I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1976: Heartfelt feeling

The continental front battlefield in the early days.

The main city of the Kyushu Coalition, Yuetong Shencheng.

The moon is like water, and the stars are like the sea.

Under the beautiful night.

A pleasant courtyard.

Anlin looked at the newspaper that was once again slaughtered, looking at his handsome figure above, and couldn't help but be intoxicated.

"It’s so handsome..."

He sighed.

Xiaolan Lan sipped hot tea on the sidelines.

It’s a very small one, but the tea is extremely flowing, with a strange beauty.

"Okay, you have been reading it a dozen times. Do you know if you are handsome yet?" Xiao Xiaolan couldn't help but squint when he saw the man's expression next to him.

"Little Xiaolan, do you like me?" Anlin suddenly asked.

"Ah?" Xiaolan Lan lifted the teacup's slender hand for a slight meal, swaying for a while, his cheeks rushed to a blush, saying, "Like... isn't that nonsense?"

"Me too." Ann Lin smiled.

Xiaolan is somewhat shy: "I know you like me..."

"I mean, I like myself too." An Lindao.

Xiao Lanlan: "???"

An Lin looked at the white man in the newspaper and sighed: "It’s so handsome..."

Xiao Lan: "Oh."

The battle in the middle line has subsided for the time being.

The Tianren army seems to be jealous of Anlin and Xu Xiaolan. The situation of the offensive is no longer strong. At the very least, some strong people are sent to investigate the movement of the Kyushu border coalition forces.

Both sides entered the confrontation phase.

The middle line joined the top of the military and elected Anlin as the supreme leader.

Anlin wanted to euphemistically refuse, but he defeated the Buddha, Yunmeng Ying, Michael, and Deka Mozun, but he unanimously elected him as the supreme leader, saying that no one is more suitable for this position than him, and the rest of the strong are not theirs. Enthusiastic.

Under the pressure of the strong, Anlin had to accept this position, became the supreme leader of the middle line, and then continued to sit on the lounge chair and watched his newspaper narcissistic.

He fights against the Buddha, and Dika Demon, all belong to, fight, fight, fight, and the battle plan is the type of the past. Therefore, the military strategy, as well as the tasks of all aspects of the battle force, fell on Yunmeng Shadow and Michael.

Although Anlin took over the position of the top leader in the mid-line theater, he should still eat and drink. It does not affect the leisure of the moment.

"An Lin, you fight with the earth gods, what kind of feeling is it, if you really fight for life and death, can you win?" Xu Xiaolan slowly picks up the cup and sipping the hot scented hot tea, looking good The nephew, whispered.

"Well... fight with him, I always feel that I am small..." An Lin recalled the feeling of the battle. "This is the feeling of the 'potential' of his own attributes."

"Where the earth is, for the general living beings, it means nurturing everything and endless, it is the great thing to the extreme, and it can be said to be the ultimate of 'material'! In the early days, the mainland was vast and boundless, and the star field had hundreds of millions of stars. The essence of these things is the earth!"

"No matter what the living beings, in the face of such a presence that represents all material existence, they will feel that they are small..."

An Lin screamed at the earth gods, and suddenly turned a bit.

"But it actually has limits, or the earth gods have limits."

"The Earth God is suppressed by the pan-awareness of the heavens, and the power that can be exerted is actually very small. This gives me a breakthrough. After the power of the five elements is combined with the power of the heavens, I can completely break his defense... and I have It’s useless to play a low card. In case it’s really fighting, my winning percentage is at least 10%!”

Xiaolan heard this, and the small mouth couldn’t help but pump.

"Being so long, the result is only 10% of your winning percentage?"

"Don't look down on the high authority. They are terrible. I used to fight to bite a piece of meat on the earth god, and I couldn't do it."

"Why do you want to bite his flesh?"

"Hey... I want to taste the taste of the meat of the High God."

"Oh... I can get stronger if I eat it, right?"

"..., Xiao Lan, how smart are you to let me pick up?"

"The next time I am responsible for cutting meat, you are responsible for eating!" Xiao Xiaolan patted the small chest and arrogant.

An Lin was shocked by the Tsing Yi girl. The moonlight shines on the girl's tender and flawless face, with a charming jade luster that looks particularly good.

"Xiaolan, kiss a bit." An Lindao.

"You... I am only nine years old..." Xiao Xiaolan is a bit too.

"Then kiss your face." Annlin said.

Soon, Anlin felt a burst of fragrant scent, followed by a warm and moist touch on his cheeks.

An Lin returned to the nine-year-old Lana's delicate face and provoked the Tsing Yi Loli's face to be shy and rosy, which made Anlin feel excited.

When the nine-year-old orchid is getting smaller, how does the skin look thinner?

She used to be, but she didn't even panic with him.

When he thought about it, his hand was suddenly held by a pair of delicate and soft hands. Anlin looked up and saw Xiaolan looking at himself seriously.

"An Lin, I want to grow up quickly, and then marry you."

Xiao Lan Lan's lips are lightly opened, one word at a time.

The sweet voice echoed in the ear of An Lin, and his heart swayed.

Xiaolan gave him a confession...

Very special feeling! !

How can there be the illusion of raising children?

Anlin feels that the door to a new world is slowly opening.

"Xiaolan, then when did you grow up?" Anlin was eager to move.

"Oh... I don't know. When I grow up completely, it should be that the heart of Suzaku has been repaired. When it is completely integrated with me..." Xiao Lanlan holds the fragrant scent and swears.

Xiao Lan, who is quietly thinking like this, is also very cute!

Anlin couldn't help but reach out and lick the face of Xiaolan Lan. Xiaolan's appearance has not yet reached the level of beings, but the feel is surprisingly good.

Xiaolan Lan took some of the salty pigs of Anlin with some disapproval: "Look at your face and find a little evil!"

"The little evil will call me to roll." An Lindao.

Xiao Lan: "Get out!!"

Ann Lin blinked: "Well, you still have more eggs than her."

The moonlight is beautiful.

The two chatted for a long time and didn't go back to rest until late at night.

Morning dawn.

Anlin is meditating.

The door was gently pushed open.

Then, the familiar fragrance lingers around the tip of the nose.

The forehead was suddenly touched by the soft lip ~www.readwn.com~ to give you a good morning kiss. ”

Sweet and sweet voice came.

An Lin opened his eyes and his face gradually became sluggish.

A beautiful and pure girl, staring at a pair of drowning autumn, smiling at herself with a smile.

She is like a white skirt, tall and provocative, black hair and waist, crystal clear snow muscle jade skin shines in the morning light with ivory luster, smile is extraordinarily youthful.

The girl saw Anlin’s shocked face, very proud, and a little playful smile: “The fifteen-year-old girl Lan, tell you good morning!”

The sound is sweet and pleasing, comparable to the most beautiful fairy music.


An Lin heart pumped.

Oops, this is a feeling of heart! !

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