment, she did not retreat, appeared in front of the killing god, the hands have been sealed, blooming black gods.

"The elf has no light field!"

The dark and eternal field, the momentary circular spread, shrouded the killing god.

Yunmeng Ying is a night elf. In the field where she dominates the elf without the light field, with the black body, it is completely possible to make a ghost and nothing.

The killing gods found themselves as if they were stripped from the world. Everything around them turned into darkness, darkness without darkness, but it was not absolute black. Instead, there was a round of high moons hanging high.

He looked up at the full moon, and saw a slender black finger pointing against his forehead, which burst into an unimaginable light.

"Heavenly fingers!!"

Yunmeng Shadows sighs and the fingertips bloom infinitely.

Purely innocent, bursting out.

Heaven and earth only have this finger to the highest, and power is endless!

Bang! ! !

Gold refers to the light that runs through everything, and blows it to kill the head of the gods.

Yunmeng Shadow sighs with a sigh of relief, but in the future, he will rush back and forth, but the speed of the knives will be faster, and a blind moon will be drawn in the blink of an eye.


Blood splashes.

A blood mark was drawn from her waist.

If the reaction is slower, I am afraid that her body will be cut off.

"Hehehe... delicious blood, the blood of the strong..." Killing the gods did not have a half-head, still sticking out his tongue, greedily licking the blood on the sickle.

"It's a monster." Yunmeng shadow frowned.

At this moment, the killing gods have already slammed the sword to Yunmeng.

The effect of killing is not great, and the elves have no light field to dissipate.

"Moonlight double-edged!" Yunmeng shadows one hand, condenses the moon and the double knife, and fights again with the killing **** "砰砰砰". Condensed to the ultimate force of the moon and the madness to the ultimate killing power, constantly colliding and killing, tearing the surrounding world again and again.

Another place to fight.

The earth is yellow and twisted.

The heat waves are rolling, impacting the surrounding creatures.

A muffled sound came.

The Monkey King turned into a flame, falling from the sky and kneeling on the ground.

Above the sky, the white gold **** ring on the top of the head is like a **** that wants to distort everything, releasing the temperature that is hotter than the sun, as if to burn everything in the heavens and the earth.

The monkey king was burnt black and twisted, and the armor was broken into several large holes. The cracks covered the surface, and the almost immortal body of the body was destroyed and destroyed. Only those eyes, still contain endless warfare, and fighting spirit that will never yield.

His enemies are terrible. He is the **** of the temperature. He is not an opponent at all.

"Fighting against the Buddha!"

"Moon Master!!"

"Flee away!"

The strong men of the Western Buddhism saw this scene and their faces changed greatly.

There are three imaginary powers that are jointly attacking the gods and creating opportunities to escape from the battle against the Buddha.

"Fengxiang slams!" A Buddhist monk holds a Zen stick, and his body is phoenix. The wings stretch for dozens of miles, and they scream and slam into the gods.

"Break the Zen palm!" There is a battle Buddha to attack.

"Xuanji Wuliang ice!!" Boss shrouded in cold ice, hands push flat, forming a torrent of ice, against the sky, freezing everything.

The temperature of the gods is the same: "not self-reliant."

He shot with one hand, and the phoenix was smashed by a force in dozens of phoenixes, including the Buddha repaired into a blue smoke. At this time, the buddha's palm of the buddha has fallen on the belly of the **** of temperature, and his stomach is sagged, and the power of breaking the sky suddenly bursts open.

Temperature God is slightly frowning: "It hurts a little."


The stomach shrinks and rises.

Suddenly, there is endless white light bursting.

Unexpectedly high temperatures, twisting everything close to burning.

The war Buddha, even the sound was too late to be sent out, and the whole body melted into a liquid, and then the liquid gasified again and turned into a blue smoke.

"Blue light!!" Fighting against the Buddha saw this scene cracked and angered.

At this moment, the icy torrents released by the Bodhisattva had already rushed to the front of the temperature gods, but outside the range of ten feet, they were all burnt into a burning gas, and there was no chance to touch it.

"This is also called ice?" The temperature **** looks over the bodhisattva below~www.readwn.com~ There is no sadness and no joy in the eyes, the indifference is extreme, and the body flashes, and it rushes to the front of the Buddha.

The air flow stops momentarily.

Everything is quiet.

Everything has become solidified.

The bodhisattva widened his eyes, and he resisted in the future. His body was stiff and then frozen, turning into an inanimate ice sculpture that fell from the sky.

Because of the temperature that was so low, he lived and ended his life.

"Winning over the Buddha, you can't escape?" Temperature God continues to overlook the monkey below.

He knows that just three of them have returned to the battle for victory over the Buddha and have won a glimpse of time. Fighting against Buddha can continue to escape.

"I changed my mind..." Fighting the Buddha and raising his head, burning a golden flame, the eyes are like a big day to destroy all the fog, looking directly at the temperature god, "Now, I am going to kill you!!"

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