I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2083: Invincible Emperor

The Emperor of Heaven was once the first seed of the Tiantian gang, shouldering the burden of repairing the heavens and protecting the world and being safe and secure. No matter where you are, you must leave the last card on the sky.

But now, there is already Xiao Hongling to replace his position of the sky, he is no longer bound, and finally can use all the power to fight against the enemy!


The huge amount of energy on the battlefield began to swim with the movement of the Emperor.

Heavenly Emperor bathed in the infinite white skylight, the stalwart and dazzling.

In the area of ​​thousands of miles, the Tianren strong people suddenly found that they could not borrow the power of the heavens. They were not limited by their ability, but the power of the heavens in this area. They were all used by the Emperor. They have already No control!

Not only is the power of the heavens limited, but even a large range of vitality and various free energies on the battlefield are also autonomously attributed to the man’s majesty.

At this moment, only the man who is bathed in the sky is the real master.

"The pole of heaven, the emperor Yutian!"

With the one-handed wave of the Emperor, the endless white skylights obey the man’s command and slammed into the three gods not far away in a comprehensive coverage.

It is a terrible force of heaven, and it has a wide range of influences. The three gods stand in the void, as if they are facing the earth's power of heaven and dumping and crushing. There is nowhere to be avoided.

Wusong Tianshen did not hesitate to shrink the whole body into the turtle shell.

Donglong Tianshen roared, and chose to go straight up, with both hands clasping the green and green thorns, and screaming the sharpest thorns to the Emperor, and the endless white heaven power was torn into two halves by the sharp mans.

The space gods spread their hands flat, like a prismatic space composed of numerous transparent mirrors wrapped around the whole body. Under the impact of the surging sky, it is like a leaf boat floating in the air.

However, the enormous power of the heavenly power released by the Emperor of Heaven is so easy to parry. In this area, the power of the heavens is the only one of the heavenly emperors. They are madly crushed toward the three gods with infinite attitude.

In addition to this, there is also colorful energy, which is also impacted by the gods at the same time.

The three gods only felt that the heavens and the earth were full of infinite energy. They roared and groaned, like the absolute anger of the sky, and did not kill the other party.

The gods were caught in the center, and they could not see the day of the beginning.

"We insist on it! He suddenly has to be strong and has time limit. We will stay in the past!" Space God strives to maintain and cheers on his teammates.

Wusong Tianshen hid in the tortoise shell and said nothing, and shivered.

The most fierce is Donglong Tianshen. He holds a double thorn and tears the countless energy that has come to him. He tries his best to go upstream and step closer to the distance between the Emperor and the Emperor.

"By what... Why can you control the power of such a pure heaven?"

"Why can you use the power of heaven to deal with us... This is our strength!!" Donglong Tianshen bite his teeth and walked forward, his eyes staring at the Emperor, his face full of shame and anger.

The Emperor looked at the young man who was desperately coming to him, and did not expect the other party to be so tenacious, until now he still thought about the attack.

This Donglong **** is proud, arrogant, and looks down on people, but he has to say that he still has some advantages. At least he can still choose unyielding attack when the Emperor releases such terrible strength.

The green double thorns, in the midst of the enormous amount of heaven power and infinite energy, tear open a passage to the passage where the heavenly emperor is.

Going against the sky! !

The Emperor smiled and he appreciated the enemy.

Because this kind of enemy is not counting.

Very good deal.

"Ignorance of children."

The Emperor of Heaven is facing the tough Donglong god, a little finger.

Around the part of the surging force of the sky, suddenly condensed and contracted, in the Donglong Tianshen pupils, shrinking hundreds of times, and then directly out!

not good! !

Donglong Tianshen screamed badly. He did not expect that when the Emperor was manipulating such a huge amount of power, he could still perform partial energy manipulation.

His double thorns were also used on the open road, and the silver-white energy light column concentrated to the extreme penetrated his chest at an extremely fast speed, bringing out the blood like flowers.

The Emperor looked indifferently at the gods in front of him, and his fingers extended into curved five fingers.

"Who gives you the courage to face the edge of this emperor?"

Hey! ! !

There are countless energy gatherings to form a silver-white spear lasing!

Donglong Tianshen had no time to escape. The spear began to tear his protective body, penetrated his body, and pierced a shocking blood hole, head, neck, limbs, chest, abdomen... every part could not Fortunately.

"Donglong!" Space God saw this scene, and finally panic.

Even the causal gods and the eternal gods who fought in the distance couldn’t help but take a deep breath and the face was incredible.

Putting full-screen skills and putting on strong killing skills, is this too much? !

Donglong Tianshen’s blood flow is like a note. The hand holding the double thorns begins to loosen. The green spikes fall to the ground, and the body is unable to fall. It is destroyed by the endless power of the heavens.

"Resolve one." The Emperor began to turn his eyes to the other two gods.

Wuhuan Tenjin still hides in the golden turtle shell. The turtle shell is not known to be made of any material. It is very wear-resistant. It is still indestructible, but she does not dare to show her head.

The space **** is a face of anger, and the emperor is dying.

The Emperor smiled at the space god: "My favorite thing is to solve the hard bones, it's your turn."

As he walked, a huge amount of energy rushed with his movement.

The Emperor of Heaven is as if he is carrying the power of the whole world.

The space **** feels the sudden rise in pressure, and the strongest space guard wall built with authority in front of him has begun to crack at the speed visible to the naked eye...

"A good and powerful pressure..." Space God feels that death is covering the whole body.

The closer the Emperor is to him, the stronger the intuition.

There is no retreat...

The space gods reveal the decisive color, arms open, and the **** ring on the head bursts with unprecedented light. The crack begins to appear in the ring of gods: "God of Heaven, Infinite Sky!!"

Hey! !

A heavy space appeared around the Emperor.

Every heavy space has a blessing of power. It is many times more powerful than the ordinary space barriers. They overlap in layers and do not know the geometry, forming the most powerful and strong barrier in the world.

The Emperor of Heaven slammed into the space in front of him~www.readwn.com~ The turbulent energy between the heavens and the earth violently smashed several layers of space, and his speed began to be hindered and became slower and slower.

Not only that, every time he broke the space, the space debris will be turned into the sharpest blade, cut on his body, split his sleeves, and draw a blood mark on the skin.

"Oh? The space in the world is a layer, the interior is everything in the world, the outside is infinite chaos, you are good, using authority to create countless layers of space in the world..."


The Emperor still walked toward the space gods step by step, the energy was roaring, the space was cracking, and the speed of his progress slowed down, but the momentum that never went forward did not become weak.

"Unlimited gods? I would like to see if there is any space in the end that you say is infinite."

Boom! !

A space barrier broke down.

The space seems to have countless weights, but the power of the Emperor is as if it is not used at all.

The **** of the gods, which was cracked by overdraft, saw this scene and there was a cold sweat on his forehead.

He looked at the Emperor who stepped toward him step by step, and his heart was inexplicably more fearful.

Is this man really invincible? ! !


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