I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2078: Battlefield flower

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In the early days of the mainland.

The city of dawn.

A pure white force flow fell to the earth, and a deep pit was blown up on the earth. Numerous Kyushu coalition forces were dying in the explosion.

After a hundred million Tianren army, after more than 10 million casualties, it was finally a soldier. The first large-scale battle to protect the city of the morning sun has been smashed by the celestial beings and is crumbling.

The Emperor of Heaven is a white-colored gold emperor robe. Standing in the forefront of the big array, the majestic sea-like momentum, such as the tsunami rolling, shocked the more than 80 million troops in front of him.

In front of him, there are five god-level existences, releasing the endless power of the heavens, which is equally terrible, but the Emperor is still very calm.

The Emperor of Heaven has been a person who has seen a big scene. He can still cope with this scene! !

When I recalled that I was stationed on the Eastern Front, there were nine natural gods in front of me, and my legs were weak. Fortunately, the four gods of Guangming, when the ruins of the Purple Star ruins changed, they rushed over, and now only the five gods of Sky High are left on the battlefield.

Eternal God, Causal God, Space God, Wusong God, Donglong God.

Although this lineup is terrible, the Emperor feels that the East Line can still hold on. After all, it can counter the gods, not just him. The black spirit snake and the white spirit snake teamed up to compete against a god, the only dragon dance of the East China Sea Dragon Court, and barely dragged the footsteps of a god. There are three gods left, and the Emperor feels that he can cope!

Yes, he is also a traitor who can immediately serve as a tyrant. The understanding of the innocent can be said to be the peak, plus the power of blessings, playing a **** is tyrannical, hitting three Although the gods are somewhat reluctant, they are not impossible to cope.

The Emperor of Heaven has released his Supreme Integrity, and it is precisely because of this that these gods in front of them did not glimpse, but chose to watch cautiously.

"The big battlefield of the morning city is about to be broken. Let's go now. Anyway, the enemy in front of us is a common chicken and dog." Two young green spiked teenagers hang from the waist. He smiled openly, his eyes full of pride and disdain.

"No, the enemy in front looks very weak, but the card is definitely a lot. We still have the danger of overturning. I suggest to wait and see, and force the enemy's cards first." Silver-white long hair with a golden turtle shell behind it. The girl who is small and limbs curled up in the shell faintly said.

The two fronts are the Tianshen Heavenly Terran, the Donglong Tianshen and the Wusong Gods.

"How are you still so afraid of your feet? When you shrink your head, you don't feel the face of the gods?" Donglong Tianshen grinned.

"What do you know, this is called the enemy does not move, I do not move, if the enemy moves, I will move... Come and go freely, be clear-minded, and firmly control the battlefield." Wusong Tianshen’s head is half-finished in the golden tortoise shell. The eyes of the dead fish looked at the wall of the morning sun, and opened in a very flat and slow tone.

Donglong Tianshen heard the words and sneered, turned his head and stared at the Emperor on the wall, grinning and said: "Then you slowly shrink here, I am on."

At this moment, there was a long black hair, handsome tall man, stood up and blocked in front of Donglong Tianshen: "wait a second."

The arrogant look of Donglong Tianshen finally met with a few points after seeing the man in front of him.

Space God is the leader of their gods. When they disagree, the dark-eyed man has the greatest decision.

"The idea of ​​Wuhuan is actually very good. We just need to shock the top powerhouses here. As for the rest of the Terran coalition forces, the Tianren army we sent is enough to crush!" Space God is not afraid of the enemy in front of him. But these scenes have not yet reached the point where they are allowed to shoot.

It is irrational to lose the five kings to play on the court. First, look at how the enemy plays cards. They will crush the opponent step by step, let the other party despair, and let the other party perish. This is the correct operation.

Space God is enjoying this process.

Donglong Tianshen pressed the desire to shoot and looked at several colleagues next to him.

A young girl huddled in the golden tortoise shell and stared at the distant wall.

There is also a child who looks like a fat pier who still feeds his mouth in the mouth, and his eyes are not smashing into the sky, and he is indifferent to the war ahead.

The last one is more excessive, not only not talking, but still not moving. It is a long-term peace, the hands are kept in a strangely sealed position, and the statue with a big compassion on the face... The statue is suspended at high altitude. If there is a deep red ring on the head, I really think this is an ordinary statue.

Blackbird, cause and effect, eternal, these colleagues, it is really more than a strange.

Donglong retracted his mind and turned his eyes to the Emperor of Heaven who stood proudly at the wall of the city. He said with disdain: "It’s a cheap and despicable human being. Look at his sacred look. I really regard myself as a personal thing. Is he? I really thought that with him alone, I could block our offense?"

This is true.

The Emperor of Heaven only wants to put a style in the ordinary.

He is not arrogant enough to block all the gods by one person, just want to block three.

The battle on the battlefield is getting more and more intense.

The fighting between the Kyushu Allied Forces and the Heavenly Terran Allied Forces entered a climax. Every minute and every second, there were countless dead creatures, and the fierceness of the battle. It was the first time that the well-known Heavenly Emperor saw it.

All kinds of powerful techniques bloom in the earth under the night, and the heavens and the earth are reflected in colorful and gorgeous colors.

All kinds of real people are summoned, and all kinds of sacred beasts appear in the world, and the top-level techniques of high-level and artistic conception burst.

This scene is really like a dream, shocking my heart.

However, behind this dreamy battlefield, there are countless blood and death. Anyone, including the super power of the road, may fall on this battlefield.

The Emperor turned his eyes to his seven baby daughters~www.readwn.com~ Tianshou, Tianyang, Tianrong, Tianchang, Tianxian, Tianqing, Tianyu, these daughters are very competitive, each one has reached the virtual fairy The level is the main force on this battlefield.

They spared no effort to fight, blood stained with scented clothes, dyed their beautiful faces, and even horrible techniques left a ugly scar on them, but they did not have any fear and retreat On the contrary, it is more and more brave.

The Seven Fairies are like the glamorous battlefield flower that blooms between the heavens and the earth. It is a perfect interpretation of what is called a female hero in the world, what is the name of the girl?

When the Emperor saw this scene, he couldn’t help but whispered a sigh: "Well... I thought about giving birth to a son before. Now think about it, it’s good to have so many daughters..."


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