I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1998: Can't float

Tens of millions of members of the West Sea Alliance cheered at the same time.

They are all happy and happy.

Ling Gu Mozun’s breakthrough from the middle of the road to the late stage of the joint road means that the top-level strength of the Xihai Alliance has been upgraded to a higher level. He has to practice the practice of breaking the system, and he is not allowed to have a candidate. The level of combat power, so the West Sea Alliance is more stable.

Anlin looked at the picture of the true demon gods in the sky, and did not feel any accident.

A whole billion people of human beings, the energy contained in them can match the energy of dozens of super-powerful abilities. If Lingmo Mozun can completely absorb the essence of eggs, let alone promote a small realm. Even if it is the threshold of creating a world, as long as the talent is enough, it can live up and pile up.

Of course, most of the super-powerful qualifications are actually not enough.

Do not say anything else, the Emperor of Heaven has been the first person in the Kyushu world for many thousand years, is not the card in the realm of the peak of the road so many years? On the energy of savings, he is definitely enough. No matter which aspect is refining to the point where there is no way to enter, there will be some sentiment.

But it is such a sentiment that it is more important than the energy essence of dozens of hundreds of super powers! !

"Hey!!" A scream of arrogant screams resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Ling Gu Mozun successfully broke through to the late stage of the road, the momentum has soared to a very terrible level, and is still increasing, has not stopped! It is also absorbing the energy essence of the human egg in the stomach, the body keeps getting stronger and the strength is getting more and more embarrassing.

Finally, until the peak of the road, its stomach was smashed from a round balloon like a balloon, and six packs of muscles reappeared.

"Ah... how powerful... Is this the feeling of invincibility?" Linggu Mozun felt that his body was strong enough to be extremely unsolvable and not afraid of any enemy.

It clenched its fists, the magic stirred in the body, the blood vessels bulging, and the red awns flickered inside and out, like a fusion reaction, swelling the arm. It is enough to explode a devastating force that is far beyond the large hydrogen bomb level.

Ling Gu Mo Zun feels the powerful and invincible power of the body. He only feels that he can already pedal the sky, and he is proud of the crowd. He looks at An Lin not far away. His eyes are burning: "An Lin, Lord, you give me a punch. I want to verify my strength!"

The white man who once admired and could only look far away, now the demon feels that he has the qualification to be comparable.

Ann Lin blinked: "Okay..."

Such unreasonable demands, although he does not understand, but will naturally be satisfied.

An Lin punched out.

Ling Gu Mo Zun laughed and punched An Lin.

Bang! !

The double fist collision makes the world quiet.

"Ah, ah...!" A scream came.

Ling Gu Mozun’s huge body, which was so tall, was directly bombarded by hundreds of miles of horrible power. It turned into a black spot under the eyes of the public. The power of the five elements violently tore its arm. Lin deliberately stayed under his hand and did not spread to its whole body.


The sentient beings watched the Lingu Mozun who was spiked and killed, and did not know what to say.

Lan Xiaoni's hands clasped his chest, and a pretty face appeared helplessly: "This product is floating, and dare to take the initiative to let Anlin boss smash it. The typical strong heart has no points..."

Members of the West Sea Alliance know that the Lingu Mozun is very strong and strong, but Anlin’s punch makes them feel the invincibility of their backing again. It is very shocking and exciting!

Ling Gu Mo Zun is the most shocking, absorbing so many human egg energy essence, it clearly has an invincible feeling, and the result of An Lin's fist, re-injected it back to the egg state.

Yes, in the face of An Lin, it feels like a god!

It can be grilled and eaten, and the human egg of any fish! !

The body of Ling Gu Mo Zun fell into the ocean, and a tsunami burst out, looking at the sky with **** broken arms, and began to doubt whether his evolution was false.

What is the strength of Anlin’s lord in the end?

It’s really the light that it has to pursue in life! !

Ling Gu Mozun quickly figured it out, climbed up, and renewed his admiration and gratitude to An Lin.

If there is no Anlin, it is impossible to obtain such a big chance and be promoted to the peak of the road. They all say that they will become good luck with the existence of the atmosphere, and this sentence is true.

Ling Gu Mo Zun has strengthened his determination to mix with An Lin.

Of course, the most important thing now is to guard the West Sea.

Only by doing its best to protect the West Sea, Anlin will bring it to play.

At this time, Dongtianmen.

The male god, who is hanging over the sword, is facing the light of the sea in front of him: "The God of Light, the 10 million-day Terran army has been assembled, when will we start suicide-type life-threatening attacks?"

As soon as the voice fell, several gods noticed that the sea of ​​light in front of them was inexplicably trembled.

"Planned to cancel..." The sound of the indifference of the light of tomorrow is coming.

"Hey...why?" The female god, holding a pink giant folding fan, had a pair of peach blossoms, some confused. "You are not saying that the three highest gods will unite and there will be a shocking plan to start." Did you say that there will be a lot of troops shocking the world?"

"Yeah, yeah..." The rest of the gods also echoed and looked at the sea of ​​light curiously.

The flowing sea of ​​light was another meal, then shivered slightly.

How can this be explained? Has the world been ruined?

No, she can't say it.

Once you say it, does it mean that the three highests are being beaten?

"This matter... I will discuss it later." God will stop talking and keep silent.

However, this world is not what God wants to do tomorrow. She doesn't want to say it. She doesn't want to be beaten up by the three highest, but others will say it...

Anlin let the Xihai Alliance spread the record of his trip in a very low-key manner. He also sent a series of high-definition pictures taken by Zhen Yuan Wu Zun himself to various newspapers and periodicals, including eating eggs and admiring them. Hammer information.

In this way, the name of Anlin once again slaughtered the headlines.

"Invincible God of War, the lord of Anlin broke into the terrible conspiracy of Gao Tianshen!!!"

"Destroy the threat of the world and succeed in being slain in the cradle."

"The Terran warrior is shocking and savage, and one billion enemies are dying out!"

"A fist defeats the ocean god! A foot on the ground, holding the light in the hand, it must be!"

"Ling Gu Mo Zun and An Lin Zongzhu in private travel, after a day like a pregnant woman ~ www.readwn.com ~ What is it?"

"Seeking truth from facts, on the strength of Anlin, can you reach a few high-powered gods?"

One big headshot that shocked the world, spread throughout the early mainland, once again refreshed all the senses of life, so that countless creatures are shocked and ecstatic.

In this world, it seems that no one can block the footsteps of this Terran war god!

Yes, Anlin is now more than just a **** of war, but also a **** of war that has been hailed as a whole human being by hundreds of millions of people. Whenever there is a group of fans, the fans look at him with enthusiasm.

Anlin actually wants to be low-key, but the strength is not allowed at all.

No way, he only reduced the number of trips. After all, he was thrown down by a group of irrational sisters. What happened was actually very unpleasant.

A boy like him has to be very careful when he goes out.

After completing all this, Anlin did not stay for a long time and began to rush back to Yuetong Shencheng. (I may be a fake fairy..8383217)--(I may be a fake fairy)

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