I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2051: Ultimate day penalty

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The celestial people who rushed to the forefront of the front line felt a hot back.

They turned and found that they had become a flame purgatory behind them.

This flame purgatory completely divided the Tianren army into two pieces. Originally, they could still move forward without any direction. After all, there are people behind, fighting without panic. But now, behind the scenes become hell, they have become more and more bully and become a minority of trapped beasts, this situation is different...

Sure enough, the Tiantian Allied Forces began to charge and excitedly seized this rare opportunity to kill the strikers of the Tianren army!

The marshal of the apocalypse began to use the power of heaven to suppress the flame on the ground and provide marching channels for the army. However, this kind of effort actually weakened the output of the enemy's top-level combat power. Anyway, it was earned by the Tianlian Army. .

The lethality of the first smelting ground of the smashing land is lower than that of the sacred swords, only seven million casualties, but this is only relative. For the Tianren coalition, this is absolutely It is a terrible number of casualties.

"Fast, let me kill the prisoner!"

"There are also glazed Buddhas, Gabriel Angels!"

The supernatural powers of the Tianren nationality coalition and the strong spirits of the apocalypse began to flock to the nine joint roads of the big squad. They are the masters of the big tactics. As long as they kill them, this big bang The threat will plummet.

It’s too horrible to show the power until now, which makes the Heavenly Terrans willing to pay all the price to break through this big battle. As long as the big bang is broken, the squadron will certainly not be able to withstand the wave of the Tianren coalition.

"Hey! Kill them!" The sacred dragon and white night forks fluttered together, turning into a sharp curved moon knives and rushing toward the glazed light Buddha. Wherever it passes, the broken Tianlian army is horrible. Teared in half.

"Kill the glazed light Buddha." The five-day Terran Marshal also pounced on the existence of the Buddha.

But at this moment, one of the most powerful fairy tales suddenly fell towards them.

"Breaking the sky!"

"The tiger screams through the sky."

"A nightmare, a thousand instants!!"

I saw more than 90 returning immortals and two super-powerful composers to form a hundred-strong squad, constantly arranging the harassment of the attack of the sacred dragon and the marshal of the Tianren.

They are the strong people of Shenyuan Pavilion.

After the blessing of the celestial system, the smashing method can play the attack of the peak level of the road. In addition to being bullied by the gods on the battlefield, there is no fear of other enemies.

The magical powers of the immortals have been greatly increased by the blessings of the hundred celestial arrays. The white night forks are dodging, and they are indiscriminately bombarded by dozens of techniques, screaming and falling to the earth.

The marshals of the apocalypse did not dare to face the sharps of the celestial beings, and they were forced to retreat. One of the marshals was even killed by the joint venture of Yan Ji and He Shen.

At this time, the real role of Shenyuan Pavilion is revealed. The invincible king below Tianshen, the super stable Baixian group, no matter whether it is single-handed or group, is invincible.

And they also spontaneously protect the safety of the nine major roads in Haotian.

The rest are not the super powers in the big bangs, but also the nine joint roads that are desperately guarding the big squad. At one time, the strongmen of the Tianren nationality coalition cannot make fatal damage to the nine superpowers. The situation has become a deadlock for a time.

At this time, dozens of heavenly marshals exchanged a look with each other.

One of the extraordinary temperament marshals first went to the sky, and with a devout face stretched out, the sky suddenly had a holy light landing, shining on his body.

"Respect and eternal day, I am Chen, please allow me to use the ultimate punishment of the heavens, clean all the enemies of the day..." His voice was clear, humble and sincere.

A golden light spot fell from the sky and fell into the eyebrows of Marshal Chen.

Marshal Chen’s forehead began to appear in the golden sky pattern. In fact, it began to rise wildly. At the same time, the rest of the heavenly marshals seemed to feel a sense. They opened their minds to special language, and at the same time, a strand of energy was radiated from them and then rushed to the sky. go with.

Chen Erju looked down at the tens of millions of squadrons in front of him. His face was full of indifference and absolute self-confidence: "Don't think that only you have a killer, our Tianren coalition has a card..."

He single-handedly pointed to the sky, while the rest of the heavenly marshal, also a single finger to the sky.

At this time, the sky has already surged like a cloud of white energy, holy and pure, but it has made the powerful forces of the squadrons aware of the ultimate danger.

"Our card is called ... the ultimate punishment!"

"Eternal and great day, purify all the enemies in front!!"

Rumble! ! !

The sky is roaring.

The anger of God finally broke out.

Majestic and infinite, endless, contains absolute power.

The white clouds are getting thicker and thicker, and this moment, as if the whole sky is going to be pressed down.

The glazed light Buddha seems to have noticed something, his face suddenly changed, and the Buddha sound suddenly spread throughout the battlefield. He couldn’t understand what he said, but everyone understood what he meant: don’t run away, use all strength to defend !

Just then, the sky has fallen to the white mans.

It is like the sun, instantly illuminating the entire battlefield and shining on every creature.

A true demon family has not had time to display the defensive method ~ www.readwn.com ~ was covered with white light, and then he trembled, his eyes became blurred.

"This light, so warm, is this what I have been pursuing?"

He looked up at the white light in the sky and reached out to touch.

"It turned out to be the case. The original mistake was me... I beg you, beg you to forgive me..." The real demon strong suddenly fell to the ground, his face of remorse, tears pleading.

Then, his body began to turn into light particles disappeared.

The real demon man seems to have been redeemed, and his face has a smile, so he disappeared into the world without any slight resistance.

This scene happened in countless days.

Whether he is a true demon, a holy martial art, or a very savvy Buddhist monk, he can't resist this kind of light, or burst into tears, or obsessed with obsessiveness, and then turned into light particles disappearing.

The ultimate punishment of the heavens covers thousands of miles of battlefields, and it is covered by light curtains. Even a fine dust is illuminated by it. The real top map cannon, in just one moment, there are tens of millions of towering coalition forces. The creature is recruited.

Only the strongest who exerts the defensive method will greatly reduce the probability of the middle move.

But they are not safe, and the strong people who have already become gods are turned into light particles.

This technique does not have any energy fluctuations. It does not seem to be harmful. It is incomparably holy and pure. It is like purifying the light of the soul. But because of this, the Tianlian Allied Forces can’t even know how to resist. Silently bear...

The white mans of the sky, there is no sign of retreat, but more intense, the casualties of the Sky Alliance are still increasing rapidly!

The tens of millions of troops of the squadrons have been shocked, and this is finally the punishment of the ultimate heaven, even if many people are not enough to kill these celestial people! !

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