I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2024: The fairy palace is coming

The light of the space door is getting more and more dazzling.

The breath of the two worlds came out.

Obviously, this is a channel connecting the two circles.

Suddenly, a blue-haired, fair-skinned, thin-skinned man probed his head out of the space door and carefully understood the surrounding environment.

After a while, he was ecstatic, and exclaimed: "Come out, we really came out, this is the new world, it is probably the world where Xian Wang is!!"

There was a surge in the light.

Then, a strong body shape began to appear.

There are hundreds of people in total, and each of them is a power of returning to the virtual level. The three most central ones are the existence of a harmonious environment.

A blue-haired man holding a golden harpoon, his eyes are blue and not angry.

A woman in red, the body is not extinguished, the tallest figure is so tall, and a pair of beautiful and beautiful looks like a heart-to-heart.

The last man was introverted, wearing a plain robes and an ancient sword hanging from his waist.

"Here is the Taichu continent that Xian Wang said?"

"Good spirit!"

One strong person reveals the color of curiosity and exclamation.

At the same time, they also have a arrogance on their bodies.

In the Shenyuan continent, they are the immortals of the spiritual world, the most noble and noble, and have the ability to turn the river over the sea. This strength is believed to have a great role in the early mainland!

Yes, these strong people are coming from the mainland of God.

Since Anlin took away the fragments of Heaven, the Shenyuan continent has not only failed, but it has been suppressed for a long time, and it has been released. The concentration of vital energy has skyrocketed, and various singular fairy tales have appeared. The immortal people have realized that the realm has become simpler. There are even three dying subversions that have entered a new realm and a harmonious environment.

"Yang Lingqian Daoyou, can you contact Master Xian Wang?"

At this time, a good super-powerful look at a red-haired female repairing in the early days of returning to the virtual, with a rare respect in the look.

Yang Lingqian stretched out the slender hand of the white, looked at the red bracelet on the wrist, and the delicate face showed a blush, whispered: "I... I can feel him in this world, but I don't know his specificity." Orientation."

"Oh, then let's make a big news in this world, let the Queen of the Kings come to us, can't you?!" A fairy singer who returned to the illusory peak.

The super-powerful hand with the golden harpoon slightly frowned: "This is not good, the Queen of the Kings certainly does not like us to do things like this."

"Hey God, you are also a fairy king. Do you still care about the thoughts of the Emperor King?" The fairy face has an unclear smile.

"Yeah, I want to say that when Anlin Xianwang was in the same league, it was also five or five, and you were even more powerful than the original wind. Why should you still fall under Anlin Xianwang?" Another glamorous Shang Xianjiao laughed.

"European balcony, Shizhen, do you know what you are talking about? You are a big disrespect for Anlin Xianwang! If there is no Anlin Xianwang, there will be a great creation in the Shenyuan continent? Can you have today?!" Ling Qian face is angry, and there is no scorn in the face.

"The change of heaven and earth is the way of heaven and earth. What is the relationship with the king of Anlin? I really don't understand why you have to attribute these changes to the king of Anlin." An old man must shake his head.

"I am afraid that someone thinks that the position of the cabinet that they rely on is not guaranteed, so they must desperately maintain the status of the first person in the mainland of Anlin?" Shi Zhen said with a smile.

"After all, the river god, Yan Ji, Wang Chen are the king of the king, and stronger than the wind. At the beginning, Anlin was just the same as the wind. It is indeed inappropriate to monopolize the title of the first person in the mainland." "There is another singer who is straight and straight."

"You...!" Yang Lingqian was so beautiful that he didn't know what to say.

She knows that these people are becoming more and more proud with the rapid rise of the realm, but never imagined that they dared to openly say such words. Is this not to keep Anlin in the eye? !

Before using her sensory to open the two-way passage, these people still have a respectful respect. Now that the passage is open, they can sway in the new world and tear their faces in an instant.

"Okay, don't make a noise." River God interrupted the quarrel between the two sides.

Yan Ji followed and smiled: "That is, Anlin Xianwang is also our old boss. Even if you want to divide the power resources of the Shenyuan continent, you have to agree with his old man."

"I am not interested in these, I just want to know, I am now with the Anlin Xian Wang who is strong and who is weak." Wang Chen eyes calm and cold, faintly open.

Yang Lingqian listened to the words of these strongest people, and felt a sadness again.

She knows that the other party's words still retain a trace of An Lin's face, but this is only built in the past, and there is no tribute from the bottom of my heart.

"We should be in the deep sea now, let's go to the top of this world."

The river **** opened the way.

All the cents are saying yes.

The river **** has a high status in their minds, and even Yan Ji and Wang Chen have paid homage to him.

After he left Anlin, the first person who broke through the kingdom of the gods in the Shenyuan continent pointed out a way to cultivate the Ming Dynasty. In terms of prestige, he is much bigger than Anlin.

The immortals floated together~www.readwn.com~ This sea is milky white, so interesting. ”

"There are these roots, so big, straight into the sea, is this some kind of giant tree?"

"I felt a very strong vitality from it and really wanted to take him away."

"Don't act rashly, first rise to the top to see what the tree is."

"Is this a broken big array? I feel the energy of the big array, but it is broken by the trunk. This tree is not simple..."

The immortals saw a kind of vision in front of them, and they were all hot and excited.

The crowds came out of the sea and saw the blue sky and a tree that was too big to imagine.

"God...this tree, how could it be so high?" The European balcony was shocked.

"I can't see the end at all? Is this the **** tree? Is there any treasure on it?" Shi Zhen was so hot that he began to move.

"Is it better to use this tree of God as our first stronghold?"

"But, this place, certainly has the power to occupy it?"

Shi Zhenjiao smiled and said: "This kind of thing that makes the world's great creation, of course, is the possession of our Xianwang forces, and the rest are not worthy!"

All the immortals heard or agreed or defaulted, and there were very few objections.

They are the strongest immortals in the Shenyuan continent. They naturally have the ambition to fight against the outside world. For the occupation of a **** tree, isn't that the hand coming?

All the celestial beings look at the three princes, and as long as the three princes speak, they will certainly not hesitate.

At this time, not far from the tree of God, suddenly there were dense black spots.

"Dare to swear at me in Zhongtianmen, die!!"


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