I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2012: The king in the dark

The land of the extreme east of the mainland.

In a pure white sea of ​​light.

The figure is sturdy, the curve is perfect, the woman made up of light particles, sticking out the fingers, gently opening a light group, a huge picture begins to appear with the spread of the light group, there is a look of respect and a dark body. Ant family.

Behind it is the vast expanse of white sand in the loess.

The dense body of the ant corpse fell to the ground, broken and was eaten by countless nine secluded demons. The **** desperate breath seemed to pass directly to the woman through the picture.

"Respected Bright Lord God, the army of ants has been completely annihilated." The ant man respectfully bowed, and the white aura on his head was bubbling, as if he was jumping.

It is the hope of the ant family, the ant emperor.

"Doing a good job, ant gods, how much is left in the nine secluded demons?" Guangming goddess smiled.

"A total of 28 million nine secluded demons, now there are 22 million remaining, they have been further improved by the corpse of the ants, because of the corpse of the ants." The ant man respectfully said.

"Very good, the next step knows how to do it?" asked the goddess of light.

The ant man grinned: "Of course."

The picture is interrupted.

The ant emperor, or ant god, looked at the scene of the bleak and **** surroundings. One of the ants died on the ground, the broken body, desperate eyes, extraordinarily embarrassing and heart-wrenching. The richness of the **** smell of the extreme makes the tens of thousands of miles round, and it is full of disgusting taste.

"Is the ant family a genocide?" Ant God smiled as if it had nothing to do with it. There are millions of ant creatures who die in its hands, but its heart is not fluctuating.

"The race of such garbage has long been unworthy of living in this world." Ant God stepped on the head of an ant strong man, and the ant strong man twitched as if he was still instinctive.

Hey! !

The waves are rolling up.

The head was smashed by the ant god.

"No, the ant is not a genus. I am also an ant. From now on, the ant is a new ant, a powerful and full of ant..." Ant God smiled and walked forward. The hole in the back began to open, and then a golden egg spurted out of the hole.


The egg fell to the ground.

However, this is not over yet.

Ant's **** is constantly growing.

Puff puff……

Ant God walked slowly forward.

Spray an egg in one step.

This kind of self-confidence and proud appearance makes the surrounding nine secluded demons awe-inspiring.

From the essence of life, Ant God is indeed the emperor's emperor.

But it is not entirely an ant emperor, because it is also personally given the power of power by the God of Light, and is the supreme authority of the ants that are tailor-made for it. When it was born, it was the peak and strongest of the ant! !

Yes, in essence, it is a god.

Moreover, it is the **** of the second local life-weighted handle power in the world. How strong is this god, even it does not know it, but it is certain that it has the confidence to destroy the human race!

"Kyushu world..." Ants looked to the north, the corners of the mouth cracked, and the tentacles of the dark, ghost-like lanterns rose up to the sky, smiling with sinfulness. "I am coming, the old ants have died, and the new ants have been born." That is enough to dominate the entire continent. I will let you know what is called the fear of being dominated by the ants!!"


Abyss and abyss.

The division of the Kyushu border and the ant white sand.

In the abyss of infinite depth, there is a group of distorted demon evils. They are very different from the nine secluded demons. The nine secluded demons are addicted to killing, and the demon is metamorphosis. Both life and spirit are distorted, with infinite negative emotions, and some unwilling creatures, once close to them, It will also go crazy.

The demon's individual strength is very strong, and the starting strength can be beautifully cultivated. They are active in the abyss, and no one knows their exact number.

At this time, the long and deadly abyss suddenly began to be lively.

The screams of the demon screams are endless.

A **** shrouded in dark shadows, walking slowly in the dark abyss, constantly deep inside the abyss, behind the shadows, actually followed thousands of evil spirits.

"Hey!!" A horrible demon suddenly burst out of the rock, and his face slammed into the **** of one side.

The gods stretched out their hands and slowly pressed.

The demon's body stagnated in the void, and the distorted face suddenly became more distorted and more mad, as if it was eroded by what power.

"Degenerate... Fallen... Let the unwanted ones abandon, reveal the true desires, and release the inner evils completely..." The voice of the gods is deep and deep.

The demon struggled wildly, and the eyes gradually turned from red to pure black, and the breath was even more terrifying. In the end, the painful and distorted face gradually became silent, and then he smiled strangely and silently followed the gods and never did the rest. thing.

God does not go to see it and continues to move forward.

Every demon that comes to him will eventually follow behind it. Not only that, but the space of hundreds of miles, all evil spirits, will silently follow the god.

The gods kept going deep into the abyss, and kept on going to the bottom of the earth. There are more and more demons behind him, 10,000, 100,000...

It is like a dark emperor. No matter where you go, you will be surrendered, and your body will be in a flash, and the millions of monsters will bow down.

"Can't let you go any further, stop here."

A voice rang.

Then, a man who was also shrouded in the shadow appeared in front of the gods, and opened the pair of deep and vast eyes like a star.

The gods stepped in a footstep, then looked at the presence in front of the curiosity and laughed: "Oh? Is there a living creature here? Interesting, interesting..."

"However, you dare to block my way..." The corner of the gods bends into a demon arc, arms open, and the supreme breath begins to spread. "Do you know who I am?"

"I feel degeneration and instinct from your body. You should be depraved. Should I call you a fallen god?" The man whispered.

The arrogant appearance of the gods was slightly stunned. Obviously, he did not expect the other party to be able to see his identity. Even if he had seen more than a dozen superpowers in the battlefield on the Eastern Front, he did not know the essence of its power, but the man in front of him. ......

"Since you know my identity, you should know that I am pinching you, and there is no difference between pinching an ant, not rolling?!" The fallen **** faintly opened.

"No~www.readwn.com~ The man shook his head. "It’s you. ”

"Hehehe... find death!" The fallen **** suddenly rushed toward the man, and the black light of one hand ran directly on the man's face. "Then you will change back to the particle!!"

But as soon as the hand was about to shoot the man's face, a black hand tore the darkness of the fallen **** at a faster speed, pressing on the chest of the god.

"The fourth day of breaking the sky..."

"Heavenly palm!!"

Jinguang pierced all the darkness and reflected the face of the fallen god.

It seems as if the palm of the hand would shatter the true meaning of the whole world. It is like a raging wild wind engulfing the fallen god, and the palm of the hand is straight and straight, and the chest of the fallen **** begins to sag and then is smashed...

Hey! ! !

Golden light exploded.

The horror of the palm of the hand pushed all the way, not only the fallen gods, but also the demon behind the fallen gods were also smashed and annihilated, pulling a path of death in the abyss.

"It’s awkward, it’s crazy...”

The sound of gravel falling in the abyss echoed.

The man slowly closed his hand.

The fallen **** has been photographed and disappeared.

He looked at the darkness in the distance and sighed helplessly.

"I know your identity, but you don't know my identity..."

"Why don't you ask me who I am?"

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