I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1986: Plan in progress

The Emperor and the ancient dragons exerted a strong defense, which completely resisted the aftermath of the Xiaotu explosion.

The Tianren people seem to have been prepared, and they have even built an invisible barrier in an instant, and they have also resisted the energy they have swept back.

After the explosion of energy, Xiao Tu’s body has disappeared from the slag, and it’s not good enough.

Xiao Ze is better. As the strongest defense in the road, he was fanned once by the female **** with a giant folding fan. In addition to being fanned a bit far away, he was not seriously injured.

However, the Kyushu coalition has become nervous, because there are now five gods!

The gods shrouded in the shadows, the appearance of the gods of the lark, the **** of light and grain, and the goddess of the giant giant folding fan and the giant golden goddess.

Before they were confrontational, they could still say that they were quite confrontational.

But now, suddenly there are two more gods, which makes some scalp numb.

The contrast of power has been out of balance, and it is not impossible for the Terran to counterattack.

"The annoying guy has finally rolled away." The graceful female god, sitting on the suspended folding fan, looked at Xiao Ze, who turned into a black spot in the distance, and his mouth slightly raised.

"Linghua, you should kill him." The male god, who is carrying a giant tyrant, opens.

Linghua glanced at the male god, coldly said: "It's easy to say, you have the ability to kill, don't open the nine gods ring, you want to kill that dragon?"

The man’s mouth is slightly pumped, and with me, I’m going to die.

At this time, the Lark flies in the air, overlooking the millions of troops in front of them, and the sound of the birds singing is echoing in the heavens and the earth: "Do you want to continue playing? If you want to fight, we will accompany you."

This sentence is very obvious, and has already given Tiandi and others a choice.

They can choose not to play!

"Kyushu coalition forces, retreat!" The words of the Emperor of Heaven spread throughout the battlefield.

The Kyushu coalition forces were relieved to hear the words, but they were somewhat disappointed with ease.

It seems that the final decisive battle has not yet arrived...

The 90 million-scale army has left the market neatly and orderly.

The Tianren army looked at the departing coalition forces without any expression on their faces, as if they were watching them leave.

Only the Lark, the look of some taboos looked at the distance in a certain direction.

At the moment, Dongtianmen.

In the middle of a sea of ​​light.

The woman's appearance, made up of countless light particles, opens to a piece of mud in her hand: "How is the situation in Zhongtianmen?"

"After some trouble, Anlin is really a variable. In addition, the goddess of the gods has become one of the important obstacles. My plan is temporarily unable to advance." The earth came to the voice of the earth god.

The woman was silent for a while and said: "Our plan can't be changed. If necessary, you can suppress both of them. You know how to be light."

"It’s easy to say... The speed of his strength is too fast, and he really fights, but he doesn’t know what it is...” The earth’s gods are helpless.

"Let the ocean gods help, you are still afraid that the two can not suppress them?" The woman smiled.

"He is still healing." Earth God.

"Then wait for him to finish his healing, and then join him to suppress Anlin, and kill the goddess." The woman was careless.

In her opinion, An Lin and Xu Xiaolan are indeed variables, but they are not enough to threaten their plans. At most, it is a little more troublesome to deal with.

"How is your plan going on?" asked the earth god.

"It was very smooth." When the matter was mentioned, the woman smiled easily. "With 20 million people, it cost 10 million Kyushu coalition forces. They probably thought they had earned it. Did they win it? It’s sad. A ridiculous group of humans... The celestial beings are tools in our eyes. If they know that there are billions of people in the West Sea waiting for them, I don’t know what it will be..."

The Earth God is very satisfied: "To consume the basic strength of the Kyushu world, we can completely destroy the human beings by dragging the two top-level forces of the gang."

"One billion people are our big killer, this should not be exposed." Women's Road.

"Do not worry, don't underestimate the ocean god, he is very powerful." Earth God is not worried about this.


Yuetong Shencheng.

Anlin received a report from the Kyushu coalition on the Eastern Front.

The Emperor said with joy and joy in the Eastern Front.

After Anlin saw the report, his face was strange, and he seemed to guess what the enemy wanted to do. When the Kyushu Boundary Army was exhausted with only half of its troops, and the West has suddenly emerged a billion-day Terran army, it is not surprising that you are surprised.

The plan is quite good, but they didn't expect that their teammates wanted to be on the same day...

Anlin thought, and couldn't help but laugh.

"What is it, so happy?" Xu Xiaolan took a bowl of vegetables and looked at An Lin.

She is wearing a bear mask now. There is no way. Although Anlin doesn't mind her appearance, she still cares about it. If she can't change the compatibility, she can wear a mask to cover it.

It is gratifying that although Xu Xiaolan put on a mask, his mood has finally calmed down, and he has accepted this reality for the time being. Why should he do it, and the hobby of cooking has not changed.

Anlin tasted the delicious dishes in front of him and handed the report to Xu Xiaolan.

Xu Xiaolan also became happy after seeing it: "The battle damage is 10 million, and the enemy is more than 20 million? This is a good thing, no wonder you laugh so happy."

An Lin’s mouth was slightly pumped.

He smiled so happy, it was because he had seen the conspiracy of the Terran...

In the words, the ocean gods should also start to act, right?

At this time, the western edge of the mainland was too early.

In the endless sea.

Countless Krakens banged the drums.

Twenty million of the Yaozu array in the sea ~www.readwn.com~ gathered together the momentum of earth-shattering.

Lan Xiao Ni fished at the end of the fish, sitting in a colorful giant bubble, floating in the center of the battle.

This is the first large-scale battle between the sea gods and the Xihai Tianren people since the birth of the sea god. She naturally has to take care of the town and take charge of the town.

She can use the Kraken army, there are more than 40 million, but this war is just a temptation, she does not want to dispatch all the troops.

In addition to the 20 million demons, there are five million holy martial arts, and five million true devils, joined the army, completely obeying Lan Xiaoni.

In the past, the West Gate was guarded by the Xihai Union. Now that the sea **** was born, the rest of the mainland began to panic. Although the Xihai Union did not ask for support, they dispatched a strong army to support it.

The West Sea Alliance is the most important fortress on the Western Front, which cannot make this fortress collapse.

Lan Xiaoni looked at the 20-strong Tianren army in the distance, and stood up in a majestic manner. Bai Ning’s small hand waved and said: “The Xihai Union army ordered the war!!”

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