I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2071: The most peak of Anlin's strength

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Anlin's speed is very fast. Everything between heaven and earth can't stop his footsteps. Anyone who blocks in front of him is swallowed up by his darkness.

The evil spirit sword roared against the earth god.

"I really thought that the monopoly could not suppress you, would I have nothing to do with you?" The earth gods stunned and smothered, and escaped the sword of Anlin with a very subtle body, with a single fist and a fist. The white man in front.

Hey! !

The power of the blue-yellow authority fluctuated.

Representing the absolute power of the infinite earth, it fell to the front of Anlin, and the boxing force covered the heavens and the earth, so that Anlin had nowhere to escape. Yes, this punch can't be avoided at all, it can only be hard.

Anlin flashed a smudge of the eye, and returned to the front of the sword at a very fast speed. At this time, the fist had fallen on his sword. At this moment, the heavens and the earth were completely quiet.

Then, the earth-shattering explosion exploded!

Bang! ! !

The earth is tearing and the sky is collapsing.

The endless blue-yellow energy bursts, and the madness impacts the absolute darkness.

From a distance, it is as if black and blue are colliding with each other.

The earth **** poured in this fist all the power he could use. The whole continent was resonating with him, and the inexhaustible power of the earth spontaneously gathered on his fist, as if carrying the entire mainland of the early dynasty, and fell to the white man in front of him.

The darkness behind Anlin was frantically surging, and there were even signs of ebb tide.

The earth represents matter, and the darkness represents nothingness. These are two distinct attributes.

This is also the first top collision between material and nothingness!

There is no color in the sky and the earth, and everything in the world is replaced by the power of the vast land and the power of pure darkness.

The yin and yang gods and the ocean gods were shaken back and forth by the aftershocks of the bursting of energy.

Even the surrounding marine cages were torn apart.

This collision is too exaggerated, not only large, but even lasting.

On the battlefield of Yuetong Shencheng, which is very far away from here, not only is the strong and strong, but even the ordinary soldiers have seen the collision of energy in the West. At the end of the world that was reddened by the setting sun, there was a blue-yellow and darkness strangled in a mad collision, and the terrible power completely obscured the world.

"God, what level of battle is this?"

"I have sensed the vastness of the earth from the vastness of the earth, and it is absolutely not wrong. The blue-yellow energy is definitely the power of the earth god!"

"No... Is it that the earth and the darkness are fighting? What is going on?"

The strong people are a bit embarrassed, and they don’t know what is going on in the distance.

The mysterious dark god, the overbearing earth god, shouldn't these two be enemies of the Terran? Why did you fight together?

What role does Anlin play in it?

All the creatures on the battlefield are basically in vain.

However, no matter what, the two great ones fight each other, and most of them are good for them.

In the vast battlefield, only Xu Xiaolan, fighting against Buddha, Yunmeng Ying, Michael and others, knowing what the darkness represents, some of them are worried, some are excited and looking forward, and they can’t wait to leave their eyes immediately. Fight and run over the strong onlookers.

Two high-level God-level battles, who do not want to see?

As the sun gradually fell to the horizon, the colors of the dusk became even more bleak.

The blue-yellow energy and the dark energy are still colliding and strangling.

The power of the earth is taken from the entire mainland, and it can be said that it is endless.

The power of darkness is deep and eternal. No matter how powerful the power of the earth is, there is no sign of weakening, and it is not known when it is the end.

The earth gods pressed this to death.

Anlin held the sword in front of him and tried to push the sword to the body of the earth. The dark sword escaped and kept cutting the body of the earth god.

The stalemate between the two sides is longer than expected.

The yin and yang gods were shocked. He never thought about it. An Lin could be so deadlocked with the earth **** that broke out all the time. He has already had the highest level of authority.

But soon, his mind was once again alive.

The yin and yang gods kept on looking at the ocean gods. The ocean gods did not seem to see the general, and they always focused on the place where the two men fought.

The yin and yang gods are very anxious, and directly said: "Ocean gods, now the two people's battles are deadlocked, as long as you enter the game, you can break their balance and easily kill Anlin!"

"Anlin's potential and strength are too horrible. This must not be left. It must be removed here... If he is allowed to continue to live, he will inevitably endure trouble!"

Yin and Yang Tianshen bitterly persuaded and persuaded.

The ocean **** is unmoved.

"It is an insult to him to disturb the earth at this time. Unless he asks for help personally, I will not shoot." Ocean God is a master.

The yin and yang gods looked at the earth gods that were mad with Anlin. The face couldn’t help but pumped. At this time, the earth gods were all focused on resisting Anlin. The whole mind could not be dispersed, even the gods said one. The words are difficult, how can you ask for help?

He will not say this because he suddenly thought of a good way.

The ocean **** is not willing to shoot, he can shoot himself.

The earth **** can't pull his face for help. His yin and yang gods will take the initiative. At that time, the earth gods will blame a few words on the surface, but the impression of him in his heart is not much better.

Besides, at this time, it is the right way to get rid of the enemy that is harmful to the sky. It is what we should do with the authority of the gods, and it must be done with all the best. What is it like to fight dignity, isn’t it a joke?

I figured this out~www.readwn.com~Yinyang Tianshen no more burden, he suddenly flashed his body, tearing the void, rushing to Anlin at a very fast speed, while holding a black and white double-edged, roaring: "The earth God, I will help you!!"

The balance of stalemate between the two sides is broken by my yin and yang gods. It’s up to me to end this top battle with my yin and yang gods, and to knock down the dust of Anlin’s life, and step on it!

This is the most crucial moment, and one of the most critical turning points in maintaining the entire heavenly road. All of this will be decided by me.

For a time, the yin and yang gods gave birth to a sense of pride.

He has a double-edged yin and yang, and there is a huge array of endless yin and yang squid behind him. The revolving cycle is endless, as if it contains the mysterious power of the world, and then gathers in the black and white double-edged, the dual-edged power can be reminded Moved to the extreme.

"God gods, heaven and earth yin and yang!"

Yin Yang Tian Shen did not have Xiao Yan An Lin, a shot is his killing.

The black and white double-edged swords of the heavens and the earth carry the endless power and fall into the darkness in front of you.

Yin and Yang Tianshen intended to break the balance between the two sides, it is best to be able to fall along with An Lin’s head. But what he didn't expect was that the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth had just been thrown out, and his black blade was extremely strangely integrated into the darkness in front of him. It was like a drop of water falling into the deep pool, completely integrated into it, and even the cockroaches could not pick up. .

"This...how is this possible?" Yin Yang Tianshen widened his eyes, and then he had not waited for him to react. His white blade was sucked away by the blue-yellow energy behind him, as if the white blade was for the blue-yellow energy. Very delicious things that can replenish energy.

Holding the yin and yang double-edged, the yin and yang gods from the momentum, the weapon was swallowed by the enemy, and was robbed by the friendly army, standing in the center of the confrontation between Anlin and the earth god...

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