I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2003: Plan for the help of the sky

Anlin wants to open now, don't worry so much, let's talk about it.

Anyway, now, no one can dare to control, the intelligence is the most important!

"Butian help is very welcome to join you." The son-in-law reached out and smiled.

Anlin took a hand with the son-in-law, and this is the first time he has shaken hands with the son-in-law. The soft and warm touch like Wen Yu makes him feel very special.

The niece smiled and looked at An Lin, and the smile she showed was similar to that of her sister.

An Lin was trying to retract his hand, but he found that his hand was caught by the jade hand and he was unwilling to let it go. The jade hand also touched his hand carefully, and he was somewhat greedy and enjoyable.

Anlin was shocked. Was he being raped by a woman?

Just when he came up with this idea, the son-in-law had already taken back the jade hand, and turned around and said nothing to the woman on the side: "The goddess of the gods, Anlin has joined the help of Tiantian, are you interested, do you want to Together, there is also a kind of care for him."

Nvwa not only wants An Lin, but now she has a meaning for Xu Xiaolan.

Xu Xiaolan smiled calmly and shook his head. "No, I'm going to fight with Anlin. I will follow who to fight. He wants me to help me. I will try to help, so it will be fine."

From the words and reactions of Anlin before, she already knew what the real purpose of Anlin’s joining the Tiantian gang was. It was not good for her to follow. Yes, this kind of thing is enough for one person to go. If two people are helping the sky to help themselves, it is too rude!

An Lin silently gave Xu Xiaolan a glance, and it seems that Xiaolan really understands him.

"Okay." The son-in-law lost a little and smiled. "That Anlin, let's sign the contract for the sky now, and then I will tell you the core secrets of the Tiantian."

An Lin’s heart is slightly shocked, so fast? !

"God goddess, you are here for a while." The son-in-law waved with one hand, and the color space hole appeared again in front of him. "An Lin, you come with me."

Saying, the son-in-law took the lead in entering the space door.

Anlin hurried to keep up.

After entering the space door, a violent stun of the space flooded the whole body.

An Lin couldn't help but be shocked. At this level, there would be a sense of spatial dizziness, which proves that the space shuttle energy density is extremely high, and the place to go is likely to be a high level.

The field of view changes rapidly.

Soon, a soft white light shines in front of you.

Anlin saw endless stars, they formed rivers, formed stars, and formed various star maps. His gaze passed through the endless starry sky, and he saw a continent shining in the middle of the star field, as if in the center of an infinite star.

The field of view begins to draw closer.

He finally saw the appearance of the continent, the world he lived in, the world of a heavenly place, the vastness of the world’s vast sky, and numerous black and white cracks spreading around, destroying and collapsing. spread.

On the earth, there is a white light rising from the sky, directly into the hole of the cave, releasing a thick energy, as if to fill the hole.

Not far from the white light, there is an extremely sharp black and white spear, which is tied to the ground, pointed to the sky, and the ultimate edge seems to penetrate the whole world.

Its tail, releasing a myriad of black lines, spread the entire continent, and spread upwards in the margins, it is a black array, is constantly gathering the atmosphere of the earth, the power of the earth, as if to carry the mainland of the early Everything goes through the sky.

In addition to the most conspicuous black and white spears, there are 999 small spears facing the various nodes of the sky, and they are constantly accumulating.

It can be expected that the power of these spears will be earth-shattering once they break out.

Anlin knew a lot when he saw this picture.

"This is my simulation projection of the status quo of the mainland. Here, you can feel the state of the mainland at the beginning of the day." The son-in-law said.

Anlin nodded a little excitedly, and for the first time he was so intuitive to observe the state of the early continent. I have to say that the state of the mainland was very strange at the moment. There was a doctor who wanted to save it. There was a killer who wanted to kill it. They all showed their tools, but they all prepared their own without affecting each other. Things...

If the mainland has thoughts in the early days, it must be very panic now.

"You also saw that our goal is to fill the holes in the sky." The son-in-law extended a white jade index finger and pointed to the hole that looked like a sly.

"And the help of the sky, they want to face the hole in the sky, come to a fatal blow, make up the knife, so that the whole heavens are smashed." The son-in-law continued to say, "and then the day, this way Thoughts and practices are crazy, and the future will be difficult to predict. If you are not careful, you will be ruined."

Anlin knows that the son-in-law’s words are not horrible, but they are really.

How can a true fairness and justice be achieved when a living being is a high heaven? How to ensure that the creature will make the world a better place? Instead of being awkward?

Unless the other party erases his own thoughts and becomes a manager who does not really have any feelings, he thinks that it is problematic to manage the world in this way, and it is unfair.

Anlin is also thinking about the ocean god.

Although the ocean **** is originally a heavenly road ~www.readwn.com~ but it is a self-conscious heaven, and it is not much different from the general creature. If you really let it dominate the whole heaven, the ghost knows what will happen, one heaven, one hell, how can Anlin guarantee that the idea of ​​Ocean God is heaven?

When I think about it, I feel that it is more reliable.

This is also why the first thing Anlin wants to know is to help the sky. Although the people who break the sky are good to him, he is more inclined to make up the sky. As long as the sky is successful, what authority is the gods, all will be cleaned up. One does not stay.

"We make up the heavens, it is a gang that conforms to the nature of heaven. What we do, sheltered by the pan-awareness of the heavens, even if it is the supreme authority of the gods, I dare not interfere with it. This is why I have to open the sky for so long, even suppress The strength of the other side, they still dare not say a word." The son-in-law faintly said.

Anlin always thought that the Tiantian help would not be unnecessary. Now it sounds like it doesn’t need to be just right. Anyway, the enemy doesn’t dare to marry them...

"Our plan to supplement the sky is divided into six steps. The first step is to locate the material filling, the second is to repair the heaven, the third is to rebuild the structure, the fourth step is the filling of the road, and the fifth step is the heaven. Consummation, the sixth step is negative removal."

"Now, what we are doing is the reconstruction of the structure. It has almost been completed. The fourth step is to fill the ball and prepare to open..." the son-in-law said.

Anlin listened to the third step of Ocean God, and curiously asked: "What do you mean by the filling of the power?"

Nüwa looked at An Lin, her eyes deep and clear, and smiled: "Heaven is divided into material form and power form. Power is the way, that is, the authority that contains the highest law, and the power is filled... naturally it is to repair the defect's authority. . . . What we have to do is to repair the dark authority to perfection!"

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