I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2022: Ant god

The bright and dazzling day appeared in the south of the mainland.

The difference is that there is already a sun in the sky, and now there is one more.

It releases the pure essence of the sun, releasing true light and heat. I don't know because of the distortion of the atmosphere, or because the distance is too close, the sun appears bigger and more hot, as if the earth was burned together.

The creatures who do not know the truth, watching the sun in the distance, are extremely upset. Even if the sun appears, why is there a fiery cloud ring around the sun? Also, the bottom of the smoke is lingering, the magma is lasing, is this really the rhythm of the ground?

Fortunately, this sun is coming fast and getting fast.

Soon, it disappeared completely, as if it had passed the world in the future.

Outside of Akihabara.

A huge pit, appearing on the earth, is like a big bowl, a bowl that can be loaded into the heavens and the earth, and there is a burst of hot red soup, which is a magma that melts into the earth.

The oriental sturdy, Shangguanyi, Xiaoze and other super powers, also exerted the body of the gods, completely afraid to withdraw, and looked at the scene in front of them.

Xiaohong is standing on the void, and the glittering fingertips are still lightly pointing forward.

There was nothing in front of her, and the bottom was the center of the bowl. There was a fascinating faucet on the magma, but there was only one faucet left, and the body was completely gone.

Then a big sun explodes in the belly, and what you want to keep in your body is simply a luxury.

"Xiao Tu, deputy director, you have nothing to do." Xiaohong looked at the faucet below and looked worried. "I just made the sun not blow your head. You should be fine?"

Xiao Tu spit a bubble in the magma, looked at the little red in the air, and smacked his mouth and sighed. "Who told you, as long as the head keeps it, there will be nothing?"

Xiaohong patted the **** chest and sighed with a sigh of relief: "Too good, can still talk, it seems that there is really nothing."

Xiao Tu: "..."

The friends of the public were also cheering, and the head of Xiao Tu, the great hero of this battle, was brought up and placed on the ground.

"There is still one head that can survive. It's incredible!" Shangguanyi was amazed.

"Even if you don't have a head, it can survive." Xiao Ze looked at the half-dead Xiao Tuo faint.

Xuan Yucheng and others have also rushed over, and they are all surrounded by Xiao Tu.

"Is the sun delicious?" Su Xiaoyun asked a beautiful blue dragonfly and asked curiously.

Xiao Tu: "..."

"Purple Star Court provides a free body spawning service. Do you have this need?" Bai Ling asked a soft and thoughtful smile, softly asked.

Finally, there is a personal comfort, Xiao Tu excitedly nodded: "Yes, especially need!"

It hasn't tried such a heavy injury. If Xiaohong doesn't keep its head, it can't really be killed by a sun. It's horrible to destroy the power and destroy the power.

"Right, is the ant **** god destroyed?" Cocosti asked.

"Of course! It is melted in my stomach by the sun and there is no residue left!" Xiao Tu said with great certainty.

Everyone heard it was a happy cheer.

They succeeded in defeating the most powerful enemy, and they were all destroyed!

This matter is very significant. It is very horrible to know that Ant God is terrible. It can be said that it is not too late. If you let it develop and produce a bunch of new ant army, then they really can’t stand it. The rest of the Kyushu Coalition Certainly can't stand it.

"Are we smashing the plan of the supreme authority of the gods?" Tang Ximen was somewhat happy.

Bai Ling smiled and nodded, and then there was some confusion: "The ant **** can completely develop once and then carry out the general attack. I don't understand why it is so urgent."

"It may be that it looks low in the dog's eyes, thinking that the power at that time is enough to push Kyushu? Wang!" Dabai guessed.

"It may also be... they are very anxious, there is no time to wait any longer." Xuanyuan Cheng said.

Xiao Ze nodded and smiled: "In any case, we have achieved a great victory is a fact, go back to the celebration feast!!"

Bai Ling smiled and said: "Yes! I applied to Anlin. The members of this battle, each one is an elixir, and the outstanding meritorious deeds are more!"

When Bai Ling’s words came out, everyone was excited and cheered.

At this time, in the far distance of the giant bowl, the cracks spread over the ground.

A dark little ant is crawling secretly.

On its head, there is a small ring of gods that hides and has no breath. ,

"Damn! I turned out to be... I almost killed them!"

"If it weren't for me to have a ant reincarnation, the supreme practice of crossing the sea, I really have no life!"

The dark little ants gnash their teeth and their faces are full of unwillingness and humiliation: "I obviously want to push Kyushu horizontally and shock the world. How can we not even attack a city? How can we not even attack a city? ......"

It is the ant god, at this moment the proud ant **** is full of humiliation and grievances.

"Wait..." Ant God looked at the Sparks in the distance. "Four Jiu Xianzong... The next time I reappear in the world, I must take you to the feet, swearing and humiliating!"

Hey! ! !

A silver light suddenly flashed ~www.readwn.com~ green blood splash.

The black ant body suddenly became a half.

"Hey?" Ant God stunned for a moment, and then the pain of heartbreaking began to scream it.

"Oh... it’s still alive..." A girl with a beautiful face wearing a tight black robe, kneeling on the floor, looking at the ants struggling on the ground.

The ant gods trembled, the blood seemed to solidify, and looked up at the girl in front of her eyes.

This girl has the impression that she will return to the virtual level of the nine secluded demons and cut the melons and vegetables.

"Ant God? Almost let you escape..." Ye Ling smiled.

"Impossible, I have clearly concealed the breath, and I have been sheltered by the most natural source. How can you find me?" Ant God looked terrified, his face full of despair and unbelievable.

It is weak and weak now, and the other party is absolutely capable of killing it.

“Why would you find out?” Ye Ling’s 眨明眨, clear as if he could reflect the world, smiled. “Nature is seen, so I found out...”

"Impossible! This is absolutely..."


Hey! ! !

The silver light flashed again.

The myth of Ant Tian has not finished yet, and the body suddenly became tens of thousands of paragraphs.


The ring of God is broken and turned into light and grain in the heavens and the earth.

"Hey... is this really dead?"

Ye Ling licked his eyes.

"Ye Ling Shijie, what are you doing there, come over!" Xiao Ze shouted in the distance.

"It's going to be divided into immortals." Liu Qianxiao shouted loudly.

Ye Ling smiled and stood up, his voice crisply said: "Come on!"


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